Old News 11/3/01-11/9/01

Book of The Bad 3 EP + Interview Section - Thursday 11/08/01 8:45pm EST

Ya so I finally got the EP Book of The Bad 3 by )EIB( aka Bad Company.  This is definitely recommended, even though I was disappointed at some of the tracks.  On the A side, it features "Mindgames", which is an absolutely tearing tune, awesome use of vocals and those keyboard sounds are nice.  The flipside, "Rodeo", not bad but a little weird in my opinion.  C side is "Miami Flashback", which is a remix of Flashback, this tune has one of the best intros.  The flipside of that is "Story Teller", which I personally think is a weak tune comparing to the rest of )EIB('s stuff.  Nonetheless, this is not a bad EP, even though I think Book of The Bad 2 was better.  The Book of The Bad CD also came out but I don't know when it's out in stores. That thing features all the tracks on Book of the Bad 1,2 and 3 plus 2 other tracks. 

I also got Peepshow by Cause 4 Concern. My god that's a song that will stick in to your head!!!

Oh right, the interview. Polaris Prime now has an interview section.  Basically what's gonna happen is that I'm gonna pick some people out of hat and interview them and ask them silly questions.  The first interview on Pericles aka Joel is already done... go read it here.

- Backstab

Quick Check In - Thursday 11/08/01 1:25am EST

I have so much work to do that I didn't update...

Damn MathCad assignment, that bitch took me a while, and I realized it's worth ONE percent of your final mark... wow, what a waste of time.

Everyone else is at Fed, except the engineers me and Jon.  There's this Asian dance there tonight apparently it's packed. Now watch when they all come back with a group of girls. I have no idea but I can't go because I have so much WORK to do.. design report due next monday, worth 40% of my SE 101 mark.  

I got Book of The Bad 3 by )EIB(. YESS!! I finally got "Mindgames".

I'll update some more tomorrow after class. Gotta get some sleep. I was so tired today I fell asleep undisturbed for 40 minutes in Algebra.

- Backstab

Photo Gallery - Wednesday 11/07/01 3:30pm EST

The photo gallery is sorta up. I haven't linked all the pages to it, but you can access it here. Polaris Prime Photos

I guess I'll be managing that site. I'm not sure exactly how the layout will be, but I'll get it figured out. If you post pictures on that page, please use the FULL LINK because the directories might be changing. Thumbs are 100X100 pixels and the main picutures are 600 pixels in length with a maintained ratio. I don't know about using p.p's webspace to store pictures. I opened another tripod account and put them there. If you want a large bunch of pics on pp, talk to Backstab, I've no idea how we're doing on webspace.

I coded again while drinking Heineken. Damn fucking amazing. Creating a stack class never seemed so fun.

Got my exam schedule. Last day is December 14th. I hope I pass physics, 'cause to tell the truth, I've no idea how I'll do in that class. My physics professor is the absolute worst teacher I've had yet. The course is badly taught as well. C'mon professor evaluations!

Played Max Payne today. Damn, what a coolio game.

- Liston

The World is Cool - Tuesday 11/06/01 11:11pm EST

I haven't posted in a while.  First thing first...

ARIZONA OWNS!  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!  RANDY JOHNSON IS A GOD!  Curt Schilling is God's top notch underling.  These guyz are awesome.  Holy shit.  They are more awesome than like the USA Dream Team.  WTF.  Yankees just keep wiffing at them.  Hilarious.  And, yes... BRENLEY!  ARE YOU GLAD YOU'RE NOT FIRED!?  STUPID KIM... I still can't believe he gave up 2 2out, 2 run homers in the ninth.  How gay can you get??  I swear, my faith in Koreans almost faltered after that, but have no fear, Koreans still rule =)

Hmz... Yay, Raptors are .500 again.  I knew they'd start off sucky.  But it's all good.  Carter is sucking crap and the Raptors are still .500.  Therefore, once Carter gets going, possible NBA Championship.  Someone just has to upset the Lakers... =)

Well, I see that even though I have not updated in a while... Guru Mike's question has not been updated.  So no regular answer coming up. 

Damn, I gotta find better random pics.  Another crappy one is going up now.

Anyways, leafs won, that really sucks.  But, oh well... DBacks won, so it's all good =)  Nothing else to write now.  Peace.

- Skieblade

T.A.s - Tuesday 11/06/01 5:05pm EST

Some TAs are cool, some of them just sucks. This guy, his initials look like either R.I. or R.T to me, maybe he was just too scared to write his initials better so people wouln't this guy as much.  He's such a fag. He took off 2 marks on my CS130 midterm because I didn't introduce a variable for return. He put check marks everywhere and then put "-2 use a variable".  Everything works perfectly.  I don't understand his gayness. The question is out of 5 and he takes off 2 marks... what the hell I'm gonna argue for that bullshit.  Another TA, initials H.Z. took off a mark (-1 for style).  OK, be specific perhaps?? Seriously if I ever get to evaluate these TAs at the end of the term, I'm just gonna put 0/10 for RI and put reason "you are fugly". 

On the other hand. The TA who goes by the initial "X.P." owns. I got a star sticker on my calc assignment and I got 25/25.  This is the 2nd time I got marked by X.P., and both I got 100%.  Thank you XP! Or Xavier... whatever your first name is.

- Backstab

Why Did Britney Spears Hold A Press Conference? The World May Never Know - Tuesday 11/06/01 1:04am EST

I can't believe she had a press conference. What the fuck is going on in the world today? And the dumbest thing is... the press ACTUALLY CAME! I'm sorry, but any press conference where the speaker uses terms such as "like, you know", and "well duh!", deserves to be mailed MULTIPLE FED-EX PACKAGES CONTAINING SCORPIONS AND/OR ANTHRAX.

"But don't hurt Britney! She's beautiful!", they replied.


It's funny because it's true.

Oh yeah, I FINALLY saw Charmie today at Ryerson. How long have we been going to the same school that's only about 3 city blocks big? Well, the semester IS almost over. She seems good. Living downtown, says she loves it. Damnit, I wish I lived downtown. Oh well, maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to score something downtown while I'm still experiencing the university lifestyle.

I saw the "Pot of Gold" chocolates commercial today. You know the one where they run out of gas in the snow and send the driver to get some more. Then, the rest of the guys mooch some chocolates? Yeah, that one. As well, Grand and Toy is selling those lovely red and white caps. And you know what that means of course...


Yup. I love Christmas. Always have and always will. Sorta reminds me of high school (one of the VERY FEW memories I wish to retain from high school), when I used to come to school without any books or writing thing-a-ma-jiggers. Ended up just coming with Candy canes and presents. HOLY SHIT, didn't we used to sing Christmas carols to Sandy's guitar? I say we takes Sando's guitar and sing in the streets. Yeah, wanted to do that for awhile.

Diana bought me "Chasing Amy" because she lost my other copy. I told her not to buy it, and I still can't believe she did. Apparently, she's gonna come to my house and I'm gonna sit her down with the movie and explain every last detail about it. I'm sorta excited about this. It's gonna be like a director's cut according to the Book of Liston. Considering I can recite every line from the movie, it's almost scary how much I'm into this movie. Yes, it IS better than Mallrats thank you very much. Some would disagree I'm sure.

Anyways, it's late, and I have Computer Science I in the morning at 10.

"It's not who you love, it's how" [Chasing Amy]


Yankees are EZ - Monday 11/05/01 9:30 pm EST

I'm pretty sure that most of you know that the New York Yankees got owned yesterday night on the 9th inning. Randy Johnson with back to back wins as a pitcher, good game.

Lots of great games yesterday around the NFL.  I missed quite a few though.  Chicago vs Cleveland was one of the craziest games... with the score 21-7 Cleveland, Chicago gets a touchdown with 28 seconds left in the game to be down 21-14.  They did an onside kick after, recovered the kick.  After 2 complete passes, with 8 seconds left on the clock, the QB threw a hail mary pass and the defense knocked it right into the hands of a wide receiver for a TD to tie it at 21-21.  So we go to overtime, Cleveland ball, Couch throws an interception and the Bears returned it for a touchdown for the win. LOL! I feel sorry for Cleveland though.

OH yeah... I forgot to say, MathCad sorta sux.  It is somewhat of a crappy program with lots of bugs.

In the next week or so, there might be some new content/feature in the site. I'm not telling you guys at the moment... because I'm not sure if it'll be interesting or not, hehe anyway stay tuned.  

p.s. Etheral your quotes are boring as hell, update them at least :P 

- Backstab

Try Pumping Some Old Shit On Your System - Sunday 11/04/01 11:00pm EST

Last Thursday.  I was a bit sick, so didn't go to Fed... anyhow I'm sick of the music they play there, everyday they play hip hop and top 40 dance and that's it. 

I was going over my old mp3s, and I decided to play some of it since I was getting a bit bored of drum and bass. So I put playlist on random, and boom, first track was "Saturday Night" by Whigfield.  While I was going OMFG myself, like 2 guys on my floor came to my room and just went "OMFG LOL!" (I was playing it pretty loud with my door open.)  That was funny, that tune reminds me of grade school.  It's sooo grade 7.  I was listening to that stuff, it's actually not that bad, with the cheezy synth line in the background and the 4 on the floor beat.  That kind of stuff is so much better than the Euro and top dance hit like Alice Deejay, ATB and his euro trash.  

Can you say drum and bass with vocals is awesome? YEAH! Hell yeah. Even Trevis agreed.  I let him listened to "Shake It" by Shy FX and he was like OMG this is hype.  Guru also thinks so.  Damnit I forgot to tell you that Liston on Saturday.  Anyhow, if I see you online, I'll send you the tune.

This new tune "Peepshow" by Cause 4 Concern is stuck on my head the whole night.  I was humming it like the whole time.  Guru and a few others thought I was either high or drunk or crazy or just sound like a fooli0. This tune is somewhat the shit... it has one of the coolest synth line ever, so funky and bouncy.

On another note, my new tune is almost done and my demo CD should be ready soon, perhaps a few days after my tune is finished.  

- Backstab

I don't even know where to start! - Sunday 11/04/01 1:43pm EST

Okay, so we arrived at Brunswick late. Four dollar cover, so that's not too bad. Mike coaxed the designated driver (yours truly) to drink. However, I did give my keys to Sando BEFORE I got smashed so there's still a little bit of responsibility yet. Drank a small pitcher and a shot of vodka. Danced on the stage, that was pretty coolio. When I came back from the stage, Pete L. was all messed up. Sando told me he had 12 shots of vodka + 120 oz of beer (2 large pitchers). He started throwing up, and everyone was in disgust. I was just laughing... pointing and laughing. The bouncer helped carry Pete out, and, so I hear, the people in line outside boo'ed him. He passed out near the phones outside Brunswick, then some stoners came around and started shouting, "Dude! He passed out in front of Brunswick man! In front of Brunswick!" Some girl came by and asked if he was okay. I just laughed and tried to roll him face down into the concrete. He started swearing and such.

Somehow we ended up at Burger King. Guru asked for a whopper combo and a crown. That clerk was cool, he gave us all crowns.

Still recovering. Blah. Forgot what it was like to get hammered at Brunswick.

Shite, just remembered. My picture roll is done. Maybe I'll go get them developed 2day. Yeah. And I can get something to eat too.

I am SO behind in Algebra. I don't even know what chapter we're on and I have a 3% quiz tomorrow.

Might come up in 2 weeks. Haven't decided yet. I'll see how my schedule is then.

"Dare to Party Where Your Parents Did!"

- Liston

David Usher At FED - Saturday 12/04/1:36am EST

An old friend, my cousin and his friend all came up to see David Usher at FED tonight. First we went for dinner at that Vietnamese restaurant at University Plaza. The food was good but the tea that was given to us was tasted like sewage water and bleach, so no drank it except for my cousin, why? u ask, I'm not exactly sure.

So after dinner it was off to FED for David Usher. We got a great spot right in the front. The opening act was a group named, wait a minute I don't know because I couldn't hear what the lead singer was saying. Even when she sang all I heard was the sounds of drums and bass guitar. Now, David Usher on the other hand was great, he played lots of songs played for almost and hour and a half while interacting a bit with the audience. I was about 2 meters from David Usher and so was my friend (big fan), she was going crazy. Although they told us not to take pictures I think she took a whole roll. Oh well, what the hell would they do anyways. On our way home we saw a fire track and paramedics pull into the Cul De Sac at V1. Supposedly someone got alcohol poisoning at S3's big party. Overall a great day with lots of laughs which would have been totally gay and filled with doing work, if David Usher hadn't come. Hope everyone back in TO had as good of a time as I did. 

PS. HAHA, The Yanks got their ass kicked 15-2, Every DB starter got a hit and an RBI including Randy Johnson. Oh yeah Derek Jeter was pulled because he sucked.

Go DiamondBacks!!!


What's Happening Tonight at TO - Saturday 11/03/01 1:40pm EST

So a whole bunch of people came back to TO this weekend. What are we doing? You all know I can't go down to the Brunny right :P Anyhow, so what's happening? Gimme a call.

I finally updated the NFL predictions page. So start predicting guys.

My last midterm mark I got is Discrete Math. Got 77% on the thing, which was a lot better than I expected. So I guess it wasn't too bad, class average was around a low 70, and I hate that bullshit of a course anyway.

- Backstab