Old News 10/13/01-10/19/01

Last Night - Friday 10/19/2001 5:58pm EST

Well, let's see.  Hey everyone!!  WazzzzzzzzzUP??  I hate life sciences.  What a crappy program.  I think I should have gone into engineering - looks so much easier =) Hahaha - well, maybe not, but life sciences is definitely not a bird course.  Crap.  Got 0 hours of sleep yesterday cuz I had stupid physics and chem to do.  Now I only have economics, and a Chem and Physics midterm next week - so frickin screwed.

Damn man, the Leafs won.  A very sad day in sports.  But no fear, the Red Wings are 6-1-0-0 and should have no problems in winning the cup this year - when it happens, life will be so great again.  And can you believe Calgary is the best Canadian Team?  Something like 5-1-1-0.  Holy mofo man.  Hahaha.  Bills won too... hmmmmmmmmz... what the heck is going on in Jacksonville?  Johnson is so much more the man than Flutie too...

Man, is that the only place to hang out in Waterloo??  Fed Hall or whatever it's called?  Lol, one hangout place in waterloo - well, I guess that's already better than you guyz expected!  Ghetto Waterloo...  Oh well, I really believe you guyz have it a bit easier - like, Waterloo is harder to get into and shit, but it's easier to stay in.  Stupid UofT... accepts a gazillion people, and then weeds out a gazillion people minus 1.  Gay.  I hate it =)

Ah... time to answer Guru Mike's question.  Ok, first of all, I'm surprised that you don't know what Triskaidekaphobia is.  It's a phobia for the number 13.  Pretty stupid, eh?  I finally learned why Friday the Thirteenth is considered unlucky - 13 cuz that's how many people were there at the Last Supper with Mr JC superstar, and Friday cuz it was the day of the crucifixion.  Ok... what the hell is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia??  Well, I know Hippophobia is a fear of horses.  Iophobia is a fear of poisons, getting poisoned, or rust.  So that leaves Potomonstrosesquippedalphobia.  OOOOOOOOOOHhh...  Potophobia is the fear of alcohol.  So that leaves monstrosesquippedalphobia.  Oh wait a sec.  Never mind, I now know what this stupid Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliphobia is.  How ironic.  Haha.  Guru - it's the fear of long words!! HAHAHAHA.  Sesquipedaliophobia is the same thing.  Hahahahaha. 

Well, that's it for now.  I guess I'll change the random pic now.  Peace out.

- Skieblade

Last Night - Friday 10/19/2001 1:40pm EST

Let's start off with the Linear Algebra midterm.  Well I was a bit freaked out by the 97 and 98 midterm because it looked so much harder than the 99 one. My theory was that this midterm will be ez because as you can see, there's a pattern, 97 was the hardest and 99 was the easiest. Anyhow I did the midterm and OMG I think I cashed it hardcore.  I'm guessing I got at least 90 on it, and I might have gotten perfect.  Most people finished the thing after an hour... and you have 2 hours to do it.  I finished in 70 min.

Damn, that midterm boosted up my confidence and I was all hyped up after.  After drinking a beer and stealing 5 more from Mike's room. I was planning on going to Fed at 10:30 but Etheral tricked me into going to Philthy McNasties because he said the science girls were coming.  But they didn't. Bastird.  Anyhow, Christine ended up to be the only girl going (lol) but I think there were 8 ppl, the usual crew including Guru, cdsoundtr aka Dave aka David Wong, Jon 'da man' Mui etc.  We saw parts of the leaf game and the Buffalo-Jax game, WTF BUFFALO WON. FAGGOTS. The DJ downstairs were playing drum and bass but he played some shitty tunes (like Man of Steal). I guess he was cool, when he played Bodycount by Usual Suspects and Bodyrock by Andy C and Shimon. 

I was in such a good mood and it was only 12:00 so me, Guru, Christine and Dave decided to go to Fed. There was a fight outside of Fed and the security owned those guys.  That was weird.  Fed was OK, not too many people there... we left at 2:00am.  The DJ dropped Billie Jean and Planet Rock by Afrika Bambaattaa.  I wasn't very pleased at the end, I realized it would've been better if I went at 10:30. Oh well. Lesson learned and I'm never again going to Philthy's... it's so damn far.

I'm supposed to be in Math 115 as I'm typing this but our prof is always on crack and I dont' understand him anyway. I don't think I'm going to C&O, I'm just gonna stay home and study.  Anyhow, bye.

- Backstab

Amazon.com Is The Shit - Wednesday 10/17/2001 8:00pm EST

Last night I went to the amazon.com presentation for future software engineers with Tommyboy and a friend.  I have to say, that presentation was the shit. Why? Well, besides the free amazon.com long sleeve shirt, water bottle and mouse pad, I also got a free dinner (pizza, and some appetizers like fried mushrooms and chicken) and the best of all FREE BEER.  OMG, anyway, they didn't card me because they assumed most of the people in the room were 3rd or 4th year students.  LOL, anyhow, the Heineken was good. I'm starting to really like beer.

When I came back home, I wasn't really buzzed, but I was hyped up. I started to do some physics questions and couldn't stop doing it, haha, and I was on fire... I was owning the '93 midterm, except for the question with the 4 blocks on top of each other. 

Anyhow, gonna go invert some matrices. Gotta get a decent mark tomorrow for Algebra. Skieblade, predict Buffalo vs Jacksonville, that game starts tomorrow.

- Backstab

My New DVD Player & Some Guy Outside Finch Station - Wednesday 10/17/2001 5:25pm EST

Tried out my DVD player on my computer today. Seems to work pretty good. Watched some of the bloopers and cut scenes from "Chasing Amy". Some parts were pretty FUCKING FUNNY. I've yet to see the extended version of Tom Cruise's seminar from "Magnolia". I heard that was some pure jokes.

Some guy was sitting outside Finch station smoking a pipe. That's so damn hardcore. It was like, 10 in the morning too. It was so damn cold as well. I think he was smoking Captain Black cause it smelled chocolately.

I know what your talkin' about Guru. I've been studing like mad for my first mid-term, and when it was over, my schedule freed up a little bit. It was enough to get some counterstrike time. Not too bad. I feel like I'm wasting time, but in reality, I have some time to waste anyways.

I still don't think those contacts I bought are green enough. Maybe I should complain.

Oh yeah. I don't have any real "Coca-Cola" in the house, so I've been forced to drink "PC Cola". Maybe I should complain about that one too.

- L.

Psychologically conditioned to work hard on Tuesday nights ONLY -Tuesday 10/16/2001 11:55pm EST

Well I/Waterloo has brainwashed me. You see ever since frosh week, i've had to do work on tuesday nights. Why? because my fricken algerbra assignment is due on Wednesday. Ahh but today is different, you see i had the midterm on monday so therefore no assignment on Wednesday. So at night i'm thinking damn i have to finish some work that's due tomorrow so instinctively i do my CS. Well have way through my assignment i realize it's not due. CRAP DAMN SHOOT. so i give up and go goof off.

The moral of this story? well i basically brainwashed myself to work hard on tuesdays. Isn't that really weird? i find it tremendously disturbing. But thanks to reason and me being a slacker, i have changed, probably for the worst. Seeing the i just washed my brain, i wonder what i washed out? Probably just some dirty thoughts.

Well my life is jim dandy fine alright right now. When i say jim dandy fine alright it means 2 things. I've gone further insane and the fact that my work has sort of let up. Well on the weekend, yes i must add, i broke every drinking rule i have. And i didn't throw up or get a hangover. Wow i'm such a tight ass. FYI cliff i did catch randy he was having much trouble standing at 26 CLT. Enough about those nights, drunken stupor can only be repeated so much before it sounds, well, stupor.

Well news from cdsoundtr, he managed to get an ip from the fellow who's been causing crap for people around waterloo. what is he going to do now? well cdsoundtr has challenged him to a grundge match of ultimo proportions. A duel of wits and skillz. A match of short knife fighting! nah, cdsoundtr is just going to report his ass to resnet. cdsoundtr is certainly the popular for communication based attacks. First dirty calls now hacking. like G would say 'arcore.

Wow paragraph 5! the Guru is capable of writing, too bad i still can't read. So where is this post going towards now? I've updated the Q of the Week. Strange, no one even tried to answer my last one? Anyways go to http://www.hypnotic.com/. Watch Big Bunny, the whole series. it's good ole sick and twisted fun! i'm out of here i ramble too much.

Your disentry free friend,

- Guru Mike

Damn Rain - Tuesday 10/16/2001 6:30pm EST 

What the heck is wrong with the weather in Waterloo. It rains about 80% of the time and it's so damn cold. I'm getting sick again and I'm not happy about it. 

Anyways, the weekend was great, Waterloo has never seemed so lively. I got drunk for the first and last time last weekend, it was an experience, not one I'd care to repeat though. I think I'll stick to getting buzzed. 

Mid-terms are going pretty well in my opinion, I don't think I've failed any yet, so it's all good. Waterloo is getting boring again though, so I'm gonna go back to TO this weekend, I try not to stay here for more than 2 weeks otherwise I'd probably go nuts. 

Ha ha ha, while I was sitting in the hall waiting for my algebra exam to start, I started to sing "Stuck in a moment" to myself, and then these girls joined in, it was pretty weird. Anyways, I have class (yes, at 7 in the evening), so I've gotta go. Btw, I also sent you an e-mail about a month ago Christina, but never got a reply, I forgot about it until now. 


Crunch Time - Tuesday 10/16/2001 3:30pm EST

Yep, I gotta study my ass off now for my midterms. My first one is on Thursday, then 3 on the next week and 1 more the week after.

I wrote a rant today by accident... I was gonna post it up here, but it got long so I put it in stuff section. You can read it HERE, or simply go to the stuff section.

Looks like the NFL predictions have finally pulled away, which is a good thing. Another unpredictable week in the NFL, with Indianapolis, Denver, San Diego and Miami losing. In other sports news, Yankees are still alive... err who cares about baseball. In Hockey, the Islanders and Montreal are leading the Eastern Conference??? WTF??? Ohhhh and might I add that Justine Henin lost her match last sunday? Sux0r. 

P.S. I still own at Grade 12 Math, and always will. I own trig and logs, and I almost forgot, proving congruent and similar triangles $$.

- Backstab

I am SOOO Ghandi - Tuesday 10/16/2001 9:30am EST

Well as I check the time its 9:30, I just woke up, by myself I might add. And see normally there would be no major problem with this but the problem really is that I HAD A FUCKING TUTORIAL  THAT WAS WORTH REAL MARKS!!! I guess you can strike a percent off my final mark. And its not like a percent is a HUGE deal to me anymore but the problem this time is that it wasn't my fault. And I'm pissed at the people for GE. Yes thats right, General Electrics, owes me a percent for algerbra!!! You know why? Because I invest in their fucking little piece of technology and it can't wake a mouse up. Anyone know any good piece of software that can set off alarms and wont stop till I get up and shut it off!! If there is, I need it, because missing class due to sleep is pissing me off. I can just come back and sleep at 12:30. Its not like I even went to bed late around 12am. That should be plenty of time to wake up. Well I'm just bitter today and nothing can help me that way. 

By the way, Skieblade!!! I'm getting quite pissed off at this rants about the leafs. At least they aren't as pathetic as the MINNESOTA VIKINGS. I thnk I'll start posting leaf reports again. Also might I remind you Skieblade, as of this week you have no right to make fun of my NFL predictioins after your PATHETIC (and I use that word lightly) showing this week. Tis all for now. Time to get to my first class (second of the DAY!!!)


I Thought I was Ghandi - Tuesday 10/16/2001 2:00am EST

Yes yes, drunkards and all, but does that make me any less enlightened?  I had the title of Ghandi way before chauvanist Tom.  Me, me pick me!!!  Ok enough of that.  Maybe I'll be Ghandi for halloween...maybe not, UFT people might look at me funny...plus it's getting cold....ok no Ghandi for Halloween.  

Ok, next subject.  Syl, me != bastard.  (me not equals bastard).  I can't reply to an e-mail i didn't receive.  But I sent one too, and you never responded to that...visited the swansongs page, but it's gone, so maybe that's why.  Alas my brain is fried and my computer is formatted, and I have no copy of what I wrote in either, tho i remember I had much to say.  Maybe I'll call, gotta work something out with the 'rents before i make those long distance phone calls tho.  Does the e-mail on the staff page work?  I think I'll send something there tomorrow...brain.  Got to see a lot of people this weekend, still missing some, life isn't the same without any bruises.  But Life goes on, and well there's always tomorrow.  

Clarification of previously described events:  Yes George was breakdancing... that was a sight, we gotta do that again.  Etheral was not only dancing by himself, but seemed to be possessed and in pain.  It was me playing hacky sack, and I nailed a JESTER without falling, while drunk.  Liston remained on 2 feet due to MY interventinon, not sure what Mike did, but I'm a glory hog, and i feel the need for attention.

I must add, we seem to harmonize well when drunk...or it just sounds really good when I'm drunk. Me and Ephraim drank a pitcher each, - half a cup.  The DJ at philthy's asked me to come back on thursday to break at the DJ contest...well she said "u guys" but glory hog me has reduced it to..."me".  "WAT A GWAN BREDREN!"  no further explanation for that one.

And before I go, sorry to any of the girls i talked to this weekend, who might read this...I was drunk, not entirely my fault.  And who the hell is Tim...I didn't sleep with him did I?  I'm gonna regret that when I remember it.  Who was he?  Oh and remember don't praise false idols, only the real ones.  Hail to the mighty Gendo, master of all that is circular.  Oh ya soor George, I had much news since I didn't post while I was at 'loo.


Stuf. - Monday 10/15/2001 2:21pm PST

You are all a bunch of drunkards. I don't drink anymore. :) That is, really, because of medication and the fact that there's no one here I would even remotely want to drink with, much less shoot tequila with. Sigh. Cliff, you bastard, e-mail me back. Did you really not get my e-mail? Everytime I come back to Victoria after a weekend in Vancouver I reflect on how much I seriously despise it here... this place is the dullest corner of the universe and I don't have the energy to do a thing. I also found a bizarre black plastic box under the heater in my room that says "do not touch" and has a skull on it. So, like a good girl, I shake it and out comes pink powder, which I vacuum up. This is the kind of stuf I do with my life. Yes.

My brain is absolute mush and I think I'm getting stupider on a moment-to-moment basis. Does anyone watch Buffy? I would like to be an Iron Monkey - give me a heart to burn, give me a fight to fight, and give me the strength to die for it, and I will do it if I can sleep at the end. Everything is too complicated. Read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. Read Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose". Slept at 5 am last night(morning) and refused to go to class, only to realize that I had a quiz worth 15% today. This is where I bitch about being a girl. I curse you all with PMS & cysts in your ovaries. Encephalitis is icky. (That has nothing to do with being a girl, I was reading an apocalyptic thriller yesterday(which sucked, but reminded me of Talbot)).

I'm tired. Someone come visit me. Actually, Tom, compared to some of the stupid white boys on campus you are fucking gandhi. Okay, maybe not. Even if you can't SPELL CHAUVANIST properly. :) Don't worry, I still love you. I'm dying for Lord of the Rings, re-reading the trilogy and am imagining the actors in their roles. Well-cast. Well-shot, too, or so it seems. Translating characters now. Am very confused. Oh, and I failed a philosophy essay! Sigh. I am heading towards the residential cardboard box even more surely that I was before. As for nostalgia - mm. I don't miss high school, because I hated high school, but I miss certain things, maybe. I wouldn't move back to Toronto. But I don't have anyone to hit here. :( And my glasses fell somewhere in my room and I can't FUCKING FIND THEM. Blargh.

- Syl

Hilights of the Weekend - Sunday 10/14/2001 11:59pm EST

Aight. Gonna summarize this weekend with a list of random things that happened, let's see:

1. Watch out for the Popo. He will get you slo-o.
2. Stu's Rant at McGinnis
3. Hub Cab
4. Frisbee Football
5. Unreal Tournament
6. Guy with the skid
7. Hacky
8. Tommyboy breaking
9. CLT
10. Dancin at TD

I have one word to summarize the whole weekend: 'ARDCORE.

p.s. Holy crap I think Skieblade got owned by his NFL predictions today.

- Backstab

The Weekend - Sunday 10/14/2001 Too Early In The Morning

Let's see, on Friday everyone came up from Toronto. Liston brought up a huge bottle of tequila which we decided to shoot it straight (that bottle provided a lot of fun for the amount it cost). We next headed to Philty's where Jon Mui almost drank a pitcher of beer, a bunch of guys proceeded to break drunk(quite funny), Etheral got really drunk and I somehow managed to spill a blowjob all over the bartender. word of advice don't try to light a cigar while drunk doesn't work very well.

So what do u do after a night of drinking, head to CLT where we just missed a party so off to crash another place, here we chilled and played Nintendo (wtf). Some how Liston managed to walk without falling over, mostly due to Guru's quick reflexes. The night ended off with a walk home and a good night sleep at 4:30.

Saturday got up at 1:00 to Etheral's phone call. Went to Mongolian grill for lunch, umm real food. We then went back to res where we just hung out and tried to study, ummm yeah what were we thinking. By eight we ordered pizza and watched some Chinese move called Shaolin Soccer, wow that movie was messed. After the movie it was time to go out again, but not before finishing off the bottle of Tequila. Off to McGinnis where somehow Knobody made friends with some white guy named Tim. After a night of screaming really loud, kissing glass and more screaming we headed home. And that was it. So until the next time, night all, it was great meeting all of you.


Waterloo Weekend - Saturday 10/13/2001 8:35pm EST

As most of you know a lot of the people from Toronto came to Waterloo for the weekend.  Let's see, I'm gonna talk about what we did.

Last night, Knobody, Liston, Stu and someone else I forgot came up at 10:30pm. Knobody had to park at stupid Optometry because we couldn't get a parking pass. That was gay.

Then a whole bunch of people went to the bar and we drank a bit. Etheral was so screwed up. I've never seen him so drunk before... anyway, he was dancing by himself on the dancefloor. The whiteness that is Tommyboy then started to break, that was freakin hilarious. LOL. I think I was breaking too. Ok let's not get into that.

We left the bar at around 1:30 and went to CLT for no apparent reason.  That was stupid, such a long walk for nothing.  We went to some house that had a party and it was over, then we crashed at 91 CLT which was lame. We came back at 3:45 in the morning and I think I fell asleep at about 4:30?

Damn, I need to get some work done on Sunday. I did 1 calculus question today. 1 question $$

Last but not least.... Justine Henin, she's in the finals of some tournament. Plz win ok? :P 

- Backstab