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Terror Alert Level

Friday, May 31, 2002


Well, congrats on getting into Waterloo. By looking at your list, you don't seem to know what's gonna happen. Here's what happened for my first year, using the stuff no your list:

9 months of my life
around 15 computer crashes (ever since I got XP I haven't crashed :P)
0 hours in line for the bomber (I've only been to bomber like 4 times... and twice was frosh week! And it's not that busy)
6 late nights (4 of them were after Fed, 2 of them were when people were over)
2-3 hellish final exams (I'll say, 1A physics, 1B electricity and digital circuits were sorta hellish)
less than 1500 hours of class for sure (I don't have 30 hr a week, I only have like 27-28 usually)
1 change of address (res, so far)
69 job postings (co-op's gay)
~500 photocopies - maybe

... add 20% dedication, 80% Warcraft III/Madden... actually I don't really care if I get a ring or not, I wanna be a professional so I can sign fake documents, hell yes :P

- Backstab @ 11:35 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Cutout Boy
i know, i know that there is a lamer quota to meet at waterloo, but why can't they just stay out of my way? I mean you can be the biggest freak for 23 hours of the day, just not on my time. As you can see the newest addition to the ever growing list of people who get on my nerves is Cutout Boy. I wonder if it is a coincidence that he sits next to Squeeky McSqueeks-a-lot, but dear lord it seems to be some universal force pulling them together.

Why do i call him Cutout boy? Well, could it be that he cuts out political leaders out of the newspaper. Then combines them in lewd, violent or homoerotic positions? Maybe, probabbly, but i definitely call him Cutout boy because he's the guy you want to CUT OUT of your life. Snip and off he would go in a perfect world. Plus he has the eyes of a sodomizer.

Well I went to Waterloo Square today to buy groceries from Zehrs. Me and Trevis found a liquidation stores that sells crap upon crap loads of stuff. Mostly ghetto, lots of it useless. I am proud to say i am new owner of a fish sponge.

Yessiree bob, a fish sponge. It's quite 733t as you can see. i had to choose between a fish sponge and a hippo sponge. The fish came out on top.

METROPLEX! (10 years and still it's blowing my mind)

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 11:26 PM

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waterloo, here i come!

this is what i have to look forward to in the coming years:

4 2/3 years of your life
54, 673 computer crashes
432 hours in line for the Bomber
? late, late nights
43 hellish final exams
1512 hours of class
16 changes of address
56 job postings
~2,895,236 photocopies

...add 100% dedication and you've got yourself one Iron Ring.

sounds like a plan...

- soufpawed @ 9:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Digital TV

So I got the digital TV box for a 60 days free trial thing. Looks interesting right? Well lets see.

The cool channels I think are, bpm:tv ('dance' music channel), Fox SportsWorld (lots of soccer stuff), Tech TV (talks about a lot about computers), and

Now to some useless channels:
Extreme Sports Channel, which all they do is have "Extreme" sports. Please.. this is retarded, I switch to that channel, all I see is people doing surfing stunts and stuff. Their show names are also very very creative. On weekdays their lineups of shows are "Extremes", "X-treme", and "The Extremists". Wow, sounds like fun.
SexTV - this channel is funny, it has shows names like "Euro-Sex", "Hollywood Sex", "American Sex" etc. Overall a sad channel... rent porn if you want to watch ppl have sex.
EWTN - "The world’s largest religious cable network" ...

So overall, I don't think it is worth it. Unless you watch TV like 24/7 and have nothing to watch other than "EuroSex", you may wanna get it... but otherwise, it is not worth your while if all you do is watch SPACE, TSN and Global :P

- Backstab @ 6:33 PM

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Tuesday, May 28, 2002


The Faculty of Engineering is funny. They send you emails about what rank you are in in class..

But... SE got gayed this term and ranks are abolished. They are now replaced by deciles. Oddly enough, with those mediocre marks of mine, I'm in the 4th decile (top 40 in a class of 100). Which means, I only dropped 10 ranks!! WTF? Clearly everyone in my class got owned. gg.

- Backstab @ 5:55 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, May 27, 2002

Anime Convention: Gather round ye freaks and geeks

I'm back in waterloo, and heading into midterm mode, so basically i'm dead to you guys for awhile. I've got that alg quiz today and i don't get column operations. But i'll figure it out by today, i hope. Enough about school, time to get to the meat of the post. Anime!

The Convention was the same as last year, but 2 times bigger! They had alot of wierd events that none of us we really into. Only the hardcore would be in those. Things like J-pop dance party, anime music video contest and of course co-play. I wish i took pictures, but my sister had the camera. In the dealer room, i mangaed to spend only 40 dollars. I got some kick ass pencil boards and the only FLCL poster. As you know i love FLCL, if i had $130 i would drop it on the art book which was signed by the gainax artists. But i didn't have $130, so no luck. But i got a poster that 3 other otakus were clearly jealous of my find. Mike 1, Otakus nothing! Nick got a Kenshin figurine and some Love Hina cards. Warren dropped at least $65 on a transformer book which has every transformer toy in it. In my opinion, it was worth it. All these childhood memories just came flooding back when we were all pointing to which transformers we managed to even come in contact with in our childhood. Man i got to play with METROPLEX once! METROPLEX ! it transforms into a goddamn battle city! Blew my mind. It's like your city just getting up one day and going off to fight crime and punish evil. Alan, got a some Ah my goddess holo gram cards, a ghost in the shell spider bot figurine and some of the nicest comissioned artists sketchs i've ever seen. In theory this could have been a whole gianormous (toss up between giangantic and enormous) articles with pictures and links and such. But i have no time, so live with what you have.

For those who don't know, bascially people dress up as their favourite character from games or anime. It's the cos-play that makes an anime convention really interesting. Why? just to see what other people's level of devotion is.
Nightmares :
Sailor sailor
God damn This Sailor was a sailor in the stricest sense. If he wasn't wearing heels, he'd be taller than me. But this man was. He was basically one of the sailor scouts, i'm not sure which. But damn, no man should be a sailor scout! I really question the need for drag, but whatever floats your boat.
Ash Kechum:
it was weird seeing a guy dress up as Ash. Plus i've got a general dislike for pokemon as an anime series.

Cosplay Kudos:
Lara Croft: Kudos indeed. Damn if i only had a camera, then you'd all see the TAPS ( Stu speak for Tigh ass pants) on her. Damn! The only that could match those pants were the pair of Glocks on her, whew make you'd sweat bullets, too bad they weren't real (Oh when i say Glocks, i really mean the guns. Get your mind out of the gutter!). She can fire them at me any time ( Euphamism ).
FFX: It was actually a team of people all dressed up as all the characters in FFX. They did a really good job. They had everyone, Yuna, the b4-4 look alike kid and even the retarded ball throwing guy. (note: those are just opinions of the characters itself, and not of the costumes, the costumes where very good)

There were an odd assortment of other costumes, like Vash and Van. But i have no more time now, i have to unscrew myself on lectures now. In general, Anime North 2002 was a resounding sucess. We all had fun, and we would all come back next year. See you there


The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 8:14 AM

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Upcoming games that I may consider playing!

Alright, here's a list of games that I am looking out for:

1. Warcraft III, coming out in June 27th, it'll no doubt be a hit.
2. Asheron's Call 2, coming out in December (from what Etheral said). Extremely nice graphics!! Check out the graphics here. What's even better about it, if it really comes out in December,we will be in work term, which means that I might actually play it. 3 races to choose from... Humans/Tumeroks/Lugians as far as I know. I also heard a rumour that there are no NPC shopkeepers in the game and the economy system will totally be controlled by players, now that's interesting.
3. Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - the new rogue spear oooh
4. Fifa 2002 - all because of the hype of the world cup, I may buy this game/or try to get it.

- Backstab @ 12:51 AM

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and get
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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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