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Saturday, January 05, 2002

Back to work

Well, Christmas Holidays are over. Utter gayness. It was fun while it lasted. Well, 3 weeks of vacation. First week, got all my folding done - that was a bitch. Second week, got and finished Final Fantasy Ten. Now let me say, this is the best game ever, period. You can NOT ask for a better game than this. It's virtually impossible. I mean, my God, I'd say the weakest point of this game would be it's graphics, and wtf, the graphics are amazing. This is just a testament to how good every aspect of this game is. It's just amazing. Holy Mofo. Amazing. Just go to a store and buy it, NOW. Third week was spent bumming with the St.Fobz/Waterloo people. Fun time. In the middle of the whole thing was NerdFest2001. How the hell can people play Diablo2 for so long? Ewwwwwwww. And what is even more unsettling is that Liston came out on top. How on Earth did that happen?? Oh well, props to him for doin so.

Well, we're halfway done our first year of university now. Can't wait for the other half to finish. Hmz, I wonder what Guru will be up to... Maybe he will find employment on Jarvis or something... oh, wait a sec... I mean homophillic Jarvis... haha.

Anyways, that's it for now. Look out for the Valentine's Day Random Pic Special. It'll be a blast... I guarantee it. Peace out.

- Skieblade @ 11:31 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Yesterday we all headed down to Rev. That place wasn't too bad. The main place was playing hip-hop/r&b stuff while the other room was a house room. I thought they were gonna play Garage... even though I don't like Garage very much I actually do wanna see a DJ do a garage set.

Yeah, it was good times, yesterday was hilighted by Jenga, the "bartender", the hot dog, Erotic Photo Hunt. LOL!!

Oh yeah, there's a guy named "Dung" on the 3rd floor of North 4... and I STILL have yet to talk to the new people in my house, wtf, I haven't even SEEN them yet. Stupid antisocials.

Damn, this blogger posting is making my life easier.

- Backstab @ 7:43 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, January 04, 2002


Woah last night was pretty trippy. We all went down to Fed last night. I was pretty screwed up. The DJ at Fed actually played something different this time. He played some stupid trancey version two popular drum and bass tunes, Kosheen's Hide U and Hatiras vs J Majik's Spaced Invader. Anyhow, the drum and bass versions were better. But man... I was so surprised that nobody knew the lyrics to Hide U, like wtf, the song is like #1 in the UK dance charts.

When we came back, Knobody, starts yelling out crap in his signature Jamaican accent and my don Stevo got mad last night at around 2am. I was pretty loud but apparently Stevo didn't know I was there.

Today's classes: my calc class was pretty dry, SE 112 was alright... shit! I don't know how I'm gonna survive 5 years of this.

- Backstab @ 7:52 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, January 03, 2002

Blog - Test - Blog - First Time - Blog - Posting - Blog

Hey Hey, Knobody back on Polaris, errr umm blog...ya that's it. Guess where I am, that's right I'm in good old Waterloo. (Damn ghetto ass place). So much went on in the past week and I was just too damn lazy to post, but quick update, got good and drunk and well partied like hell.

Damn I haven't posted since last year...heh never get tired of that lame ass New Year's joke.

btw Backstab, I have a new mad bass song, (remember you asked me what songs had crazy bass) listen to Fatty Girl by Ludacris. Actually I'll play it in my car while I'm here. Actually let's go do that right now.

Okay I'm back, (didn't really leave yet, but it makes for a cooler post).

On New Year's after having half a bottle of Jamaican Rum, I attacked Stu in the name of Allah cuz he said I was a muslim. Heh got him good!

Signing off,

- Knobody @ 9:51 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Blogger Time + First day of Class

Yup. Polaris Prime has officially switched to Blogger now. If you wanna post, all your gotta do is log in blogger, and hit post&publish. Very easy.

My first day was pretty shitty. My classes seem interesting but... blah, same old shit, same people, same ROOMS EVEN etc. I hope my CS prof will talk some football, he's the kicker for the Waterloo Warriors. Got my books today. Turned out that 2 of my books were unavailable so I only got like 2 of them. BTW your marks should be all up on Quest.

P.S. Guru where is the NerdFest report?!!

- Backstab @ 9:12 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

NerdFest 2001 (this is a test)

Yesterday was NerdFest 2001 at Guru's house. It turned out that nobody survived the hardcore Diablo II marathon, Liston being the closest one to finish as he left the game at River of Flame. The characters were drawn randomly off of a hat... I got barbarian, I was kicking some serious ass until some unique dude in the beginning of Act II somehow killed me in one shot. Anyhow, it was all good fun, we took a few pictures of the roomful of computers we had at Guru Mike's family room. They should be up soon. A full report on NerdFest 2k1 will come up in a day or so.

- Backstab @ 11:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

use post and publish

post only lets u to post but doesn't update to FTP

- Backstab @ 10:54 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

what's the difference between post and post and publish?

- Liston @ 7:02 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sup everybody. Got my computer running again

- Liston @ 6:59 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

Backstab Recommends..

City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. C4C - Seawolf
2. Arqer and Realtime - Believe
3. Rob F - Primal

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



Site Design By: Michael Tsang & Backstab

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