Old News 9/22/01-9/28/01


OMG I can't believe what I did tonight. I was planning to go to Fed Hall tonight but none of the people on my floor went cause they are all nerds and they have to do their calculus assignment. Like WTF? Do your fucking assignments ahead of time, morons. ANYWAY, I went to TOmmyboy's room and chilled with his white crew for liek 10 minutes and POWERSERGE was cool enough to gimme a beer in which I chucked that in less than 2 minutes. HOLY SHIT. That beer just gone straight to my head and I was buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzed. Anyway yeah... so holy shit, they went to Fed Hall , I wanted to go to Fed Hall too but I prefer going with more friends so I went back to res. On my way back I talked to 2 girls who live on the 3rd floor and they knew right away that I drank from my breath. WTF? ANyway, I went back, and did my CS 130 Assignment, OMFG IT IS CRAZY I CAN'T BELIEV E I FINISHED IT HAHAHA. Then Guru Mike came and also got buzzed in Jon's room, then more and more ppl joined in, like Chris kong from next door and Joel the waterloo kid. ANYHOW HOLY SHIT I FINISHED THE PROGRAM!!! WOOT!!! WOOTOOTOOTO! SO YEAH NEXT THURSDAY U GUYS BETTER GO OR ELSE I'm gonna just go and get hammered. BLAH. Drunken Programming OWNS. I drink and I get my work DONE $$$$$$$$$$$$$

- Backstab

Enough is Enough - Thursday 9/27/01 5:20pm EST

Boy, this page is certainly getting popular!! Welcome Christina!! I hope things aren't as bad out there as you make them out to be. And come on you grew up with a white shovanist (me) all your life so this weed smokers on the island shouldn't be too bad. I'm not going to get into a political rant today because I just don't feel that I have that in me.

First of all I want to say, how much time this bloody page takes to read EVERYDAY. People can't we just be brief!! No its all good though it is a good distraction from all the DARN MATH that we take. God Damn SE, but hopefully it will pay off someday, if technology still exists.

Christina don't make fun of my HTML!! Because I know very basic HTML and good old FRONTPAGE =) helps me with the rest. It makes it so easy sometimes how can you avoid using it. As per everyone coming up for Octoberfest, that is going to be a blast except for the ID less set. Well I'll tell you one thing if I had a camera right now I would take a picture of my fridge. 40 bottles of beer and 2 40's in a mini fridge. Plus coke and juice and the ever so popular cheese whiz and milk. That has to be some sort of a record. You know we be drinking tonight. Its going to be messy too, someone on my floor has a birthday and by default that means tonnes of drinking.

I'm beginning to turn my like of math to a dislike! It is very easy for these profs to do that to us. My calc prof is great but come on it is calc!! My algerbra prof is cool too but that class as the mathies know is very easy to dislike. And my linear algerbra can't even write a quiz or teach a class in english!!

Enough for today, oh its 5:30 time to start drinking!!

- Tommyboy

Stuff Section - Thursday 9/27/01 4:40pm EST

When to put your stuff in the /stuff folder and put a link to it in the stuff section...

1. If it's long.
2. If you want it to last longer. So far there are only 3 things in the stuff section.
3. Easier to find.
4. If you think it's more important.
5. Rants/Opinions/Articles go in there, not in news.

So there, I strongly suggest you guys to put your longer and more important stuff in stuff section. You know what I mean.

I also suggest you guys to archive your quotes, questions of the week, until we run out of webspace.

P.S. I did the Ansir test. I'm an Empath in Thinking, Eccentrik in Working, and Sage in Emoting.  Is that good or bad?

And Skieblade, wtf. Stop linking the random pic to your hard drive, you newbie. I hate editing your shit.

- Backstab

Various Other Things- 9/26/01 22:35 PST 

Before I forget - everyone take the Ansir test, and everyone take the Philosophy Test, and post your results so I can file you in my head and.... yeah. Tom, I really don't understand the HTML around your staff pic, it's doing some pretty funny stuf. (Very funny, though.) Posted up staff info for me.

Cliff, you're such a liar, I wrote you such a nice long e-mail when I arrived in Vancouver. Is my e-mail seriously fucked or what - I have no idea what's going on with it. Blargh. I'll try and e-mail you kids when I'm less lazy.

The media in general does not focus much on the plight of other nations unless we have some sort of political interest in it. This may be a simplistic equation but the West is oh-so-fascinated with East Asia, allied with Japan so no one cares about the kind of crap they pull (a la rewriting of history to soften the blow of Nanking and others - the Japanese took my great-uncle away, during the war, among other things, and I do not appreciate their efforts to become the good guys. They colonized my country and kicked out the dutch(who'd been there for 300 years) and I seriously condemn their latest attempts to be all good and gracious - but since the West despises China for whatever # of reasons this whole "Free Tibet" thing has *far* more prominence than other massacres/invasions, like the Turks and the Kurds(that I also have limited knowledge of). Colonial History should also be a MUST for everyone - and real, unwatered down, brutal truth, not the shit we learn in like fucking dichiara's class, he who does not even know fact and spouts out his own biases. Grrr.

China is the biggest mess on the face of this planet, mostly due to its size - read "China Wakes", which won a Pulitzer way back. I am trying to go there, though, sometime in the next few years. Cliff, you are evil and you suck and I will send you a telepathic punch. Yay, Tiff doesn't have to be all deserted by us, now she has you guys! (Maybe she'll hate me for it later, but hey!) Be nice to her or I will throw you all out the window.


October-ma-fest - Thursday 9/27/01 1:11am 

Hey Christina, welcome to the page. Heh heh, you're absolutely right about people scrambling for information now that the US was bombed. I was going through numerous articles related to the Taliban and Afghanistan and had no prior knowledge to what was happening there, sad on my part I guess. 

Cliff and Navigator Randy, it's really easy to get to Waterloo. 
-407 West
-401 West
-Highway 8 West
-Highway 86 West
-University Road West (it's the second exit, first is east)
-Keep going on University Road, you'll see U of W on your right. 
I'm going to try to convince Tiffany to come up again during the thanksgiving weekend, if she comes, I'll give her my room and I'll sleep in the lounge or something. Otherwise, I can fit one of you in here, so we'll see.


OMG - Wednesday 9/26/01 12:30 am

I hope you guys are all getting sick of me writing the date wrong, but as far as I'm concerned, it's still Wednesday.  Anyways...  OMG I can't believe that Chris is here.  And here I was thinking she dropped off the face of the earth.  For the record YOU, yes YOU Chris owe me e-mail, I mailed you, you never replied.  Not my fault.  I blame you.  So where's your e-mail to me, huh? huh? huh?  Okay enough of that.  Well ya, now that Chris is back I can finally get some intellectual stimulation.  Other than Mike's QOTW this page is kinda empty.  My only salvation is the Crossword and the elbumj in the Toronto Star.  Oh ya, and that school thing.

Okay, so the plan so far is to leave on the 12th around 9:00.  Gotta double check with Liston, and Mystery person "X".  Haven't really talked to Stu or Tiff, but I gotta make sure Di is coming with Ingham or Stu has no ride with me.  My only concerns are as follows:  Do your dorms have a lock up time where at which time we will not be able to get in?  Who is giving Cliff or Navigator Liston, Directions?  and Where am I sleeping????????  Oh ya and I am deciding to make Liston my navigator, 'cuz it's pretty damn hard to navigate during the day (I know I've tried) but it's gotta be 10x worse at nite.

Oddly enough, I bumped into Ephraim 3 times in 2 days.  Oh wait never mind 3 days.  Saturday with...well everyone, Monday morning with Fal just walking around downtown, and monday afternoon/evening bumped into him on the subway.  Go figure.  I was best friends with him in elementary, never saw him all the way thru high school, and bump into him 3 times in 3 days when i get to university.

Okay I ran out of stuff to say.  Oh ya, you are welcome TommyBoy.

Oh and "yeschriswemissyoumassively" said the class in a monotone voice.  Oh and you know you love the 5:1 male to female ratio...admit it...okay I really need to stop cracking jokes like that.  Damn Colossus, damn them to heck.  -eof-

- Knobody

I'm not failing in SE 101 anymore $$$ - Thursday 9/27/01 12:19 am EST

Oh, I'm not failing SE 101 anymore. I got 88% on an assignment which is worth like 4 times as much as the quiz. So my mark just jumped up 30% from 42 to a 72. Elite.

And... it's raining here in Waterloo also. Hence the name Waterloo. I think it has been raining everyday this week.  Bleh, it's raining, and it's freakin cold, something like 5 degrees celcius outside in the morning. Everyone in my house is like getting sick. I'm getting better though, I managed to sleep for an hour and a half at 5 o'clock today. I feel all refreshed after I woke up.

Welcome Syl aka Christina to PP. She's got mad skills in writing as you can see. In other site related news: I just updated the NFL Predictions. Skieblade and Tommyboy, go upload your predictions for this weekend. (deadline is Saturday night)

Ohhh you're right Syl, I heard in a lot of countries, including Japan, they change their history text books. They actually taught kids that in World War 2 they were the good guys and the nuking was most unfortunate. All the shit they did in China, like that 500,000 people killing spree and all the tortures and rapes they did to the women are taken off. What stupid fucks. That's why I don't like Japan as a country that much either. China's like that too, I'm not sure but I think they're even worse with their communist crap going on.

Here's something totally unrelated, but I think I'm starting to get addicted to Unreal Tournament. This isn't good... It's gonna take up a lot of my time. Good thing I get to sleep in tomorrow because I never go to CS 130 Labs. WOOT. I get to wake up at 9:30am tomorrow. So sweeet.

- Backstab 

and it's raining in victoria - Wednesday 9/26/01 20:50

     C'est moi! Don't you all miss me massively? And what is this five to one m/f ratio, anyway?

     And for your information, MIKE, I had ICQ before any of you knew it existed, and I was coding HTML out of my ass before you were all online! So there. (I'll e-mail you back soon). In any case, in regards to UVic and this miniscule city that I am now living in, I think everyone's already heard me bitch about how white it is and how boring it, so I'll skip that(unless you really, really want to hear it). I'm on sedatives and really tired, don't ask. Aside from the several stupid white boys that said several stupid, neocolonial racist things to me and aside from various other incidences, people haven't been that stupid lately.

     God, this HTML stuf takes forever, I'm so lazy now that I have livejournal. Hey Cliff, you owe me e-mail. Oh, and thanks to you guys for taking Tiff out and being nice to her everything, I worry that she gets lonely and everyone at school is a such an asshole to her. African History kicks supreme ass, you all should take it - among the entertaining bloody-conflict-death part, it truly is a wake-up call. And I seriously have issues about how history is taught these days, because it polarizes the world even further between the ruling majority and all the minority groups at the bottom - high school history shouldn't have biases, and all people need to know their history. Before anything else, they should know where their roots are and how they came to be where they are. This lack of education is fucking everything up. How does anyone start working towards a better vision of society if no one really has the resources to know what the hell is going on and how it all came to be this way? This lack of global understanding is seriously hitting us now, especially in the U.S. where everyone is scrambling for knowledge about the Middle East, about the fundamentalist Islamic groups there, and about terrorism and Afghanistan. Women's groups were screaming about Afghanistan and its' psychotic Taliban for YEARS, but no one listened. Fundamentalism, especially combined with politics in a theocratic state is simply not acceptable and should never, ever be tolerated. Hey Tom, being the voice of the right, :) tell me what you think? About all of it and not just what I've just written above. Beyond just African history - which in itself should so be something to be studied, just because Africa is so *old*, and it has seen the rise and fall of empires for millenia longer than white civilization has even existed. I hate stupid little children whose entire knowledge of history stems from one european history course in high school and then tell me that they think white civilization is the greatest that has ever existed, and that white men have been genetically pre-disposed to create education systems and societies far superior than anything that has ever existed. Where I can even begin to deal with that statement I do not know. So I suppose I should just laugh and run away.

     As for Mike's question - all religions operate as moral codes, as a system of ethics. Whether or not that should have any place in the state is another question, and to that question I would say, adamantly, no. Morality exists independently of religion(if men like Falwell and Phelps were in power in the States, we would be Afghanistan), but not vice versa. Actually, my brain is mush and I can't really think of this right now.

     I may transfer over to SFU next semester. I get radically bored and radically lonely here. Pooh. I have no friends and I find myself even missing you guys(now that is pathetic)... :) Come visit me in Van City and we'll go for tea at the Flying Swan Coffeehouse(which I just passed by, near Kits, a Chinese food/tea/coffeehouse/pub thing)... hey! They're re-releasing Iron Monkey! Do any of you remotely speak Mandarin? What would the syntax be for a statement like "I Love you All" or "I killed them all" - wo ai ni dou? That makes no sense at all. Wo dou ai ni? Pah. Okay. I really will shutup now(you must be cursing that you gave me the password, george, since I talk this much). Send me e-mail, kids, or whatever.

may the All hold you,

- Syl(chris)

Out of a cold, into the cold. - Wednesday 9/26/01 1pm EST 

Unlike George, I had a cold, but recovered from it. So many people are getting sick nowadays because it's so damn cold outside, I hope I don't get sick again. I've decided to make a "(something goes here) of the week", but I'll do it with quotes. Since I don't know how to edit the sidebar, I'll just post them here for now.  

3. "You can call me Hime" (Chris Kong) 
2. "I don't drink... but I do all kinds of drugs!" (Christine O.) 
1. In reference to the axon (the penis like limb that protrudes from a neuron) "It is covered with a grooved sheath... probably for the pleasure of other neurons" (T Burris, Psych Prof) 


Sick and Tired, for real. - Wednesday 9/26/01 8:00am EST

I'm eating my cup noodles as I'm writing this. Anyhow, I didn't update yesterday because my throat was sore and there was phlegm in my throat etc. I tried to go to sleep at 9pm but I couldn't, then at 10:30 people started to pump up music so I woke up and went back to sleep at around 12:30pm. I woke up this morning and now it seems like I got a bit of a cough. Shit.

My idiot self uploaded the old version of the page and wrote over Liston's Top 5 people of the week and Guru Mike's QOTW. I hope this is the right list... 

Oh, I just got Unreal Tournament yesterday.  It's very similar to Quake.  I've only played 3 games so I'm a total newbie. (but I always finish 2nd in a game of 4 ppl for some reason) Anyhow, I think you guys should get it. I'll update some more tonight when I get back, class starts at 8:30.

- Backstab

WTF - 5:13 AM and I'm not tired - Wednesday 9/26/01 5:13 am EST

Damn, stayed up til 4:30 finishing an assignment that is due Thursday.  What the hell is going on?  Also, I don't even have to hand in this assignment if I don't want to - you see, you only need to hand in 10 of 12 assignments for the whole year.  Each assignment is worth 10% - I'm sure you math nerds at waterloo know what this means, and so do we people at UofT.  However, for the brain powerless Ryerson, 10 assignments worth 10% each means 100%.  Yes, no tests, no exams, just 10 assignments.  I hope that wasn't too above your level Mr. Ryerson =)

Hmz, damn, Guru's question of the week is a lot harder to answer this time.  Boooo.  Oh well, here it goes.  God was probably created out of moral code.  Like, there was moral code, then some doofus came along and asked where moral code came from, so hence, God was created.  Think about it - almost everything in Christianity is moral code.  Well, at least I think it is.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with the next random pic.  I have an idea, but it would probably take a lot of time, so I might post another WTC one in the meantime.  But I'll do that tomorrow - um, I mean later today.  We'll let Jason have a few more hours of glory =)

Hmz, oh yeah, why the phock are the vikings 0-2?  WHY!?  Oh, I KNOW WHY!  THEY'RE NOT TOSSING IT TO MOSS!  Yo, Management, for practice this week, how about you try practicing throwing to your wide receiver?  Like, he is the god of all wide receivers you know, so you might as well utilize him.  Stupid Viking management.  

Hmz, I guess that's it for now.  Enough ranting... sigh.  Oh yeah, Tommyboy, I like your picture on the staff page =)  Haha.  Anyways, I'm out.

- Skieblade

Success - Tuesday 9/25/01 1:00 am EST

Well it's been a while since I've posted, and since my last post, I've accomplished much.  

Okay this list has been revised to Knobody's list of failures, and other stuff.  Damnit I'm all depressed now.  I'm gonna go to sleep.  Oh ya, welcome TommyBoy!  May you fail less than you succeed.  That goes for the rest of the Polaris Crew too.

- Knobody

Ramble On 'n Don't Stop 'Till Your Pants Drop - Tuesday 9/25/01 9:15pm EST

I haven't posted much lately, so in-between doing my 3-4 labs per week, I guess
I'll post somethin'. I've been sick ever since I went to Brunny's last Thursday and
got smashed. Oh yeah, I don't usually get drunk like that. I was rambling and stuff...
usually I'm a relaxed drunk. I had this big conversation about pets with Diana L. on the
drunken subway. John Fal is the funniest person to go drinking with. He's the best.
I almost pissed myself multiple times that night. I remember I went to the bathroom
(stumbled there), and the guys there were having a conversation like this...

"You're dad's name is Gay Lord Fauker? What kind of name is that?"
"Shut the fuck up."
"You wanna fight? I'll fight you."
"Hey, where'd that guy go?"

Imagine this was said slowly and drunkenly... while urinating. Laughing while pissing into a urinal
is pretty hard when you just drank two pitchers of beer (for me anyways).

Anyways, that pic of Jason is really freaky.

Oh yeah, I'm getting that computer. 1.4Ghz, 19" monitor, 30GB hard drive, 128 RDram,
DVD, CD-RW, 32Mb card w/TV out. Yeah, that'll be fun.

I'm looking forward to going to party at Oktoberfest. I want to have a drinking
contest with Jonathan and Christine, seeded #1 and #2 respectively in drinking. I'm up
for a challenge.

Cafeteria food at Ryerson sucks ass. I don't understand why people go there when
you have so much selection for food downtown. Still have to try Goodview restaurant. Only
3.99 + tax for a big meal (so says the rez people). Maybe I'll bring my Ryerson crew there.
hahaha... crew. Whatever. Oh yeah, my dad leaves for the Philipines on the 12th... booyah!

Oh yeah, I updated LISTON'S TOP 5 for the fifth week of Sept.

- Liston

Tired - Monday 9/24/01 10:24pm EST

the title is a lie, tired is only part of it. in truth, i'm sick. God friggin damn! Oh i took my Staff pic and i'll soon post it up. Bought a Guru energy drink. Haven't opened it but i'm sure it probably tastes like grape. Why? it contains white grape juice.

i see andrew is up to his usual antics. I wonder why you people answer the Questions of the week, i never really intended for anybody to answer them and actually post what they think. So now i have to make the questions really ambiguous. Now answer them! ha ha ha ha! i'm tired, time to do classical algerbra. Oh BTW i need more corn nuts. Steph chong and michelle tong stole my nuts! they just took them and yanked them away from me! (i'm quite aware of the sexual cononation, so just leave it as it is). Gotta walk to the food mart again. whatever

if life gives you lemons, huck them right back at God

- Guru Mike




T-O-S-S   I-T    T-O    M-O-S-S.

I'm glad you get the point.  

Oh yeah, I hope everyone likes the random pic =)

- Skieblade

My Winter term schedule is fuX0red- Monday 9/24/01 8:45pm EST

Um. I have 24.5 hours a week next term only, which is good, but, my Wednesday is a fucking 8:30-4:20 day. 7 hours of a class time that day, 5 hours of lectures, 2 hours tutorial. OUCH. I don't like the schedule very much because there are like half hour breaks in between some classes. I don't see the point of that. Plus the fact that my first 3 (THREE!!!) classes of Monday and Wednesday are all in the same room, and it has to be in the WORST PLACE, RCH aka Rod Coutts Engineering Lecture Hall/Hole. That place sux so much every time in Linear Algebra I fall asleep. Anyhow...

Let me tell you about a bit about my Linear Algebra teacher. I don't think he knows how to teach very well. He has some weird accent in English, his voice is raspy and we have no idea wtf he's talking about most of the time. Anyway, because of that he always carries around a mic. But what's funny is that he always clips his mic on his T-shirt by folding his shirt instead of just putting it on his collar, so his mic always drops on the ground in the middle of the lecture. That has to happen at least twice every lecture. Yeah... that class is yawnage.

Ouch 6-7 for me in the NFL predictions. So me and Skieblade are now tied at 17-11. Tommyboy thinks he can kick both of our asses and he will be joining up in the predictions next week. Ya right. We might do point spreads also, but that's tough to do, I don't know how that's gonna work at the moment. 

Last but not least, Tommyboy is now part of our staff. I guess we need a white guy :P He is willing to host this page on his server, in which we might be able to do CGI $$$. I'm gonna be working on that this week. Once that's done, I think i'm gonna buy www.polarisprime.com.

- Backstab

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Playa's Club - Sunday 9/23/01 11:40pm EST

Wait, what's this another new edition to the Polaris Prime community. The insanity must stop. I have been reading your guys posts and such for a while and while yet I'm referred to you only get one perspective of George's frustrations in the crazy life of SE @ Waterloo. Man no offence, but you Comp Sci guys have it easier than an hot 18year old horror in Montreal. Like come on even you know it. You may have some of the math but you don't have the other crazy shit to put up with.

To give a little commentary on todays events I must say. What a football weekend. I watched 4 games today and all were good ones. First, the San Diego game, well what can I say Flutie is pulling it off huge in the south. The bills just suck now so there was no doubt they were gonna lose.

I thought I would just mix it up and just ramble along with you guys on the days events and get things out of my system. Maybe we should get a friggin domain name and some guy (like Knobody) could host it since he has nothin else to do other than go to the Brunny on thursday. Just also like to say a shoutout to all the T.Dot boys back there. We be representing the scene and screwing up all the country bumpkins and geeks with all the slang. As G and I say, "SEEN."

Class starts way to early. I think they should move Waterloo to the Pacific time zone. Or just cancel all classes and replace them with talking hyena's. That would sure spice things up.

- Tommyboy 

Happy Birthday to Skieblade and Upsets in the NFL Weekend - Sunday 9/23/01 9:30pm EST

WTF i'm 5-7 right now and Arizona is beating Denver at the moment. Shit. That is lame. My record is gonna go down the drain. I think me and Skieblade are now tied in the records after this week. Well, happy birthday Skieblade, even though the Vikings lost AGAIN. :P

We went to Farah's Food Mart today. A lot of us got corn nuts. I only bought some Cajun flavoured Pringles. That place is expensive, but those chips are hype so I got them anyway. My bananas in my room are still green. Sigh. Ripped off.  I think most of you noticed, but I got new glasses since they broke in The Tournament during Frosh Week. I'm getting used to them pretty well now. 

I also got a reply email from the director of Software Engineering due to my elite 5/14 effort. LOL. I'll post that up soon once I get it from my laptop. 

- Backstab 

Weekend in Good'ol T.O. - Sunday 9/23/01 5:00pm

Aloha, how goes it? Well, just got back from Toronto where I showed Joel around the city this weekend. Yesterday, Tiff, Joel, Andrew and I walked around downtown for pretty much the whole day. We checked out Kensington market where Joel wasted 2 hours of our lives looking for a candy store. We also check out China town and U of T's Innis College (which is pretty ghetto). We then went over to Pacific Mall which was also pretty cool. We saw the "Dry Hydrotherapy" machine again which is a car wash for humans. After that, I picked up Jin and we all carted over to my house for a few minutes, and then over to Korean BBQ where we met the rest of the crew. Around 20 people showed up for dinner and it was a blast. We were originally planning to go to Tunnel for some Karaoke, but it was full, so we took our 20 cars and went over to MHQ, yep, back to Pacific! I queued songs like Jingle Bells and Joy to the world, but no one wanted to sing them, so someone just took them off. Yep yep, Saturday was a great day, but I'm back in Waterloo now, so I guess it's studying time for me since I got absolutely no work done over the weekend. Oh yeah, it's also Skieblade's birthday, so let's all sing happy birthday to him! (that's what we did at the Korean BBQ restaurant, he turned all red and shit). Anyways, I'm gonna go eat some instant noodles now, Etheral out ->  


My Home Computer was infected by SirCam Virus - Saturday 9/22/01 11:50 am EST

I came back home (Toronto) yesterday night from Symposium and I didn't realize I had left my comp on. When I turned on my monitor my whole computer was screwed up and my cable modem's lights were flashing even though it wasn't trasferring anything. I was like WTF so I tried to open the browser and it says "Unable to locate file C:\SirC32.exe" or some shit like that. I tried to open everything but everything's been changed to the path C:\SirC32.exe. I freaked out and unplugged my comp from my modem and shut off my computer by hitting the power switch. Shit. I booted it up again but my computer worked fine for some reason and everything's normal. I went to the McAfee site, followed the instructions and deleted the sircam files. I ran a fix program and it deleted a few more files plus it fixed up my registry. Now it seems like everything's back to normal. Yeah... the virus somehow malfunctioned on my computer. The moment I opened the browser last night it should've ran the program SirC32.exe and deleted everything on my hard drive. But it didn't for some reason.

Yesterday in school I saw that guy in RCH brushing his teeth again. WTF? This time he went into the washroom and used water at least. I was about to crack up in front of him, I had a smile on my face the whole time as I was trying not to laugh at him.

Last but not least, I updated my NFL predictions. Now I gotta start on the calculus assignment. Uh no, I'm not gonna fail that. I think I REALLY got 5/14 on that stupid quiz. I talked to a guy yesterday in class and he told me he got 13/14, damn, time to drop out of Engineering? :P

- Backstab