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Terror Alert Level

Saturday, March 30, 2002

...and then the Backstab said

Ok this is another funny and strange dream i had
Me, Backstab, Liston and Knobody were at the Zoo. I drove a Yellow Xterra for some strange reason. Anyways, there was a zoo break. I tiger had broken loose! And it was going after us. So we jumped in the Xterra and the tiger jumped on top of our yellow automobile and started banging on the top. I'm like "F*CK" my dad is going to kill me. Knobody was sitting shotgun and said " Drive!" So i started driving. But i couldn't shake the tiger off our roof. (the laws of physics went right out the window) It really confused me. We drove into a mall and then Knobody said (I recalled this today) " let's cover it!" i don't know why or what it would rememdy so i went to the back (through the inside of the car of course) and grabbed a big Red tarp made of a flag material. We Magically, emphasis on magic, managed to cover it up. I guess we figured that we could lure the tiger off the roof with us as bait. The mall had those double sets of doors that insulate heat. You know the nice and cozy place in the winter. Well, with the tiger covered up we managed to get inside. But just barely, the tiger caught on. It chased us to the doors but we were inside and it was outside and clawing at the doors. Everybody but me ran outside while it was still trying to get at me. Ooh but this was a cunning tiger, so he chased after the three who were making a break for the car. Now it was my turn to try and get in. Backstab, Liston and Knobody got in. The tiger instead of chasing me, got really smart now and just got into the drivers seat. The Tiger managed to open the car door. Stunned, everyone got out of the car. The tiger proceeded to chase us around and around the car. I wondered, why wasn't i getting tired. So we reteated to the mall again. This time the tiger was going for Backstab. I was completely confused by then. Suddenly the Tiger opened the mall door and was inside with us. The tiger was about to maul Backstab to death.

And then Backstab said "WHAT!..... What! " and stepped up the tiger.
I'm like what is going on? Backstab should be mauled to death by now.

Exit to reality

Intel Inside Vs Yoga Inside?!?! - A little bed time reading for the kiddies at home.

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 10:55 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, March 29, 2002

This term's Non-DnB tunes:

Yes... non drum and bass, I actually DO listen to some other stuff after listening to about 200 drum and bass tunes... ;(

1. Artful Dodger ft. Nadia - "We Should Get Together" (ahahahaha)
2. Linkin Park - "The End" (sigh, stop blasting it you baboon ;( )
3. Nickelback - "How You Remind Me" (this is a decent song i guess)
4. Five For Fighting - "Superman" (unfortunately you bastards keep playing this tune)
5. Shy FX - Shake your body (crap this is DnB but oh well the tune has a music video so it classifies as a bit poppish)

Now to the horrible songs of this term:
1. Limp Bizkit - "insert any of their tunes here"
2. anything by britney speers jennifer lopez enrique whatever the hell his name is
3. Shakira - that wacked song that Etheral always plays
4. Moulin Rouge soundtrack.

o btw just joking etheral... yeah but real that song by shakira is pretty bad :P

p.s. send all comments, flames, fan mail to:, I will reply!

- Backstab @ 7:24 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, March 27, 2002


I'm bringing my computer home this weekend. I'm 'ardkore. Gotta play some War 3 over the next week. I might not head back next week, and if I am, I 'm only gonna drop off an assignment. I'm starting to write an article/tips page on Undead, hope one of you War3 players will enjoy it.

Why this title. Because it sucks. Did you know that if you want to formally verify a piece of software, it takes at least 10 years by hand. That's how stupid it is. It takes me like 20 minutes just to do a simple for loop.

Kristen Kreuk... she's pretty hot. Once again my theory has been proven. Mixed girls are hot.

Blodclot 'artattack!!

- Backstab @ 10:14 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Free Time

We all know who has the most of it, yes i'm working on a web page, Backstab has seen a prelim of it. Everyone else will have to wait. But i have been spending that lovely free time in between 10 and 1:35 (Star Trek) playing GO. Wow Go is a really simple game but very difficult. Of course i still suck bad, but gimme a while. Hmm i wonder if waterloo has a GO club?

I need funky pictures, no of you, Yeah i have little icons i want to fill so send me or just tell me where to get it. (for the webpage)

Oh i'm also looking for a copy of Corel Draw 10! if anyone has it please contact me.

hmm what else? Smallville is on tomorrow, Kristen Kreuk!

GO wisdom!
In an unreasonable situation, an unreasonable move is reasonable

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 11:55 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


I have this

int mid1=(last-first)*1/3;

instead of

int mid1= (last - first)*1/3 +first;

gg me ;(

- Backstab @ 12:48 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

My Multi-Merge Sort freakin owns sorts one, two, three, four numbers, but it just screws up once u have five numbers. LOL! Awesome sorting algorithm. Freakin CS 134, stupid stupid course.

Operation Chitzkoi almost over. You'll know what I mean.

- Backstab @ 12:42 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, March 25, 2002

but but but...

photoshop 6 has the liquify filter which has provided me with more fun than all the versions that came before it.

on another note, these quizzes are usually pretty *sillie* and vague enough to apply to almost anything and everything [much like the nostradamus so called "prophecies" but anyways] but i couldn't resist this one!
You are Stupendous Man!
You are simply amazing, whether you are battling your arch-nemesis Mom Lady, the nefarious Babysitter Girl, or the fiendish Annoying Girl. And you have absolutely nothing to do with mild-mannered Calvin.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by!


- soufpawed @ 8:15 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Angry at Photoshop
yeah i'm trying to make a bunch of liquid filled buttons
you know the iMac buttons
and apparently in PS6 they 'fixed' a bug
but every artist out there hates the fix
makes me want to get Photoshop 5.5 back now
Basically i wanted to turn PP, into iPP (i'm aware of the toilet humor involved) which is a bunch of gelcap buttons and some interesting lines
but that niped my plans in the bud.

Blargh, everything i seem to do looks like crap! I guess i need more prac.

Z-U-L-U that's the way you say ZULU!

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 6:25 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

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City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. C4C - Seawolf
2. Arqer and Realtime - Believe
3. Rob F - Primal

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



Site Design By: Michael Tsang & Backstab

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