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Saturday, November 23, 2002


Yes, you heard correctly boys and girls: Fragapalooza
No, it's not some word I made up, it's a word somebody else made up.
Guess what it means? Here's a hint... frag, as in death/kill a player in a first person shooter, and -palooza.... uh... huge frickin event.
Put it together, and what do you have?
Well take a look here to find out.

Just heard it on the EDGE today, and damn, it sounds crazy.
Wish we could do something like that... but I guess our tiny (in comparison) LAN parties will hafta do.

Oh, and in case you haven't looked at the link yet, maybe this'll get you goin:
"Canada's biggest LAN party"; 30 P4s + BYOC (C for computer); $40,000 in prizes; 3 days of non-stop gaming
Interested? Go to the site dammit!
Not? Well what's wrong with you?!?

Now, i'm not suggesting we go, just thought it'd be a nice little thing for all of you to imagine.
That's all, enjoy!

- DarkAesthir @ 5:41 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, November 22, 2002

I just found out my old comp has 154 files of spyware garbage

I never realized how many popups/garbage that come out on my old comp when I go on IE until today. So I got Ad aware and cleaned it up. My goodness, so many Doubleclick cookies and all that crap.

It's pretty weird but I ate at South Campus Hall for the first time in my life today. In there, we saw a table full of first year Software engineers. That table had like about 15 people... sorta reminds me of YI, huge groups of people are weird.

Oh yeah, this term is coming to a close. And I just remembered that Polaris Prime awards nominations will be coming soon. I'll make a post about this in a few days about the full details of PP Awards 2002.

- Backstab @ 9:31 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Master Ming in da house and why ONE Billion dollars is lost in one day!!

Today Yau Ming team was pushed over by Nash and Dirk Nowitzki's Dallas Mavericks! The Mav's currently stand 12-0 this season in the NBA 4th best in NBA history. But on a side note from our friends at "Yao was dominant in 33 minutes off the bench, scoring a season-high 30 points and grabbing 16 rebounds. He shot 10-of-12 from the field and the line and has made 31 of his last 35 shots (89 percent)." The man is on fire!

Oh yeah if anyone wants to check out the new x2 posters, take a look and tell me what u think! alot of hype is being pumped into this film but it does look very good in my mind! Oh yeah don't forget everyone that the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers comes out on Dec 18th, which is a wednesday so book off work!!! we need to make sure that one billion dollars is lost that day!

Note to mike! everyday for me is dicking around so it doesn't really matter what day we go!!! you think I do that much work being a undergrad business student at york? DICKING around goes hand in hand with going to school at york!

later days all........

- The Student @ 11:20 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

We Are

I love that VH(vertical horizon) song. I haven't paided attetion to the lyrics too much but the most important part is that i don't. What if the lyrics suck but I like the song? Simple! internal conflict, strife and eventual civil war unto myself. I love that song, i love my ignorance and i stand by it. But perchance the song does have great lyrics, please inform me.

I mended my pants today. Of course i did it in the most ghetto math faculty fashion. I used duct tape. They're a pair of jeans and those are blood hard to fix and i'm out of clean pants so duct tape it is. Best part is you can't tell. Beware world, at any moment i could be wearing duct tape pants. Personally i blame the John Mayer concert. If my other pair of jeans wasn't smelling of pot, then i wouldn't have to resort to duct tape. (if you really need to know, i ripped my pants leaping a fence at finch. The cut was a perfect slash like somebody cut my pants with a large carving knife, possibly a miracle blade)

The YORK REPORT has been delayed, you see stu assume we'd be dicking around all day at York so he'd planned teh day around the least school and the most goofing off. The school reports i do are no joke. Well, they are but i don't try to make them that way. So i will be heading there next week on a day where stu has class. As opposed to last tuesday where we were going to bum around the various club rooms and walk into random classes. Don't worry we will still do that, just significantly less.

I'd like to give my thanks and praise to CBS. Normally CBS pumps out on it's airwaves, hertz and hertz of crap. Everyone Loves Raymond, Letterman, and the list goes on. But finally someone at that place has got it right! A man, and i'm pretty sure it was a man, decided to stop thinking with his head and start thinking with his penis! That's right i'm talking about the Victoria Secret 2002 fashion show. God bless. Sure all the musical performances were crap but it's not about the music. It's about the clothes. God Bless CBS, even if i only watch you once a year, it's ok and worth it to keep you around. I'm sorry there is a tear in my eye

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 1:27 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

My internal clock's messed up now

Haha I think I'm gonna have jet lag now. I was so tired today when I was trying to finish my stats assignment at around 9:30 so I decided to take a nap for an hour or two and wake up to finish off my MSCI. But that 2 hours turned into 3 hours as I woke up at 1:30 somehow!! WTF, so I woke up dead tired and did the assignment, now I'm gonna go back to sleep.

Hope I don't pass out tomorrow in class.

- Backstab @ 3:37 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

When is it coming out?

I've heard tons of good things about the Master of Orion series so this should be good. So yeah sure, sounds good. By the way I'm pretty positive that I'm going back this weekend...

And by the way I updated my recommend list! Four new items added in there. More coming soon.

- Backstab @ 10:52 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Master of Orion 3

Does anyone want to split and burn Master of Orion 3? It looks like an improved version of Star Wars Rebellion and StarTrek: Birth of the Federation. For example, there are bonuses for ending your turn first, players can do stuff while others are taking their simultaneous turns, and enough customization to drive anyone to insanity. Oh yeah, and multiple win objectives (like kill everyone or become president of the universe). Allows 8 human players (in a world of 32 possible players). Anyways, ICQ if interested in persuing this...

- Liston @ 12:21 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, November 18, 2002

I woke up at noon today

then walked to Pizza Pizza and got a Honey Mustard Club. Wow. Good stuff. Extremely surprised at how good that thing was.

It seems like the day just started for me, I was trying to do that CS bonus part last night but internet went down. I was pissed cuz I couldn't log onto telnet to test my stuff. So I decided to just screw it and hope for some part bonus marks, and the fact that it was getting a bit late... like 3:30 or something, so yeah, an automatic no school for me today.

I got Logic Audio Platinum 5.2 finally. I have no idea how to use it yet =[ Also looking for Acid Pro 4.0 if anyone have it, drop me a msg, thanks.

- Backstab @ 6:47 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

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City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. Break & Hydro - Breathless
2. SKC & Bratwa - Solitude
3. C4C - Turn The Lights Down

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Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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