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Saturday, August 31, 2002

Dumb people

Celine, rofl. She prolly spent all her money trying to buy herself more IQ. Sigh.

Remember the "bucket of steam"? Who's stupid enough to go ask the school secretary for a bucket of steam?

Ohhh, and Battlefield 1942 is a really cool game. I'm starting to get the hang of it... I usually just go around and be a sniper, its fun to aim at people's heads =P Click here for more info!

- Backstab @ 11:18 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, August 30, 2002

cheap stuff in toronto!

because like that girl [what's her face... celine maybe? i don't remember. she goes to WLU] said: when you're in university, you'll do =anything= for money. well... i know that not all of us would do just anything for money [would you?], so here's a list of some stuff you toronto folk can do/eat/wear/take girls to/whatever else even if you don't really have that much $.

- soufpawed @ 6:41 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Few things

I've been watching/playing tennis so much lately, that I'm getting really sick of it.

I ordered an MP3 player online for US $149.99 + shipping tax

Finally uploaded the tune. Fierce & Fresh - Innocence, tune of the month this month... awesome tune, check it out. If you can speed it up, speed it up to about 2.4-2.7% to about 176-178 bpm.

Commentating is screwed up, gotta fix that.

And no, I havne't really started my own page... but do whatever you want tho, if you don't want one, that's OK with me.

- Backstab @ 6:21 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Hooked on Drugs, 1 2 3

Yeah, i'm not feeling so hot. I haven't gotten better since my post Direct Correlation and i've began to start the lovely medication process. Now i haven't medicatied since i've been in the hospital. I have a prescription for a rather strong painkiller. I've been told that 2 tablets will get you to "happy land." Unfortantely it is not my destination. I've generally swore off heavy meds. They gave me some interesting dreams to say the least.

Well how am i hooked on drugs? easy! i took some normal over the counter meds and wow nothing happened. For some strange reason, i expected to be knocked out or feel much better than i feel. I know that's a lot of expect from just one advil, but errie part is i thought about reaching for the happy pills i've got in my room. Then the moral conscience bells and whistles went off in my head. I could easily become an addict.

I'm currently so paranoid about meds that i won't take them until their absolutely necessary, and when i do i get this guilty feeling if i take any more than i should. I feel really bad that even thought about reaching for the "good" meds when all i have is a stuffy nose, headache and sore throat. Honestly, the strong meds only help one of the symptoms.

You know what funny? hearing people reaction after i told them about the whole hospital inccident and then tell them "I need a smoke". Laugh my ass off.

The One and Only,

- Guru Mike @ 3:50 PM

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Why Sandy is the Greatest Un-Sober person

Okay well first off gotta give Sandy huge propz, for his little shindig. Though I'm not sure that he'll be reading this. In any case, he is the greatest drunk out of all of us, though Randy's granola bar thing was pretty funny.

(We chucked granola bars at Randy and he caught the 6th one)
Randy: "HA HA HA. I caught it"
(Randy is then pelted with an onslaught of granola bars)
Randy: "OW OW OW".

But for those of you who missed the end of the party, we spent a half an hour (I kid you not) maybe more, trying to explain to Sandy how everyone was getting home. The when we quizzed him on it, he kept getting everything mixed up.

Cliff: Okay, there are two drivers in this room, Me and Nick. Nick is driving home everyone in this room. I'm driving myself home. So how is Nick getting home?
Sandy: (points at Cliff) You're driving him.
Cliff: No, wrong answer. How is Nick getting home?
Sandy: (spins around frantically and confused. Stu's driving him (Cliff nods head to indicate no). He's driving.
Cliff: Very good. How's Mike getting home?
Sandy: (talking to Cliff) Cliff's driving him. (Cliff nods no, Sandy turns towards Nick) Nick's driving him.
Cliff: Very good. How's Stu going home?
Sandy: Nick's driving him.
Cliff: Excellent. How did Randy get home?
Sandy: (with a childish excited look on his face cuz he's getting everything right) Nick's driving him.
Cliff: (trying his hardest not to laugh) No Nick is still here, Randy already left.
Sandy: (really puzzled look on his face) He drove.
Cliff, Stu, Nick, George, Mike: RANDY DID NOT DRIVE, THERE'S NO WAY, Chris Turco drove him home.
Sandy: Oh Turco drove him home. Okay so wait, (points to Cliff) Stu and Mike are going with you?

and the conversation went on for quite some time. I even drew a diagram on the carpet to indicate who was going home with who. Unfortunately, my arrowheads were triangular and all the arrows that pointed at Nick (although they had lines opposite where they were pointing) seemed to be pointed at Cliff, and it didn't help.

Great, great frustrating nite. Oh and Sandy's parents hate Randy.
Sorry to embarass you Sandy, but you are teh greatest, and I don't need my glasses to see that. You are the best.

Oh I want in on the music page so I'm gonna do some remodelling when I get around to it. George can't have all the fun.

Signing off,

- Knobody @ 5:29 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

general merriment

wine. hahaha. last night we were at remy's and someone decided they wanted sangria. it only comes in pitchers. and there were only two of us drinking wine. the waitress assured us that it'd be fine for 2 people.
uhhhh yes. 2 alcoholics.
there was quite a bit of drinking and being merry. and i slept like a log after.
there's nothing quite like wine. even sugared. and semi-sparkling.

happy berfday polaris. you don't look a day over 6 months (:

- soufpawed @ 10:42 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Fuckin Work

God damn it, I wish I didn't have to work anymore, I wanted to drink wine and be merry (a little wine will make me quite merry, just ask Randy). Instead I was trapped in front of that blasted terminal doing useless shit cuz there's nothing left to do. Mike, it was probably the pickel, I can't believe you did it again, even the one I ate (the 1/4 of the pickel) was more than enough. Oh well, Happy Birthday PP!

- Etheral @ 8:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Direct Correlation

I supect that there is a direct correlation and a causality relationship between
me drinking a bottle of wine and me feeling like crap the next morning
and it's not a hang over. I think i might have caught a cold or something. Either way i feel like crap

Happy Birthday Polaris, funny you don't look 1 year old

The One and Only,
(p.s. Sandman you are the best)

- Guru Mike @ 7:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Happy Birthday Polaris Prime

August 27th is officially the birthday of PP if you guys don't know. Polaris Prime is now 1 (ONE) year old! Wow. Thanks for all the support.

Oh, and the Sandman DID IT AGAIN yesterday!! For those of you who missed it. Here's the dialog.

Sand: "Look, you guys are the coolest, I'm gonna take all the blame. I'm gonna take the blame because you guys, all of you are the coolest people, each one of you, Cliff, George, Mike, Stu, Nick"
Me: "Ya man, do you need the glasses to see...?"
Sand: "No no, I don't need my glasses to see this" (takes off glasses) ", all of you, you, you, you, and you , are the best."

Thanks Sandy for your party =P

- Backstab @ 4:49 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sunday, August 25, 2002


I slammed my finger in a car door.
It was blue.
I am finger typing so writing less.
My right index finger is fat.
I am on the verge of button mashing like obese homer simpson.
Trying to avoid capitals cuz it takes more dexterity.

- Knobody @ 3:32 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

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1. C4C - Seawolf
2. Arqer and Realtime - Believe
3. Rob F - Primal

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"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



Site Design By: Michael Tsang & Backstab

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