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Friday, May 10, 2002


I don't think Smallville is that good. I'm not hooked. I stopped watching it after that stupid episode where Clark went for president. The show reminds me of a cross between Buffy and some family show. The show is only good because of Kristen Kreuk... seriously. 50% chinese and 50% any white race = own. Seriously. So the pool scene eh? Damn I missed that episode...

What's good tho, DS9!! I know it's old and all but I'm hooked to it now! I think tomorrow is the season finale for season 4... anyway 4pm on SPACE tomorrow.

- Backstab @ 1:28 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, May 09, 2002


i think i'm the only person left in the world who has yet to see smallville. i don't even know when and where it's on, but since *everyone* [not just polaris] has been raving, i suppose i should make time and give it a shot.

i've come to the conclusion that the people at mcmaster are incompetent. i got two rather large packages from their engineering department yesterday. opened them and they were identical. i thought it was just a mistake... OUAC messed up my address and stuff, but then i talked to some other people. *everyone* got two packages. what a waste of postage. and paper. this is why tuition has to go up each year.

you can get blue jay tickets for $5, but then skydome isn't really anywhere near markham.


- soufpawed @ 11:15 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Squeeky Mc Squeeks-a-lot

I had up to eps 13 of smallville on cd, which Steff Yau has and hasn't returned yet. She also has my office XP cd, but i don't care about that, Microsoft is crap. So if you need those eps go hunt her down for me. I have eps 14 and 15 on my computer and any more eps of the season i don't have because I'm now on resnet and i would not like to be capped. Both me and Trevis watch Smallville as well and we have both concluded that Lana Lane is a giant tease! I mean come THE FUCK on, everything she says and all here actions lead only to one thing. TEASE! Yes and that pool scene, ahem, gift from god, ahem.

So basically my understanding is that Polaris is now hooked on Smallville?? I'll say it again, 50% chinese, 50% dutch, All canadian. *WISTFUL sigh*

There is a guy in my CS class. Me and Marzouk, ahem i mean Kirchoff, refer to him quantly as, Sqeeky Mc Squeeks-a-lot. Ok this guy is as close to full blown retard i've ever met, and i've met alot of people. He sits in front of me and in squeeks chair possible. Then during the lecture, proceeds to make the most annoying sound ever. Now if it was by accident, i would excuse it, after all it is a noisy chair. But through out the whole entire lecture, he keeps making that damn noise. Did I mention he smiles while squeeking, like he enjoys it and finds it quite entertaining. Well that's the only conclusion i can draw from the estatic expression on his face. So thus i dub him Sqeeky McSqueeks-a-lot, name in the tradition of Gabe from penny arcade.

Squeeky McSqueeks-a-lot, loser for the newest generation.

I got, Jedi Knight 2, great game, and my scholarly life is over.

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 2:22 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


I can't believe the Leafs scored a power play goal!! I'm still in shock, what's goin on!!
Oh, does anyone have the smallville episodes on tape or CD's? If so, can I borrow them for a day or 2 to make copies, fanks fanks.

- Etheral @ 10:25 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Just watched the latest episode of Smallville. Finally! I've been sitting and waiting for Clark and Chloe to hook up. Took them long enough... Well still not sure if they actually hooked up but it looks like it. I think that of all the episodes so far this is my favourite. Nicodemus was pretty good, the pool scene was a gift from God, but it was only a couple of scenes that were good in that. But I liked Crush because Clark's character reminded me so much of me in the episode...not a good thing, but I could really identify with it. That and I liked Chloe better than Lana. Well pointless as this post is I'm gonna cut it short now.

Signing off from a distant galaxy far, far away

- Knobody @ 1:20 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Stew's Wild Adventure (Part 1)

Last night I was Out with Randy, Nick, Christine and Jason. Trying to think of things to do around markham and anywhere frankly that doesn't cost very much money, we sadly realized that everything costs at least 6 bucks! so I wanted to ask you guys! what can you think that ones like us could do next to playing RISK 2210

So any ideas you got post them up, and maybe we can go on Stew's Wild Adventure , i'll make a mix of them or we'll plan something other then FOOD.......WHY ICE CREAM WHY???????????

- The Student Hobo @ 1:04 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Alright then..

Space songs? Well here's some of them I name off the top of my head...

Teebee - The Void
Teebee - Human Reptile
Teebee - Future War
Stakka & Skynet - Timelines
Stakka & Skynet - Molecular
Bad Company - Spacehopper
Bad Company - Spacewalk
Bad Company - Colonies
Cause 4 Concern - Vapourspace
Konflict & Usual Suspects - Contact
Konflict - Star Trails
J Majik vs Hatiras - Spaced Invaders
Arcane - Polygon Sea
Arcane - D-Scape
Ed Rush & Optical - Wormhole
Ed Rush & Optical, Trace - Alien Girl
Teebee & Future Prophecies - Dimensional Entity
Kemal & Rob Data - Gene Sequence

I got like 100 more i can name but errr I will shut up now

P.S. I don't have to look at your 'already there' list and I know you won't have any of these :P

- Backstab @ 12:44 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

You Know What 2?

Never Eat 4L of Ice cream in 24 hours!

- The Student Hobo @ 12:35 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

T - 50 days

proof of defina's evilness: the test right before midterm was really hard, the one right after marks were sent in was the easiest one yet. where's the justice? in the meantime, i still wait [patiently, though i'm starting to lose it] to hear from UT and waterloo.

what is fear bread?

i need space songs! if you can think of anything good, message me or something. check out the "already there" list. i have another week to finish the list.

thank you!

- soufpawed @ 8:47 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

You Know What?

Fear Bread goes great with blueberry jam.

- Liston @ 12:21 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I want a p'zone

No not really, but I did eat one on Sunday. It's basically like a calzone, with pizza stuff inside the sandwich and a pizza sauce dip on the side. That thing is huge though, I could barely finish the whole thing.

New article coming up soon. Should be done by tomorrow.

- Backstab @ 12:17 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, May 06, 2002

Watup in the hizzy

Well the current state of the union is just this. Work sucks. I think the world shall be unemployed and do nothing to further ourselves and just enjoy life. HAHAHA, man if I believed that wouldn't I be an extremeist. This right now is a pleasure society, and work just seems like a chore. Well if you look at it differently, work can be a joyous thing and enjoying it is great.

Mike, do you have any new smallvilles. I'm a little behind, the last one I watched was the GREAT episode, Nicodemus. Let me know.

- Tom Marsden @ 9:20 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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