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Friday, April 05, 2002

Hoboing in DC

I was in DC 2577 from 1pm to 10pm yesterday. Weird, because I was talking to like everyone in the room... probably i've talked to them more than I've ever talked to them in my entire life :P

anyhow here's a nice screenshot of me and my ally owning up in a 2v2...

good old huntress cheese ;(

- Backstab @ 12:45 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Well i'll be...
Monkey F*er. Really i am
Did you know that HTML is case sensitive, well now you know and that is half the battle.

There is a small hole in my foot, my room is now TRULY hazzardous. I stepped on the nub of my belt and now there is a small hole in my foot. I didn't notice until hours later and the small drips of blood on the carpet.

I got dreamweaver today, curiousy of IRC. Both great programs. One full of the most illegal software in the world, the other fixed some spacing problem on my web design. Does everyone know that I hate tables in HTML? well now you do, and it is a rare occasion where you wish pain on to a piece of code. I've coded most of the page in NotePad, why? because i'm L33t and just wanted to give some of my HTML skill a nice warm up. DId you know i hate tables??

I think i'm going to start an anime review section, i'm not sure. I after all watch too much of it. Maybe I can drag Dark Ice into this as well, he's got no life and no way to defend himself from my comments right now. If i do the anime section, it will be with Dark Ice. Like i said to someone before,
"I've watched an unhealthy/ungodly/unbelieveable amount of anime" Yokai Ageis! *makes salute*

Expect something after exams

Monkey F*er!

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 1:26 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, April 02, 2002


Molnar's gay. I hate his ass, I always wanted to kill him, what a wanker he is for telling people what to do when all he is is a highschool teacher. I have no respect for him after he said my pants were blue when they were black. Seriously, what a dick... sorry soufpawed but I've edited that picture and screwed it up nicely. Won't be very appropriate but.. I'll post it up some other day.

- Backstab @ 3:01 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, April 01, 2002


I'd have to say that if there's anyone I would wish harm upon, it would be Andras Molnar. I don't mean that as a joke of any kind. I wish him physical harm.

What an arrogant, pompus, self-righteous jerk-off.

Here's some Shell script I wrote today...

#Course: CPS393
#Lab: 12
#Name: Randy Rojas
#Section: 2

if [ $# -le 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 path ext1 ext2" > /dev/stderr
exit 2
while [ "$2" ]

find ${location} -name "*.$2" >> mydirectories

read myline < mydirectories

while [ "$myline" ]
echo ${choppedline} >> outputfile
cp mydirectories seddirectories
sed -e "1d" seddirectories > mydirectories
read myline < mydirectories

sort outputfile | uniq
rm outputfile
rm mydirectories
rm seddirectories

- Liston @ 10:54 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

just a few things...

can someone explain what's wrong with having a nice personality? in 30 years that's all you'll have, you know...

i'm excited about finally seeing this new layout! probably more than i should be but... everyone else seems to be getting new layouts 'cept us. it's like we're clinging for dear life to something that isn't there anymore, or we're just really lazy. so yeah. no pressure or anything (-:

oh. and i don't think any of us would still be alive if we lived in prehistoric times. glasses or not, we've evolved into survival of the weak. [physically weak that is] i mean, look at bill gates! he's the most well-off man in the world. that guy definitely wouldn't have lasted a day.

oh. back to my defense of photoshop 6...i was playing around last year [again. with the wonderful liquify filter]. i know i had way too much time on my hands, but this is for anyone who ever took music [at st robs. obviously] or for anyone that got stopped because your shirt was untucked or something. i still chuckle every time i see him in the halls.

i'm in school till june 22, so there.

- soufpawed @ 7:20 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


I got my last test back from Calculus, and if I pull off an 83% on my exam I get the 60% I need to take Soft. Eng. next year. But if I get an 82% then I don't get the 60 and I can't get into the program unless I can manage a 70% the next time I take it. CRAP!!! btw when are foreigners gonna stop reading so I can get back to my normal colloquialisms.

It's been like 2 weeks and I finally updated my cozy little section of the sidebar, adding 2 tracks that are tight. Dungeon Family is an acquired taste, cuz it's rap, but obviously it's outkastish. K-Os' remix isn't called It Was A Good Day, that's the original song that the beat is from, but there are a couple remixes of the song and they are all dirty except for this one. Ice Cube's beat was a really nice touch. Hype song. Yeah yeah, most of you won't listen to the stuff I do, but it's there. My addition to PP.


- Knobody @ 4:37 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


I got my last test back from Calculus, and if I pull off an 83% on my exam I get the 60% I need to take Soft. Eng. next year. But if I get an 82% then I don't get the 60 and I can't get into the program unless I can manage a 70% the next time I take it. CRAP!!! btw when are foreigners gonna stop reading so I can get back to my normal colloquialisms.

It's been like 2 weeks and I finally updated my cozy little section of the sidebar, adding 2 tracks that are tight. Dungeon Family is an acquired taste, cuz it's rap, but obviously it's outkastish. K-Os' remix isn't called It Was A Good Day, that's the original song that the beat is from, but there are a couple remixes of the song and they are all dirty except for this one. Ice Cube's beat was a really nice touch. Hype song. Yeah yeah, most of you won't listen to the stuff I do, but it's there. My addition to PP.


- Knobody @ 4:31 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Yeah, I'm still here, but there are two reasons why I haven't been posting. One, I live in a house with 5 other people, so I don't get on the computer much. When I am on the computer, I find it difficult to add to the dribble we here at PP are so proud of. Don't get me wrong, I love the dribble, the junk we throw on this site is almost the only contact I have with most of you, and well it's fun. In any case, my other excuse is that I really have nothing of worth to add. Not much going on in my life, that would interest the group and warrant a post, but I'll fill you guys in anyways. Though I'm sure you are tired of hearing of the many girl problems I'm having, I'll add some more.

The girl situation is like this: Remember the two girls with boyfriends, that wanted a piece of this? Yeah, well one of them I have barely seen in a month so things have cooled down there, and I don't know where that stands, the other one, broke up with her boyfriend (really close friend of mine) and is now available, but shit she went out with my friend, what am I supposed to do? Girl that asked me to prom, apparently thinks I'm hot. She has a nice personality. If the girl from UT liked me I don't think she does now, but all I have to say about her is that she had a nice personality so that's alright. Girl with the musical thong makes jokes about how I'm in love with her, and has started singing R&B tunes while I'm around. That's new, but I don't think that means anything. Not convinced she likes me. Haven't seen the other Colossus girl since my last post about the 7 girls. The last one of the 7, I think has moved on, and that's cool cuz she had a nice personality too. Anyhow, that brings our total down to 2. Not too bad.... ('cept that one of them went out with a close friend and the other has a nice personality.) But wait there's more. Since my last post I've had one more person to add to the list, so I'll make it a total of 3. This one might actually go somewhere, so after being chased by 8 girls this year, I've finally found one worth pursuing. But I'll get around to that after exams.

On another note, I'm failing calculus, exam is gonna be worth 60% so there's this little glimmer of hope, but I don't think I'm gonna get the 60% I need to proceed in my program. So I have to do Calculus again next year. GOD DAMN. Exam is April 24th. On yet another note my last exam (mythology (total bird course)) is on May 6th. What the hell is that???!?!? Oh for reference this is what my exam schedule is looking like.
April 23rd - Economics
April 24th - Calculus
May 1st - Computer Science
May 6th - Mythology
Total slap in the face.

Ephraim's party was decent. We played makeshift Risk on a table in Jack Astor's. We got Ephraim drunk, then went to his place, where I had between 6 or 7 shots of rum (don't know what was in that D&B glass) then everyone smoked cigars and we were beatboxin' on Ephraim's driveway, then I played pool. All in all quite cool.

Oh yes, can't forget to mention that Randy has been slapped in the face several times this weekend while playing Risk. So I'm sure he'll be looking for redemption next weekend. I've redeemed myself after a pitiful 2nd place at Stu's where I ceasefired to take my position. Looking forward to never again taking the moon. (Stupid Nuke deck!!!)

Long enough post as it is, maybe more news later...
Signing off,

- Knobody @ 1:25 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Nothing much to say but

Nothing much to say but,
You know what is a great song
King of New Orleans by Better then Ezra

Damn i really like that song

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 1:24 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sunday, March 31, 2002

Asbestos Tastes Bestus

Waterloo gets off school so damned early. I finish exams on the 27th (then back to school for assembly programming on the 8th, so school never really ends, but that's A-OK). UT doesn't get off 'till beginning of May I believe.

Yeah, that 90s CD. I'll work on it more when I'm finished semester 2 when I have more time. I keep making lists of songs, and keep losing them soon after in the wasteland that I call my "Room" or "Sleeping Pit".

Anyways, I came upon a revelation two days ago. I was programming something for school, when I took off my glasses to rub my eyes. I looked around without my glasses on, and realized that everything was a blur. It was in that moment that I realized that I was susceptable to things such as grizzly bears and knife-wielding maniacs in my blurry state. For some reason, soon after I remembered something that Mr. DiChiara said to the class in grade 9. It pertained to that everyone who wore glasses would probably be dead by now if we grew up during prehistoric times. He said we'd probably be killed by the other animals cause we couldn't see them in time to run away.

On a somewhat loosely related theme, when I got my Java assignment back two months ago, my TA added a comment saying "Poor Logic" (mainly due to the fact that I submitted an old backup of a class file instead of the updated .java file... but it was all fixed up in the end). Anyways, I sorta took it personally when he said I had "Poor Logic". I understand that he means my program is a little messed up in logic, but I can't help but take it as a personal put-down. I mean, he told me I have "Poor Logic". If someone told me I had "Poor Logic", I take it to mean that I don't have enough logic to deal with everyday things in life. Meaning this: If I were to put my hand down onto a hot stove, I probably wouldn't pull away in pain from the burn because I have insufficent logic to sense pain and remove my hand from the burning stove. In another sense, I'm as dumb as fuck because I have "Poor Logic".

Some Examples of Poor Logic

- Green means stop, Red means go.
- Licking a wet dog
- Running across the freeway
- Trying to shoot a can off a friend's head with buckshot

- Liston @ 11:02 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


WHAT! What?

Yeah I can so see that happening, not to a tiger though.

And yeah I came back to Toronto but I was hiding from everyone, so to speak. Just chilling at home having a daily balance of work/war3 haha. I'm so hardcore I brought my computer home, but yeah, other than that I've been out with the family quite a bit. Yeah... Btw where's everyone? Skieblade = MIA, Stu = posted once and disappeared. Knobody = ?. Guru on the other hand finally decided to keep working on his new Polaris layout, and I've seen a few samples of it, looks pretty cool. Oh and Liston, where's the 90s music CD...

Anyhow, like to see you guys once exams are over. Only in 15 days. You heard me, 15.

p.s. I really wanna change that random pic, it is ugly.

- Backstab @ 10:37 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

Backstab Recommends..

City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. C4C - Seawolf
2. Arqer and Realtime - Believe
3. Rob F - Primal

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



Site Design By: Michael Tsang & Backstab

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