Old News 9/15/01-9/21/01

Guru's Question of the Week. - Friday 9/21/01 3:30am EST

Hmz, ok, I will attempt an answer at this, but I know I will get tonnes of crap back at me.  Yes, water is wet, and yes, ice is water, and therefore, one would say since water = wet and ice=water, then ice = wet by induction.  But this is obviously a fallacy.  Like, take this classic example:

 BA=Retarded, Retarded=Blondes, Blondes=Hot Chicks, therefore by induction, BA=Hot Chicks?  HELL NO!!  

Therefore, there's an error in your logic there.  All you have to remember is that ice and water are chemically the same thing in different states, and different states have different properties.  I'm sure you know this already, so yeah.  Whutever.  Ice is a solid, and by scientific definition, solids are not wet.  What's the definition of wet?  Wet means covered/soaked in a liquid, and since ice is not a liquid but a solid, ice can not be wet.  If ice melts, it becomes water, and water by scientific categorization is a liquid, so therefore, water is wet.   So that's it.  I expect feedback =)

- Skieblade

I HATE bullshit online quizzes - Thursday 9/20/01 8:20pm EST

I fucking hate them. I got 5/14 today on the 2nd online quiz. That's fucking 35%. Seriously, if I just randomly guessed them all I might have gotten a higher mark. I'm not sure if the quiz is fucked up or it's just me, but I really hate online quizzes just because of the fact that its marked "electronically" and not by a person, plus you have no evidence of what you put on your answer - internet always gets screwed up. Oh well whatever, it's worth 1% and you can drop one of them. Hopefully my old quiz mark will change to a 9/12 instead of a 6/12, otherwise, I'm failing SE 101 with an elite 42% in the course.

- Backstab

YO!  TRY THIS! - Wednesday 9/19/01 10:00pm EST

Ok, try this in Microsoft Word

1)  Type in Q33NY (this is the flight code of the plane that hit the world trade center... or so they say)

2)  Change Font Size to 74

3)  Change font to Wingdings


- Skieblade

RE: Nostradamus - Wednesday 9/19/01 9:36pm EST

Yo guyz, you people are so lame.  This Nostradamus thing is a huge hoax.  Like, they said he made the predictions in like some century, but he was actually alive the century before.  It's a huge hoax.  I can't believe you guyz believe it.  And Knobody, I mean, didn't UofT send you an email telling you it was a hoax?  Or do you not bother?  Hahaha...  Anyways, yeah, it's a hoax - so don't worry about it.  I mean, come on - Afghanistan leading the world into World War III?  That's like saying the next president of China will come from Devry.  Yupz, that's it.  Go random pic!

- Skieblade

My first piece of art as random pic generator - Wednesday 9/19/01 9:26pm EST

Yes, I am in charge of the random pics now, and my first piece of art under the reign of awesomeness is done.  WHOOOOOOOOOO!!

- Skieblade

Weird Guy in RCH - Wednesday 9/19/01 7:50pm EST

At the nasty ass Rod Coutts Hall aka Engineering Lecture Hall, I saw a really freaky white dude. Me and Tommyboy were about to go to RCH 112, the shittiest room/shittiest building in Waterloo and we saw this guy reading a newspaper and at the same time he has a tooth brush in his mouth. Yeah, wtf, he was brushing his teeth. WTF? I mean, he had no toothpaste or water to rinse off. He was just going crazy and brushing his teeth in the middle of the waiting area. Again, WTF? 

I've heard of that Nostradamus thing before. Knobody, check this out. That's pretty screwed up.

Btw, SE 101 Quiz has been posted. I didn't fucking get 6/12, WTF, the quiz was bugged. My mark should be 9/12 not stupid 6/12, jeeee.

Oh yeah, one more thing, I think Skieblade is now in charge of the random pic. But of course, I can overrule anytime and change his pic. MUAHAHAHAHaAah.

- Backstab

Knobody: Conspiracy Guy - Wednesday 9/19/01 12:00 am

I was talking to Fal today, and he was telling me about some forward he got from ICQ about Nostradamus.  Apparently Nostradamus predicted the fall of the twin towers and as a result WW III and the end of the world.  Pretty freaky but I need to know more about the prophecy to say whether or not I believe.  He hasn't forwarded it to me yet, so I'm waiting on that.  But what if his prophecies aren't prophecies at all, but rather commandments for some kind of cult that followed him.  What if they are the cause of all his prophecies coming true, and that they are the ones who suicide bombed the states.  Man that conspiracy theory was weirding me out all day.  Knobody must know more.

Anyways, visited Mel K. and Jonille today, well Mel wasn't home so just Jonille.  Haven't seen her in a while, they have a decent place, and I'm sure it much better than the Waterloo res's from what I've heard from you guys.  Jo showed us the bedrooms, including those of her roomates.  Surprise, surprise, the roomates rooms were messy, and Mel and Jo's was spotless (they got the double room).  

Booked of the Oktoberfest weekend from work, so I'm all set, just gotta check with the 'rents.  I keep forgetting to do that...oh wait my mom's awake...brb...Excellent, she said she didn't have a problem with it, I just have to check with my dad.  One step in the right direction.

Downtown hot dogs have become the lunch of choice for poor university Knobody.  My Statistics textbook is a rip-off.  I really, hate that picture of me on the staff page, (btw Liston you killed all my updates of that page, and see if you can find that pic of me around the campfire at your cabin, you know...THE picture, that would be seen) I think that's the end of my rants for today, so I'll sign off to keep this from getting excessively long.

- Knobody

Shameless Promotion, Forthcoming Bad Company tune, Cool White dude - Tuesday 9/18/01 5:55 pm EST

As you all know, the site's popularity is growing, and I think we should start promoting. Meaning.. we should start sending to link to our friends perhaps? Also, I'm looking into the idea of buying a domain name. It should be pretty cheap, if you guys are up for it, we can split the cost and we can get this rolling as soon as next week. Another thing, should we get a server so it supports CGI? But that also means more $$. PLEASE GIMME A REPLY ON THESE 2 THINGS.

I also put up some links on the left sidebar. If you feel like putting up some links there, go ahead and do so. 

)EIB( aka Bad Company is coming out with Book of the Bad 3 EP in October I think. That looks like some elite bizness. The song Mind Games was stuck in my head last night and today when I was in CS 130 and Calc Tutorial. It has an amazing intro, it'll be wicked to start that tune on a set.

LOL at Knobody. Now all we need in our site is a white guy... oh wait, do we really need one? screw that shit. :P Anyhow since we're talking about white people, last night I saw a white guy holding on 2 cartons of Vitasoy. So elite $$$$ That white guy knows what's up.

- Backstab

Lookin' Better Already! - Tuesday 9/18/01 3:45 pm EST

Oh yeah baby. Just posted some interesting things at https://polarisprime.tripod.com/staff.htm . Blast from the past eh? Anyways, school's been such a bitch. I haven't been to a physics lecture in almost a week. That's because I'm skipping to go and fucking study all the damned time. wtf. Anyways, I think I have an answer to Guru Mike's Question of the Week. Ice is not JUST water, it's frozen water. It's water in a state that no longer has the 'wet' property. So in other words, water is wet, frozen water is not. But anyways, I'm getting a new computer soon. There's a pretty good deal at PCvillage. I'll check that place out. Oh yeah, Knobody, don't know if I can go to Brunny's this week, I'm stacked with work and I can't miss that 2 hour physics lecture at 9 a.m next morning. Anyways, I'll talk to you guys later.


Overwhelming Brown-ness - Monday 9/17/2001 12:00 pm EST

I left the building where my computer class, and well my Greek & Roman Mythology class, and well my Stats class...I have too many classes in that building... Umm ya, I left the Sidney Smith building and loitering around outside were these people giving out coupon books to students.  All in all they were pretty lame, but the funny thing is I walked by the brown guy that was giving them out, and I guess he thought I really needed them 'cuz he gave me two, Fal one and Sean one.  It was weird.  When we were out of ear's reach we just started cracking up.  All the brown stereotypes are coming back to haunt me.  It was funny tho.  Anyways, we were looking thru the booklets, and there was a coupon for a free VIP card (YES LISTON MORE OF THEM!) for the Brunny (The UFT Pub).  So I walked by like 4 more times and picked up 6 in total.  So ya I have 6 extra VIP cards for The Brunny.  Skieblade, Liston, if there's anyone you wanna bring lemme know, we have surplus VIP cards now.  Oh Ya, Skieblade, get off the computer and come to the Brunny on Thursday.  Oh and umm if any of the other polaris crew are ever here for a pub night, I got one for you, prepare yourself for the shithole that is the Brunny.  UFT RULES!!!

- Knobody

5-lecture day, Adventure in DC and Farah's Foods - Monday 9/17/01 4:15 pm EST

Monday is my 5-lecture day. To be honest with you. This is so tiring. Especially when your last 2 classes are in the underground Engineering lecture hole and you have no idea WTF the algebra teacher is talking about. That class is so not useful... I learnt nothing.

After my first 3 lectures today me and Tommyboy went into Davis Center for lunch. That place is hype. It has like skywalks that are connected to the math building (MC) and to the Engineering 3 (E3) + the library. We were trying to get to Engineering 2 (E2) which has our scores posted for the Math Prep Test. Anyway, Davis Center is so cool. That place doesn't look ghetto at all and it's a great place for playing hide and seek. You'll get so lost. Anyhow, we somehow managed to get into E2 as we walked past a whole bunch of high tech shops and research labs. Then I found out that I totally owned that Math Prep Test. Holy shit, I got 23/25. CASH.

I went to Farah's Food Mart after class. It's near the Engineering buildings, so it's like a 5 minute walk there. But the walk back was pretty damn far. Anyhow, I only bought Chunks Ahoy, Milk, 4 bananas and a bag of chips. No orange juice. GG Guru Mike. BTW we gotta take that picture with you drinking a can of Guru energy drink.

OH I almost forgot. To all staff: put your email address under your name. Thanks.

- Backstab

Orange Juice - Sunday 9/16/01 11:11pm EST

Damn I miss orange juice

- Guru Mike

Back in my dormitory doing stupid Algebra - Sunday 9/16/01 10:30pm EST

So boring. Algebra is really gay. You see, this isn't Classical Algebra. I'm taking that stuff in Discrete Math. The Algebra that I'm taking right now is Linear Algebra. It is so stupid. Matrices are very homosexual.

Anyway. I decided to stop doing that crap and post something. I think you all have heard of World of Warcraft, right? It's the new MMORPG that's coming out from Blizzard, similar to Asheron's Call and Everquest. I have no idea when is Warcraft 3 coming out. Does anyone know? I'm guessing summer of next year.

I got bored so I updated my top 3, added 2 songs there. "No More Rain (Kemal & Rob Data remix)" is still #1. That tune is TIGHT. I think it's definitely one of the best tunes of the year. If you want the MP3, just ask me. Blackhole is now #2. Also, listen to Mirage by Invaderz. It's sweet, sorta chilling with the subbass and the atmospherics in the background.

- Backstab

Audiogalaxy = the next Napster? - Saturday 9/15/01 6:30 pm EST

Wow. I can't believe how good Audiogalaxy is. If you don't know what it is, it's a client that lets you find mp3s. The interface is better than Napster, you find songs through the web, then it'll search for the song that you're looking for and download it through the program. I tried it today, and I have to say, it owns hardcore. I was able to find Moving Fusion's Black Hole easily, in addition I found a whole bunch of MP3s that I wanted (including some old dnb tunes). Finally, there's a program now that matches Napster's huge database. Screw Gnutella, Napigator, Morpheus and WINMX. Those sux ass. Audiogalaxy is one tight program, period. Go to http://www.audiogalaxy.com now if you don't have it. You'll be amazed.

Oh ya. I forgot to say this, but welcome aboard Knobody. He is pretty cool.

- Backstab

Recovering Alcoholic - Saturday 9/15/01 3:00 am EST

I know I said I was gonna post stuff yesterday about my pub night, but umm...I was kinda wasted.  Didn't feel like sitting in front of the computer last nite, and between school and work, had no time.  But Liston, Diana, Ingham, Farmland, and myself went to Ye Olde Brunswick House yesterday.  They have these cool mini pitchers (somewhere between 2 and 3 drinks I think) and everyone is walking around with one in their hand, like they are glasses.  Just by looking at them you know everyone is here to get plastered.  It's kind of a shithole, but the atmosphere is amazing.  Plus they got a really sweet DJ on Thursdays: "DJ Heavy".  Well I think that's how he spells it, I just heard him telling everyone who he was while he was playing.  1337.  He played a whole lotta different shit.  It was tight.  Anyways ya i got drunk.  And ya, "Knobody is a dancing machine when he's drinkin'."  And ya, we got Diana tanked AGAIN and only after one drink...AGAIN.  I wish I could do that, it would save my cheap, poor brown ass some money.  (I only got paid $70 from my last paycheque, guess I shouldn't call in sick so often...oh well, it was worth it).  To clarify Liston's post, I wasn't doing impressions (as far as I can remember), I just tend to talk with a West Indian accent when I'm drunk.  It just sounds so much cooler than when I'm sober.  Or maybe it just sounds better to me...well, one of the two.  Anyways it was safe.  My intent is to hit that place every thursday, altho as long as we go out drinking on oub nights, doesn't really matter where I get plastered, 'cuz it'll all end up looking the same.  Oh one last thing, Farmland puked after the subway ride, after we walked up the stairs, and just before we exited the "paid" side of the subway.  I can't believe he lasted that long.  On top of all that, he puked in front of a TTC employee, who asked us if our friend was alright, but didn't complain at all about the mess that he left all over the floor.  That guy was cool, I hope he's there when it's my turn.  Well, I've been awake for a good 20 hours, and I'm gonna get some sleep now. Oh I hope my drunken stupor gets me on Liston's top 5 list, then maybe I could be cool too. (Insert random ASCII emoticon here)  

- Knobody