Old News 9/1/01 - 9/7/01

Sleepy S, Fob Jackets and a Monday Morning Class @ 8:00 AM - Friday 9/7/01 9:00PM EST

The first week of university was such a bitch in terms of scheduling. Having 21 hours + labs per week sucks ass. Anyways, maybe I'll eventually become acustom to it. Those
massage therapy sessions that my health plan will pay for will come in handy for sure. Oh yeah, I finally got all my text books for sem 1. About $500 thus far.

I thought I accomplished the impossible: found Mike's Fob jacket. I looked in the trunk of my corolla, (YES, MY COROLLA), and I found a black jacket with a pretty large lank factor. However, we all know that Mike's Fob jacket has a crown on the breast, and this one did not have one at all. Damn, if it was the Fob jacket, that's some serious cashmoney.

What the hell is this? I have fucking discrete math at 8:00AM to 9:00AM on Mondays, and then I have a 4 hour break. I'm seriously considering skipping said class on Mondays. The only problem is that I sorta need to hear Quig's (Prof. Sophia Quigley) lectures, we present assignments at random in class, and there's this girl who approached me and said
"Hey, you're in, like, all my classes!". She's pretty cute. I think it's one of those girls that Jason & I would agree on. hahahaha! 'Tis a rare thing... talk to Jase.

Oh yeah, did I mention that the Comp. Sci union is going skydiving??? Fuck, I keep thinking about that moment just before you jump out of the plane. Can you imagine a group of
computer science people jumping out of a fucking airplane?

Oh yeah, I missed my minimum payment on my Visa card too, so I'll deal with that tomorrow. I'm gonna go out for coffee and a smoke with UT people. Sorta stressed out, so I think it'll do me some good.

- Liston

Updates - Friday 9/7/2001 11:13AM EST

My report updated. 

I just finished writing my English Language Proficiency Exam. It was so lame. I tried so little so that I can get about 62% and pass.

- Backstab

Guru_Mike joins PP - Friday 9/7/2001 10:42AM EST

Well it's friday, and i just got pretty damn buzzed yesterday at jay's room. I had a bunch of loaded sodas everyone got buzzed, including jon mui/the tank and christine how/the female tank. Why you ask? we only avged about 3 person. it's because we were drinking at about 1-2ish and we were dancing at the SLC for a good 3-4 hrs.
Right now i'm supposed to be with my frosh group, but fuck that. it's a damn miracle that i'm up right now I also met an interesting girl named wendy. She goes to laurier which is down the street and managed to sneek into the party at SLC. What's interesting about her? Well she

A) Likes Anime and didn't think i was a geek mentioning it to her.
B) Plays..
      i) starcraft
      ii) Diablo 2
      iii) CS
Odd isn't it?

FUCK!!!!!! i don't remember the damn HTML tag for the "tab" and i can't find it on the damn net!!

- Guru Mike

And so it Goes.. - Thursday 9/6/2001 8:00PM EST

Hey everyone. I just sat through 4 hours of class straight and I think I'm about to pass
out. Two hours of philosophy and two hours of discrete math. I hate truth tables.
Anyways, we've figured out that there's some guy who sits outside HMV and smokes pot
every day at 8:00 AM. That's so hardcore. Oh yeah, and my Computer Sci. teacher sorta
looks like the GM of the Philadelphia 76ers.

I saw "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" with Cliff and Tricia yesterday. I always thought
Jay & SB would never be good in their own movie because they originally were just
comic relief and nothing more. However, I think that if you loved ANY of the Kevin Smith
movies AND have seen them all, you'll enjoy it quite a lot. My fav movie of all time was
"Chasing Amy" and when Joey Lauren Adams showed up in it, I found it really cool. (She
was Kevin Smith's ex)

Anyways, if I don't eat and sleep soon, I'm gonna start seeing things, so I'm gonna go have
some Chunky soup and get some sleep.

Snoochy boochies!

- Liston

Updates and news - Thursday 9/6/2001

I updated my daily report of Waterloo. Click here

Skieblade just came back online and he has T3 apparently. He'll be writing some NFL predictions soon. That will be elite.

I haven't played a single game of Starcraft since I moved to Waterloo, maybe its time for me to play again. :P

- Backstab

Waterloo report updated and some news - Wednesday 9/5/2001

Yeah, so it's updated (click here). 

Guru-mike seems like he might be joining us. You can see that we're growing. Liston has just posted his first ever post, and you should get rid of those coloured contacts. :P If this site keeps getting bigger we might have a forum going soon. I'm not sure at the moment, but it looks like I'm getting more and more unique hits everyday.

Skieblade has gone MIA and seems to be having troubles with his internet connection at U of T. I haven't seen him online at all after my move to Waterloo.

I also updated my Top 3 tunes on the sidebar, plus I archived last week's news.

- Backstab

Liston has arrived. - Tuesday 9/4/2001 6:02pm EST

Hi everyone! I guess it's time to contribute to the site. First thing I'll say is that
this site makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but I believe it will evolve on it's own in
due time.

Anyways, went to First Markham with Tricia, Tiffany and Cliff yesterday (labour day)
Went to the candy store there. There's only so many chocolate sticks you can eat before
you start to feel sick. Considered buying "Men's Pocky" again, but strayed away from it.
Got those dipping chocolate sticks instead.

We got another car today. My dad is outside right now deciding if it
was a good buy. Whatever. I think I need a haircut. Oh yeah, and I have to buy a binder
today. Maybe I'll go to Grand n' Toy later. And I'm gonna take Jason's advice and buy
some Alcon lens solution 'cause I've been having some problems with Renu lately. Did you
guys know that colour came off my lenses! It started to crackle off when I tried to
clean them.

Oh yeah, as for today, I sat next to some guy that looked like Moby on the GO bus today.
He was eating some fruit... possibly cantelope.

- Liston

Waterloo Report updated - Tuesday 9/4/2001

Well, my internet connection was down the whole day yesterday. Stupid Resnet. So I have to upload the report now. This blows, I hope the connection is more stable when school starts.

- Backstab

NOOOOOOO WTF!! :( - Sunday 9/2/2001

al;sdfjl;jlksjf;sldkfjsd Henin lost 7-5 6-0!!! wtf... sigh fucking Serena Williams u lamer. wtwf;dfdslkf;jdsfl;ksdjfl;ksdfjldsk fjldkjfdl ;fjdlkjfldkjf. :(

- Backstab

My boring ass Waterloo Report - Sunday 9/2/2001

It's right here, I'm gonna make it short because Etheral and DarkAesthir are bugging me. CLICK HERE . K BYE

- Backstab

Tomorrow is move in day + random news - Saturday 9/1/2001

Well, move in day is tomorrow.... so this will be my last post at home so I'm gonna say quite a bit. I think I've installed most of my stuff on my new computer and I'm ready to go. Too bad I can't bring 4 speakers there, I don't think I have room, I'm gonna miss my home sound system. :(

I'm a bit bored right now, so I'm gonna list some stuff that I bought:
- new JVC V-560 headphones, they're pretty good. You can actually hear the subbass OK and you can sorta feel them in your ears. 
- new CASIO fx991MS calculator. I got it for $22. Its non-programmable but it does just about everything from matrix, to integrals and doing quadratic equations. I recommend this :)
- some very tiny MidiLand speakers for $25.  They are OK for your basic needs, quite crappy for music. But I mean... it's $25...

In other news, it looks like our friend Liston will be posting some stuff on this site. Trust me, his stuff is funny and somewhat entertaining. 

Oh, I almost forgot, the elite Justine Henin is playing against Serena Williams in the US Open. Justine, please win so the Americans can shut up. Yeaaah, I think that's about it. My next post will be in Waterloo. $$

- Backstab