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Saturday, November 09, 2002

The epitome of nerdiness

I just realized how ridiculous funny and retarded our conversations can get sometimes. Which brings to my mind, the idea of audio interviews/session for Polaris Prime. Yes folks, this is for real, Polaris will be doing an audio session. It'll be funny shit, trust me on that one. The first "show" will probably be experimental as we still gotta figure what kind of software we're gonna be using. Liston suggested we lay it down the ghetto way and use Roger Wilco. I'll check that out. Anyway, details to that, and more will be coming soon. Just watch this space very closely.

Yeah, some of the conversations yesterday at Tim Horton's were pretty hilarious. So here we are, at fuckin Tim's at 1 am, talking very loudly and discussing over nothing better than the almighty Star Trek. Yep, here's Stew going "Chakotay is on my ship" while Liston goes "Voyager sucks ass, it never existed", then me going "7 seasons of crap aka Voyager", then Etheral going "how did DS9 get Defiant?" etc you get the idea. But yeah, just funny shit all the way through I think we scared the teeny boppers out the fucking window with that one... Oh man the audio show is gonna be hilarious and you know it will be...

Yeah, also signed my contract and visited the place I'll be working during workterm. Pretty cool workplace, think I'll enjoy it.

- Backstab @ 7:32 PM

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Friday, November 08, 2002

Is your Music Compatible with your Cat?

I've been just recently been made aware of what music cat quite enjoy. Cats tend to enjoy music that has deep bass or a strong beat. Which means one thing, Cats like drum and bass or music like korn. Cats hate high pitched music. So just avoid guitar solos, cats hate guitar solos

Looks like there is no stairway to heaven for cats. Makes sense because we know that All Dogs Go to Heaven.

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 10:32 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, November 07, 2002

To get Asheron's Call 2 or not?

Hehe nice one Stew. It's so obvious that whoever who wrote that was a U of T student. Why would this person not make a joke about U of T?

Anyway, about Asheron's Call 2 Beta, here are some of my thoughts about the game.

Crafting- is really a cool feature. I think the fact that you don't need a crafting mule is a really good idea because you don't need to. In AC1 you had to macro to get a higher level mule, and since they are banning macroing, this is of course a good idea. The crafted items are also pretty useful, and are great for vassals (crafting in higher level seems to be useless though).

The vaults and quests in AC2 is a nice touch. I really like how when you finish a vault, you watch a short video and unveils a bit of Dereth's history. Pretty cool. The vaults and quests provide a lot of XP so they are trying to give you an option of either doing quests or hunting/camping to level up. This is a great idea I think, no more OHN/Citadel/BSD garbage.

The economy system in the game is really bad in my opinion. There are no shopkeepers/nothing to buy. I don't like the fact that it has no NPCs, it doesn't feel RPG-ish at all and all weapons and stuff are bought through trading/gambling. One aspect I liked about AC1 was because it actually felt like you're "in" the game with all the shops and stuff. Restocking for reagents might be a bit annoying but they can easily slow the rate of burning reagents and make an easier interface to buy/access them. Sure, in AC2 it saves the hassle of no shopkeepers, but selling stuff to yourself to generate gold doesn't make too much sense to me. The economy system in AC1 was better by far, and people had a mote/shard/crystal system which was great (prolly AC2 will develop liek that soon)

Ok.. the skill system. There are good things and bad things about this. The untraining part of the game was obviously for people who fucked up their characters somehow and Turbine didn't want people don't have to reroll everytime they screwed up. Which is great, but I think there shoudl be a penalty for untraining. You can do stuff like "my character is too gimped, time to untrain everything and make him uber" too easily. A small XP penalty lost is a good idea I think to punish people for untraining too much. I also don't like fact that there are no stat points. Why does every level 20 have the same HP. So newbified. The skill tree I think is fine. The Diablo style credit system doesn't really affect much.

The game was pretty boring in my opinion. Nothing impressive has occured to me in AC2. So I'm really not sure if I'm gonna get it or not, plus the lag was just horrible.....AC1 just seems to be so much more fun.

- Backstab @ 5:22 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Look who's back???

I was at work today and I was on the net with my buddy and he came across this very funny e-mail, so i wanted to share it will all of you today......
Q. Why don't they have Christmas at Western?
A. They can't find a virgin and three wise men.

Q. How do they separate the men from the boys at McMaster?
A. With a restraining order.

Q. Why is it so windy in Kingston?
A. Because Queen's blows.

Q. What do you get when you drive quickly through the Laurier
A. An undergraduate degree.

Q. What's the first thing a York girl does when she wakes up in the
A. Walks home.

Q. How can you tell if a McMaster student is a heterosexual?
A. He can outrun his roommate!

Q. What does a Waterloo student call a U of T student after
A. Boss.

Q. Why do they sell so many button-fly jeans in Guelph?
A. Because the sheep can hear the zippers a mile away.

Q. Did you hear that the library at Ryerson burned down?
A. Naturally, the students were very upset....some of the books
weren't coloured-in yet.

Q. Why do York graduates put a copy of their diploma in the window
of their vehicles?
A. So they can park in handicap spaces.

Q. How do you get a Western grad off your front porch?
A. Pay him for the pizza.

Q. Who does the Waterloo Engineering Society fear the most?
A. Immigration.

A severe storm rumbled through Guelph last week and destroyed the
entire town: $10 worth of damage was reported.

Remember... friends don't let friends go to Mac... If you can
walk and talk, you can go to Brock. If you can use a fork, you can
go to York. If you are a conceited, arrogant bastard, you can go to

and Scene........

More to come from the Hobo and the report on OLP and of the Brith-day!!

Later days

- The Student @ 12:29 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

I don't get it

How does listening to alternative make you less chinese? oh wait i forgot i'm so whitewashed i piss bleach. Silly Mike Trix are for kids.
Oh that thought, why doesn't the rabbit just go out and get a fake id? Then he could get some Trixs, I'm sure of that.

Shops at Gap -2
Aware of the chinese lunar calender +1
adopts the "if it can move, it can be eaten" philosophy +1

AC2 beta wasn't as good as i thought it would be. Yes they messed up the magic skill system, but melee and missle got what it needed. I dunno something seems to be missing from the game, but i can't say what. I guess i miss the addictive nature of AC1. But that's a good thing because now i don't have to spend 20 dollars a month. The end of the beta was sucky. Lots of lag, not enough carnage. There should have been so many critters that the city should have been overwhelmed. But no, we just got a a couple of big monster, but clearly nothing that that many people can't handle. It looks like i'm not going to play ac2. Unless you guys play. Arrgh i wanted the sky to rain fire and kill every char, like in AC 1, damn it!

Looks like my urges for armageddon will not be satisified.

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 12:44 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, November 04, 2002


A few people think I'm "whitewashed", in other words, they think I'm so white. I tend to disagree.

In light of that though, I'm gonna compile a list of things that people do which define you as "Chinese". Like if you eat rice daily, you score +1, but if you listen to alternative, you get a -1. I've seen a few sites which have these ratings but they are pretty inaccurate.

Shit, I used the word "compile" dind't I. Freakin CS. To all of you people who haven't had a taste of CS241 yet, I can tell you the truth now that it SUCKS. Yep, plus the assignments are annoying as fuck. If you are planning to take it, don't =]. CS241 is the course which apparently tells you if you should continue in CS or not. If you love it, good (you must be a nerd tho). If you hate it, and you did absolutely shit in it, you might as well switch out.

Oh yeah, you guys are welcome to screw around with my DJ equipment in the future, if I really do get them that is (hopefully during Christmas) =]

- Backstab @ 10:32 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sunday, November 03, 2002

I hate Blogger

I had this nice massive post and stupid blogger went down yesteday, don't remember what i wanted to say cuz im drunk now, but i want to play with Backstab's mixer if he gets it. Yeah run on sentence or something...........still drunk. When I remember my post ill repost it, btw, im getting better at poo, so any PP memebrs wanna challenge me I WILL OWN U!!!!!!!!! Bring it.


- Knobody @ 4:28 AM

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PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

Backstab Recommends..

City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. Break & Hydro - Breathless
2. SKC & Bratwa - Solitude
3. C4C - Turn The Lights Down

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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