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Terror Alert Level

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Confirmed, coming back on the night of August 23rd

Yep, I don't have to work on August 26th-28th anymore. Which means, I 'm coming back on next Friday! Pretty sweet, because I can see you all again and I'll be back in ghetto Richmond Hill.

I'm also thinking of buying an MP3 player... right now I'm looking at the 6 GIG Creative JukeBox, which is on sale right now, $149.99 US. What do you all think?

On Palladium: Well, I believe hackers will always prevail. Therefore have no fear, Microsoft will never be able to handle the privacy deal. Nothing is unbreakable in the computer world. Microsoft will try to patch up the hacks, but the hackers will come up on top sooner or later. Piracy will always be an issue. (p.s. Btw I'm by no means encouraging software piracy, just stating the facts)

OH YEAH, another note, gimme a msg Liston/Dark Ice(Nick)/Stu because I need to talk to you guys about something.

- Backstab @ 2:19 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, August 16, 2002

"Randy Got An A- in Computer Assembly & Organization" Movie & BBQ & Quite Possibly Beef Strogonoff Thing-A-Mah-Jig

For all those who don't know, I'm setting up a TV outside and we can watch movies under the stars. Everyone's welcome to come, but I ask everyone bring something to BBQ or drink ( I like Chardonay *wink* *wink*). I've dubbed this gathering "Randy Got An A- in Computer Assembly & Organization" Movie & BBQ & Quite Possibly Beef Strogonoff Thing-A-Mah-Jig. Mostly because I just got an A- in assembly, there's going to be movies, BBQ, and I may try my hand at making Beef Strogonoff a la Alton Brown (My favorite FoodTV chef at the moment)

7pm, August 17th!

Yeah GT, I read about that 10 million going to "Ontario Universities", or in other words... UW. I doubt Microsoft will give us money, even though Ryerson's internationally established computer science program (yeah right). More Microsoft propaganda. I always find it a mixed blessing to have huge faceless companies funding universities: the spawning ground of future, well-educated citizens. Microsoft is embedding itself into our lives, past,present, and future. It's like when in grade school when everyone was hitting puberty and Speed Stick gave us free deoderant. Gee, I wonder why.

On a side note, if you haven't heard about Palladium, check it out.

So yeah, a little side tracked, but come to my BBQ! .... there's gonna be beef strogonoff.... c'moon

Ra Ra Sis Boom Bah,

- Liston @ 7:44 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Waterloo got owned

This is probably old news, but Microsoft just payed Waterloo's ECE program $10 million. They're gonna teach C# instead of C++. Hoho, by the looks of it, Microsoft seems like they might pay more universities for this. So who's next? U of T? Ryerson? The link to the story is here.

So the commenting is up. The forums may go down very soon tho, as no one posts there anyway.

P.S. New article up, its' been in my hard drive for a few months and I never got a chance to put that conclusion paragraph, but it's up. "How I Got Into Drum and Bass"

- Backstab @ 12:40 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Not What I Expected

Just rented Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and I have to say I am EXTREMELY impressed with this game. I knew it was third person, and had something to do with undead creatures, so I expected something like Resident Evil. Boy was I wrong. The game is about different supernatural factions (including humans) who are trying to control the world. Every faction has it's own agendas and enemies. The humans are trying to maintain power over earth, though only few know about this struggle to maintain order. It starts with a girl who's trying to solve the mystery of who killed her grandfather. So she goes to his house (alone, go figure) to figure out what happened. She stumbles upon a whole bunch of historical archives, and every time you examine new pages, you go back to that time frame and take control of her ancestors. From there, the storyline progresses, and it's getting pretty fucking strange. I'm on the first floor of the house, and I just got the ability to go upstairs, but it's getting freaky... so much so that I won't play it at night... freaks me out too much. For example, the upstairs door is locked, and when you find the key, SOMEONE STARTS BANGING ON THE DOOR EVERY FEW MINUTES. I went in and found that statue heads are watching me, paintings are dripping with blood, and when I touched the bathtub, I had a psychic impression about someone who was murdered there.

Then there's the sanity meter...

Every time you engage an enemy, your sanity goes down. When it's depleted, you start having hallusionations (camera spins, see stuff). I originally thought this was a dumb idea, considering hallusionations in a GAME ALL ABOUT DEATH, but now that I think about it, you start to question levels in the game. Was that monster I fought in the church supposed to be there? It seemed really out of place, and my sanity meter was pretty low. It also seemed really difficult to beat at such a low level (died 3 times).

It's a really coolio game,

- Liston @ 12:34 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, August 14, 2002


i'm looking for a 2-3 bedroom place in waterloo for the winter. [obviously not for myself since i'll be someplace other than waterloo then. hopefully somewhere with a job] if anyone knows of any place that's available or if anyone has a place that they'd be willing to sublet to a very good friend of mine, that would be really awesome.

[leave a comment here or something. or email me]

- soufpawed @ 2:46 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

These are about a week old, but whatever

I'm a little bored, so I decided to post these up:

"PirateFace: man i'm so fucking gay"


"Mystery 'hot' girl who plays war3 in the cove"

- Backstab @ 2:09 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Slamball and Low Acid Orange Juice

Have any of you watched this show on TNN called SlamBall? It's like a sports show, I think these guys are professional. Its basically like basketball but there is contact involved. There are 3 trampoline thingies near the net, so you can jump on it, and then easily dunk the ball into the net. Then there's this guy who's like a goaltender which was really weird, because you can goaltend in that game... yeah, weird stuff, I thought real basketball was a lot more entertaining...

Oh, and what the hell is "Low Acid" Orange Juice... I saw a box of Low Acid Tropicana the other day and I was like... what's the point of low acid?

- Backstab @ 2:27 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

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City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. C4C - Seawolf
2. Arqer and Realtime - Believe
3. Rob F - Primal

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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