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Backstab's Chimera Rush

by Backstab

This sounds silly, because you can't really RUSH chimeras. Buy anyhow, the idea is simple. Just try to tech straight up to chimeras and as quickly as possible. This will not work on maps like Lost Temple and Gnoll Wood. A non-newbie will scout you really quickly and once they see you doing this they will rush you :P

Why chimeras?

They really own ground units and air units. They have 970 life, and are tanks. With just 5 chimeras + PoM, it should decimate lots of units with just one focus fire. With 8, it takes out a castle in less than 10 seconds.



You should always get PoM for several reasons. The true shot aura adds something like +12 damage to the chimera or something at level 3 (i'm not exactly sure what the attack bonus is but its over 10). Searing arrows have a badass range and are great for killing creeps in the beginning. You might wanna get a demon hunter later on, but I usually don't and just get another chimera instead ;)


Build Order

Just do the basic build order for NE, but just tech up like map and don't build any huntreses ;). I'm not sure what's the best. But this is what I usually do:

1. Cue up 3 wisps, get 4 wisps to gold mine, 1 build ancient of war.
2. next wisp that comes up build a moon well.
3. next wisp to wood
4. next wisp to gold mine etc.
5. get wisps until u have 10 wisps. Your ancient of war should be done by now, so train a PoM, and an archer (for leveling your hero). Also build huntress hall (not mandatory but I prefer doing it so i can build a few protectors)
6. once PoM is done upgrade tree to Tree of Ages, and start levelign your PoM like nuts.
7. once tree of ages is done, build more wisps for lumber, and build an altar when you have time.
8. once that's done, upgrade to Tree of Eternity, clear the creeps in expansion if you haven't. Build ancient of wind also.
9. once both of those are done, get a chimera roost. It's also about time to expand...

Things to remember: - absolutely no huntresses!!! (this adds to the fun to it)
                               - do NOT go into low upkeep, until you're start pumping chimeras, then go into low                                  upkeep.


Tips on Killing Creeps/Getting expansion

Killing the creeps on your natural expansion can be tough since you have usually just a PoM and an archer. What I do sometimes is to build an ancient protector outside the natural. I'll send my PoM in to attack a creep, then lure it to my ancient protector. With some easy micro you can kill the creeps easy and level your PoM. Once those creeps are cleared, build a tree of life, and move your protector(s) to your expansion. You should be in full swing now.


Mid Game

Once you have an expansion you should start upgrading your chimeras like mad. This is really simple now, if the guy attacks just defend with chimeras, and just focus fire smartly. Your protectors + PoM plus a few chimeras should be able to stop most attacks. If he has a paladin, go after paladin ASAP, if he has DK, go after the DK.

You should have tons of cash, so getting another chimera roost is always good as it speeds up production. Once you have enough chimeras, just attack and destroy expansions with your PoM and chimeras. Destroy all crypt fiends ASAPs if you see them right away. Oh and if you're planning on building some other units, build a druid of bear for roar, or a druid of talon for faerie fire and stuff.

Known Counters

Any type of rush from your opponnent will result in an easy death. If you scouted and your opponent has double rax or something, either screw it and go huntresses, or build some more protectors :P On maps like Tranquil Paths rushing is actually harder to pull off, but by exposing yourself like this is extremely risky. Basically if your opponent didn't rush you, he is either a) doing the same thing, teching up or building some anti-air, or b) expanding like mad, or c) he's stupid. If it's c, then you win, if it's a, then it will be fun as hell to see what he will get (i've yet to see a chimera fight :P. If it is b, then do an earlier attack to take out expansions.

Try this strategy in team games and do it to your friends, he'll be surprised if he sees it, because quite frankly, if you're NE, everyone expects you to do a huntress rush. Oh, and doing that with a teammate who's going frost wyrms is even more fun :P If you don't get rushed, it's basically an instant death for your enemies :)