Old News 10/20/01-10/26/01

MONEY CASH WHAT?! WHAT! - Friday 10/26/01 5:20pm EST

Today's a good day. Well I got some of my midterms back and it turned out that I cashed my physics midterm like a whore. 12/12. Yeah, that's total ownage.  I don't think I've owned anything that hardcore before. Damn that's some cash money.  Average for that was like 69% in my class?  Tommyboy also owned it with a 100%. LOL. We gotta thank Defina for this. 

Next, Calculus. My prof came into the room and told that the SE students totally destroyed that midterm and the class average is 90%. I was like umm... WTF?? Yeah, it's pretty sick, I heard the averages in the other math classes are about 70%. Anyhow, I got 92% on my midterm. Not bad at all, even though I could've gotten that last question, woops. Oh well, I think I beat the average, 62 out of 101 people in my class got above 90. 

Then this afternoon, I also owned the Linear Algebra midterm. 50/50. More money. The average for SE students is 90%. LOL. 

Btw, last night I wasn't in the best mood as I fucked up my Discrete Math Mid-term. Let's just say, I'll be happy with a mark above 70. Pretty shitty but I hate that course with a passion anyway so I don't really care.  I still have CS130 to go on Monday and that can possibly be a bitch.

OMG CARD GAMES!!! HELL YEAH! We should put up a page of all the card games.  I think the first one I made up was a variant of that game 24, but instead if you can get a total of -28, you win.  Then there was this one where you deal out 2 piles for 2 players.  Add up the total of the piles, and whoever has the highest total wins. LOL.

About the layout of this page. I guess if you wanna change it go ahead, gimme a few suggestions.  I think Guru wants to have some fun with the graphics. By the way Guru developed the pictures. Some of them are pretty screwed up and will be posted up on PP.

- Backstab

Skool among other things - Thursday 10/25/01 11:50pm EST

Okay, I'm not usually one to say this, but here goes. I got 85% on my Discrete midterm, but I should have gotten 90% if I wasn't so stupid. THERE, I SAID IT! hahaha. Strange thing. Guru, remember that proof you showed me about the infinite primes? We did that too, but using quantifiers and logical operations. The form of the proof looked SO familiar, and I remembered about that product of primes is divisible by individual prime stuff... blah blah blah. Yeah. That was strange.

I pretty much aced my Computer Sci I mid-term. 50 mins, 3 questions, mostly coding.

Backstab, remember those stupid card games we made up? Let's post it up man.

For all those who don't know, long long ago we made up all these crazy card games. Man, that was interesting for like, 4 days. One game (invented by yours truly) involved placing a deck of cards in a room with a set mouse trap. Lock the room to the door and wait exactly 7 days. Open the door, and if the 7 of diamonds is caught in the mouse trap, YOU LOSE.

There was another game about standing on top of a barn with a shotgun and a deck of cards... I don't remember how that one worked... Anyways.

Yeah, gonna put in some CS time.

Black Rage! Black Rage!

- Liston

Forgive me God, for i have sined, i have went to XP. - Thursday 10/25/01 12:26pm EST

Yeah i changed to XP for the stability it's supposed to offer. We will see how good it is soon enough. Did you know XP's starting theme is the ugliest thing i've ever seen? They pretty much arranged some things that i don't where they are anymore. oh well i'll figure it out soon enough. Otherwise XP hasn't given me any problems. Oh wait, XP doesn't support EZ CD creator, Grr! oh well i'll just have to wait until Oct 29 when they do come out with a patch.

Tachyon: the fringe sux. But i'm not really a flight games sim person. It's basically like every other space shooter out there. All my CS skills are probably close to dead now, It's all unreal now.

I don't think i did well on my Psych and Calc exam. Midterms are driving me nuts, i'm even past the point where i need a stiff drink. BTW all the eng students are done at the end of today so they are going to boozing. ie G and Jon

About the sheme of this site, yeah i think it does need a overhaul, but not nesscarly colour. I think we just need to do some graphics. If you have ideas, just msg G with some kinda sketch or something.

Nothing really interesting bout me this week. Except i'm watch all of Serial Experiments Lain. My God i dont know what the fuck when on there but shit! It certainly rivals EVA for freaky but i get this one even less. 2 more exams to go and i'm free! free like a bird in a zoo.

Crispers aren't chips or crackers, their just freaks

- Guru Mike XPed

Dirty Limericks - Thursday 10/25/01 12:00am EST

Alright, I'll admit it... I've got that damned song from "Enterprise" in my head for the last week (for those of you who have some time to watch it). It's such a stupid song, but's it's very uplifting you know. You know what else is an uplifting song? You know in the transformers movie when Prime says "Arise Rodamus Prime!". Yeah, the song in that scene is da shit.

I actually studied today! Yeah. Did some old mid-terms for Computer Science I. I have the mid-term tomorrow. Easy stuff, and worth 35% no less. I'm more afraid of missing a ; than anything else. Concepts are pretty simple. Damn I miss global variables... Yes, I know that they are VERY INSECURE, but I never had a problem with them. Static wha? Yeah, my null string isn't working. I think Windows is putting in those invisible characters again into my input.

I wanna post my pictures back up. I shut down my Geocities account because of that new rule about "viewing quota". What a piece of crap. You can only view the website up to a certain amount of data until they cut you off for an hour. wtf is that. As well, I had some REALLY OLD STUFF (back from like, grade 11), and some friends from Ryerson took a look. Now, I don't mind if you already know me and read that stuff... but when you're trying to create a stronger, more mature image of yourself to your new university buddies, and they read stories about how you had a crush on some girl and did all this stupid immature stuff in the process.... yeah, it doesn't turn out too well. So yeah, I'm gonna re-vamp it. I would like to get my pictures back up though. I might get a tripod account and link Polaris to a photo gallery.

Oh yeah, the title of this post is "Dirty Limericks". Okay, it's like this. Apparently, compsci students already paid for 1000 sheets of paper to use in the computer lab. If and only if by the end of university I have sheets left (I never print stuff out at school anyways), I'm printing up 1000 sheets of dirty limericks. Let that bubble jet fly!

Yeah, I never posted my NBA stuff. Let me just say that Toronto needs another point guard, watch Raja Bell this year, I still don't like Mo Pete, and what the hell was Phoenix thinking with that trade!?

Just reminds me again. Remember LONG LONG AGO when I said I was gonna make some sort of dictionary for all the slang we use? I should start that up again. It'd be pretty fucking funny.

I'm getting tired of this greyness at Polaris. Think we could change the colour of this? Staffers? Admin 'stab?

Anyways, I'm gonna get some sleep. I've been living off caffiene the last week, and it's starting to mess me up. Ah the life of university students.

Follow me! I'm fucking insane!

- The Listman

I'm Usually Looking Forward to Thursdays - Wednesday 10/24/01 10:40pm EST

But why not tomorrow? Well, that's because I have a C&O 103 Midterm, which is a biatch. I'm aiming for a 75+ on it... yes 75+.  This stuff is so fucking confusing. I hate proving GCDs. It doesn't make any sense to me, even torque makes more sense than that ... haaha. Torque. Anyhow, C&O pisses me off more than ever. I can't wait till that's over. 

Another pisser offer is CS130. That course is turning out into some form of bullshit.  I'm getting docked for stupid things in my assignments.  I lost 10 marks on one of the my assignments because I handed in my UML wrong so I assumed that I needed to use the same shit you did in the UML. That's bullshit. Here's some refinement to the course.  Assignments should count weigh less. Final project should weigh more. While 50% of the exams is testing your skills and wits.  You have a timer in front of you and you are asked to write/implement a program.  If you finish it in 5 minutes, then you get 100%, the longer it takes you to finish, the shittier the mark you'll get.  By the time 30 minutes is over and you can't get it to work or compile. Then you fail. Just an idea.  This in my opinion differentiates from people who just study hard to people who are actually skilled at coding/hacking.

I haven't had the time to update the sports page yet. But Skieblade told me his pick is Indy. Mine's also Indy. Tom I'll just get your pick from the elite place that is WEEF Lab tomorrow.

- Backstab

Semi-Ownage in Physics or Total Ownage? - Tuesday 10/23/01 10:55pm EST

Or got owned? I have no idea. The whole thing is 12 multiple choice questions for 2 hours.  By no means that thing was easy.  It was a fucking bitch.  Anyway, I was quite happy because for 11 of them I got exact answers, and it seems like me and Tommyboy's answers are almost identical which is a good thing.  Also, for the one that I didn't get an exact answer, I think I guessed the right one, because most people got that one, so ya, I have no idea. Hopefully I didn't get trix0red.  So how about... a range of 75%-100%. LOL I dunno. I'm hoping for a 100%. That will be fucking l33t.

OMFG A Fob just came down to my room and told me to turn down the music. WTF. FOr god's sakes ur a pussy. Can't stand drum and bass you homo? Fine, go listen to your gay ass chinese music. 

- Backstab

It rains in Waterloo cuz God cries every time he looks down there - Tuesday 10/23/01 7:20pm EST

Lol, Guru out with his porn tshirt in the rain.  Stuck to his body... I guess people got to see pure lank!  Haha, it rains everytime in Waterloo eh?  Well, one can easily tell why... Oh yeah, Guru, put up another question!!!

Ouch, I wrote my chemistry midterm yesterday.  Ouch.  I screwed up on a question worth 10/50 marks.  Damn.  If I get part marks, I might still get 90 - sigh. 

Avtar, Backstab, do you think we can make it to like FOX or CBS as analysts?  HAHA... we all blow man =)

Oh yeah, I have a physics midterm this Thursday.  Everyone knows how much I love physics - me and my elite 66%.  Oh yes - this is gonna be a slaughterfest.

Oh man, I got stories to tell about a certain roommate when you guyz come back to Toronto.  You'll laugh your asses off =)

Aight, economics time!  GO DIAMONDBACKS!!!!  Peace out.


Well I went went for a walk to ... - Tuesday 10/23/01 10:57am EST

PSA, and i would have to agree with Backstab, that place is seriously freaky. When i was walking down the stair well, i noticed the stair well was angled. Instead of straight it slanted towards me at the top and away at the bottom. It was screwing up my sense of perspective. Well I was there to do a psych evaluation for 1% of my pysch mark, but i was 10 mins late because, surprise surpise, i was lost. So on my way out i noticed some light rain and i had no umbrella

Well entering the Villages cafe, i was soaked. I was pretty much dripping dog type of wet. Damn it rains alot here. That was at least a good 20 mins of rain. Fuck i just showered and i had my porn star t-shirt on. Oh well. Que sera sera.

Again, today i will be reading 25% of my psych readings in a span of shorter than 2 days. Wish me luck and sanity. I think i'm going to be owned by CS midterm. Oh well time to eat.

End Transmission!

Guru Mike

Calc Midterm - Monday 10/22/01 1:52am EST

Let's see, calc's over two more exams left to go. Overall calc wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Some of the questions were worded kinda weird and that screwed me up, but I think I think I answered them correctly. I messed up on like two questions. Overall better than I thought I would have done. Next week is CS, that is gonna be a toughie, gotta start studying for that. I have so much to do over the next two weeks. Also David Usher is here on Nov 3 which should be fun and at least rid my mind of work and school for an hour or so.

Went for wings after the exams with Etheral, Chris Kong, Christine and Nicole. We went to the Bomber and another place. They both had no wings, humm no wings on wing night, Is something not adding up?? Oh well we finally found wings at Front Row.

Yeah the ladybugs at MC. Like WTF, they are all over the place. Like outside the doors, there are just swarms. I've been hit by like 5 just on the way to class. Where do they come from?? Some white guy said "they are from Asia". Yeah blame the Asians, why am I not surprised.

P.S. Backstab, the Eagles beat the Giants 10 - 9. Good game

- Avatar

Calc Midterm - Monday 10/22/01 11:30pm EST

I definitely wouldn't say I owned it because I think I got one of the last questions wrong. But it wasn't bad. I think I might have semi-owned it... so, again, at least a 90 in my opinion. I'd really like to know what I got on that exam. Tomorrow I got a physics midterm. Someone was saying that last year's midterm average was 4/12. WTF? Seriously how can it be that hard? 

The math building in U of Waterloo is like infested by ladybugs. It's pretty nasty, you can see like 23453454 ladybugs crawling up there.  

Well what I can say about this week's NFL games. Holy mofo am I getting wasted or what... 3-9 after Sunday, and at the moment Philly is losing 9-3. Doh. There's a possibility that I'll drop back to last place. Sigh.

BTW, Brunsick House on the 3rd? I'm not sure. I'll still be under age, do you need to be 19 to get in? 

- Backstab

Let's all go to Brunswick House on the 3rd! - Sunday 10/21/01 1:50pm EST

Gees, do I know how to pick the weekends or what? I've got 4 people telling me the same thing... everyone's coming back. Alright then. I say we go to Brunswick House on Saturday. Never been there on Saturday, but I've heard Rockin' Irene is there that night too. Shit, I hope beer is still 4.75 a pitcher.

I have about 10 more pictures to go on that roll.

Okay, I've been doing nothing for the last 2 days. Now I find myself lost in a sea of quizzes, mid-terms, essays, and formal lab reports. I'm so fuked. It's really hard to do work when you have a 1.5Ghz pentium with a DVD, 19" monitor and a cable modem. Shit, that reminds me. Chasing Amy is due back today.

And so it goes,

- Liston

I'd like you all to meet... - Sunday 10/21/01 12:46 pm EST

Well it's calc time! crap yeah i need to study for calc as well. Blah, i hope this mid term is easy as well. I mean the algerbra midterm wasn't that hard. So i'm wondering, is calc our weeder course? I'm probably just paranoid, or everything is made to weed me out. I miss feeling smart. So far i've studied only small amounts, so now it's time to haul ass. I think the stress will eventually get to me around 3rd & 4th year.

Yeah Randy i want to go back to TO on Nov 2 weekend, even though i have a paper due, i really want to go home. By then i'll have been here for a month, and i think my parents would like to see me. Man what the hell am i going to write for my philosophy class?

You know what's funny? yesterday jon came up to my room and we both had a beer. (Funny how i can study with beer now) We were both complaining that our school life now sucks. His more than mine. And coincidentally we were both like "What the fuck was i thinking comming to one of the best schools for math/eng. Man i should have just taken life sciences, it's just stupid memorization." lol

Oh man at the rate were consuming alcohol, i think i'll either die or alcohol will no longer have any effect on me. Last week end i tried to drink a pitcher of beer (honey brown). Man that is seriously hard, it's the volume i can't take. i came down to about one glass ish left and then etheral drank the rest. I was surprisingly sober after that. Christine thought i was getting sick, but i really wasn't. Well after that was just lots of pissing. That is all. Sure we went to fed, but nothing exciting happend. Oh wait we saw that beat down. Damn that guy had his ass sat on by like 3 security members. Funny shit. Last week was really long.

Oh yeah i'd like you too meet my new "fob" jacket. After losing number 1 and finding number 2. I got another one to replace number 1. So when you see my next time, i hope you take the time to meet fob jacket number 3. I hope you give it the same warm affection you have given the others. lol i just want to take a count. Who thought i was actually going to introduce you to a girl? lol you guys have problems and are awefully paranoid. if you though i was really going to introduce you to someone i met, at the end of your next post, just put a number under your signature in size 1 font. If you don't post here, just email me with a number and i'll post it.

The one and only,

- Guru Mike
1 & 2 (Jon and Backstab already thought something was going on)

Few Things - Sunday 10/21/01 11:30am EST

Where should I start? OK. Here we go.

Me, Guru and Jon played 3 SC games through the network.  IPX works, and there is absolutely no lag.  So sweet. I still can't believe we lost a 3v3 comp. That was embarassing. I finally got the nick "JustineHenin" on US East. After 3 months of waiting. MUAHAHAHA. Cash.

I got pretty sick of studying. Last night I did 3 related rate questions... I dunno, don't feel like doing much Calc anymore. But I need to memorize those stupid theorems.

I uploaded a clip of my tune in process "Mystique". It's not finished yet but you can listen to it... Also uploaded a clip of Mindgames by )EIB(. YES I CAN'T WAIT for that release.

Two-bite brownies, they are so good. OMG. I bought a bag of those on Friday. So good. Hmmm.

Liston, everyone's going back on Nov 2. You shouldn't come up. I've talked to Guru and a few others, they all are going back that weekend.  Come up on Nov 9 weekend. And if you're coming up on Thursday, you might wanna check out Fed after you go to Philthys.  Btw dude, you gonna scan those pictures of last weekend? 

Skieblade you uploaded a blank page to the NFL predictions.

- Backstab

58% on my physics midterm - Saturday 10/20/01 4:00pm EST

Yeah, I got 58% on my physics midterm... well, test. It was worth 15% I believe so it's not that bad. The class averaged 40%, so I guess I didn't do that bad.

I haven't been able to find any PUMPKIN PIE in the grocery stores near my house. wtf. I always look forward to October because of the pumpkin pie.

I've been playing counter strike quite a bit lately. It's starting to ruin my life. On the up side though, my record is usually averaged to over .500.

Oh yeah, interesting story. Smoking cigars saved my life two days ago. Okay, I got off the GO bus at 6pm and started walking home. I stopped and decided to light a cigar. I tried to light it while I was walking, but the wind kept blowing out the flame. I stopped for about 3 seconds and I lit it, then kept walking. As I'm walking home, I have to walk past this driveway that's connected to a big condo. It's really hard to see people who walk on the sidewalk across the driveway because of trees and such (not like it matters, you still have to watch for pedestrians). I was about to cross the driveway, when this car comes out of nowhere at about 30km/h. I stare at the guy and he says "sorry!". wtf. Stupid fucker almost killed me. So, if I didn't stop to light that cigar, I probably would have been hit. Strange, huh?

Oh yeah, I'm planning to come up on November 2nd. Knobody might come as well. I wanna make sure that no one is coming back on that weekend, cause it's sorta stupid that we would go there, and someone I wanted to see comes back. Not sure if Knobody will come and drive, but if not, I'll just take the greyhound. Might come up for the thursday cause I'm interested in seeing the live music at Philthy's. I always liked live bands while I'm getting toasted.

Oh yeah, remember those people we always saw studying at Tim Horton's? Remember how I said I don't understand them and that I would never do that???? *sigh* I did it on Thursday. Went with Knobody and Diana L. Strangely enough, I was the one who did the most studying. I drank one of those x-tra large coffees, and I started yelling and stuff. Swearing too! :) Went to that new Tim's at Bayview and 16th. The staff is a lot nicer there.

I'm gonna buy some new clothes tomorrow.

I did some laundry today. I love Ultra Downey. I find that my clothes smell much better than when using ghetto Fleecy. Oh yeah, fuck regular Downey, that sucks ass.

I finally have food in my house. I decided to go grocery shopping yesterday cause my dad left some money on the table before he left of the Phillipines. My shopping list consisted of "Milk", "Soy Milk", "Meat", "Two Bite Brownies", "Chips", "Eggs", "Instant Noodles". Gees, such a ghetto list, eh? Anyways, I met my sister at Loblaws (by accident). It was strange.

YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WAS STRANGE??? Okay, I saw Shonna on the bus coming home yesterday. She was sitting down, and so was this other girl one seat ahead. The other girl saw some other girl (or in logical form, Ex Ey such that x saw y [SORRY!]), and the one standing went to UT and the one sitting went to Ryerson. Shonna goes to UT and I go to Ryerson, and we had the same questions for each other. I dunno, found that strange.

Anyways, should start reading. Have some essays and write-ups due.

- L.

All Is Quiet in N3, and My Upcoming Demo CD - Saturday 10/20/01 2:50pm EST

Woah, my floor is so quiet in the weekends. With Etheral gone, it has become a studying floor.  Last night all I did was study, mix, and played 2 games of Starcraft with Jon.

I'm thinking of bringing up my synth up to Waterloo so I can produce.  But I don't think I can at the moment, there's simply no room. ARGH. I got tons of ideas in my head right now but I can only do some production in the weekend. 

My demo CD aka "Galactica LP", which I thought  would be finished in September, is totally delayed because I can't finish the damn tracks at Waterloo.  Anyhow, this will be the listing:

1. Sinister
2. Galactica
3. Time Trip
4. Sphere
5. Ravener
6. Roadrunner
7. The Signal
8. Reignite
9. Mystique (feat. sporophyte)
10. Backstabbin' 

I'm pretty hyped up about this myself because I will be sending this CD to big record labels such as RAM, Bad Company, and of course Vinyl Syndicate... I'd really like what they think of my stuff, as one of my dnb producing friends told me my sound resembles RAM.

I will be giving these demo LPs away to friends and stuff.  I'd like to see what you guys think of it too, what your favourite tracks are and stuff.  Personally, I'm quite happy with the tracks Galactica, Ravener and Reignite, and the rest in my opinion ain't bad either. I think I'm gonna burn about 10-20 copies of it.  It'd be nice if you guys pay me a nice $5 for the CD or something for the copy. But that's all up to you. :)

- Backstab