the site with the elite name and nothing else
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I've decided to make this FAQ, because a lot of you keep asking me questions relating to what this page is about. So here it is.

Site FAQ

What the hell is Polaris Prime?

It's a site that started by Backstab who's intention was to make a site for his friends to read. The site was up in 2/1999 but it died shortly after. This is the NEW Polaris Prime and it doesn't look like it's gonna die for a long time.

No, I mean what does Polaris Prime stand for?

It's just a cool name really. I used to like this Starcraft map called "Polaris Prime" and I was like, hey let's just use that name for our website.

What's up with "the site with the elite name and nothing else"?

Well. I mean, if you look at this site, there's not much content. Most content are either personal, or just random stuff and opinions. So to some people this site might be total crap, but to some, this site owns hardcore.

Why is it all gray?

I have no idea what are you're talking about .

Can I be a staff on this site?

You can, if I (Backstab) know you well in real life and that you are competent enough to not post stupid shit up and give away the password. I'm always looking for more people.

Can I write some articles or rants and contribute?

Sure you can. If you like to write, as long as your stuff makes SOME sense, you can just tell me and I'll hook you up. Mail me your shit to 


Ok WTF is drum and bass?

It's a type of electronic music. Some people like to call it Jungle, but that's a lame term in my opinion. Click on the links and feel free to listen to the clips.

You don't like any POP music at all??

Um. I do like some pop music, click here to see a list of bands/CDs that I recommend.

Why do you have such bad music taste?

Well you suck. Music taste is personal preference. If you don't like drum and bass then too bad.

Your site sucks, it has nothing in it.

Then don't come back. I don't care.

The random pic is stupid, will you change it?

Skieblade updates that section, he has a very weird sense of humour. Plus he's lazy.

I've never heard of any of the tunes that Backstab put in his Top 3. Why is that?

That's because it's always drum and bass. HAHA. Well occasionally I do put a tune that's not drum and bass. If you can point them out, send an email to me and I'll give you a dollar thru paypal.

How does Liston's people ranking system work? Is there a formula to it?

Shrug. But I remember Jon Mui was up there for 3 straight weeks because he threw up on his English Language Proficiency Exam after drinking too much....

Is Guru Mike's Answer Right?

Of course it's right!

Backstab, you are cooli0, will you be my friend?
