the site with the elite name and nothing else


Protoss Build Orders

Rush Order:

build probes until your supply is at 8/9
build pylon when you have 100 minerals
build probes until your supply at 10/17
build 1st gateway when you have 150 minerals
build another probe (11/17)
build 2nd gateway when you have 150 minerals
keep building probes
when gateway is done, build zealot
build pylon at 15/17

- now just keep pumping out zealots, probes, and build pylons for supply

Standard 1 on 1 Order:

build probes until your supply is at 8/9
build pylon when you have 100 minerals
build probes until your supply at 10/17
build 1st gateway when you have 150 minerals
send a probe to scout
build probe 11/17
build assimilator when you have 100 minerals
build probe 12/17
build zealot 14/17
build pylon 14/17
continue to build probes
when you have 200 minerals, build a cybernetics core
build another zealot
once assimilator is finished, select 2 or 3 probes to mine gas.
(ideally there should be 4 probes on gas, but in early game you might need more minerals for probes/zealots/pylons etc, once you think you are getting a good income of minerals, get 4 probes on gas.)

from now on:
- you can either stick up another gateway (to counter a rush, or to start pumping out dragoons, the safest way)
- you can go robo tech for reavers (a bit dangerious if the other guy is planning a rush on you, safe if the other person also teched or early expanded)
- you can build citadel for the templar/dt route (against terran it might be useful if he didn't wall up)
- stargate... (i don't normally recommend this :P)