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Terror Alert Level

Saturday, April 05, 2003


This sucks... I'm now stuck in Waterloo because my parents told me not to come back. Yay. So now I'm just sitting here doing nothing obviously... only thing I could do now is make tunes, lol. And shit I gotta start on my work term report.

Yesterday I was talking to my co-workers and one of them asked me when's my last day. I was like... um, I don't even know when the first day of school is. Ideally I'd like to take a week off before school starts. I really hope that's possible. Otherwise I'll have no time to do anything... no time to even fix my half-dead hard drive. There's a huge possibility that I might go back to where I am. I'm going to try to demand a raise and see how that's gonna happen.

Here's how screwed up Longwood was yesterday. Yesterday morning, 0 cars passed by my road except for the big postal/purolator truck. Canada post owns. They dropped off the records I ordered on Tuesday. Sweetness. Time to spin some new tunes on the show Sunday... boh!

Nonetheless next week I'd like to come back and do something... or obviously we can wait till Mike finishes. Then again by that time everyone that's not in Waterloo have exams?? I dunno.

p.s. archives are back up

- Backstab @ 8:23 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I tried, and I still couldn't make a dent...

Got to Stew's earlier today, and his mom was saying something about why the driveway wasn't shoveled.
I was on the lawn, I jumped up, and stomped down as hard as I could -- nothing. Proof in point why the driveway wasn't shoveled.
And my feet hurt after that too, that's how hard that crap was... on the lawn!!!

Anyways, just Heroclixed it up, 4v4 emperor... crazy, but it took forever...

George man, that's blatant theft. Even more blatant than when I stole your slayer icon. But I'll let it go. =)

- DarkAesthir @ 3:11 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, April 04, 2003

Did you know?

That it is cold outside? There some to be said about the obvious, but it's cold outside. So what did i do today that allows me to make such a superfluous statement? I went to school. Yeah i walked to school for the review session. I check the web midday and my asskicking prof decided to keep going today. Wicked! Biggups to John Irving (my prof, not the writer) because he rocks. So i walked to school. I though i'd be the only one there but apparently Math people are just as dumb as i am because that room was packed like an illegal immigrate boat.

Nick's right, the snow outside is so well packed that it could hold my own weight. In fact i made no tracks outside because the snow just didn't let me. It was sort of errie not slushing through snow, but earlier the snow had an even stranger consistancy, it felt more like sand than snow. Weird, no?

It's cold outside.

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 9:12 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

At Home....but still working

I'm having a great relaxing time at home as well, and I probably could of made it to work no problem based on the amount of cars on the road, but I aired on the side of caution and stayed home. The only problem is I'm still doing work now, the trials of using a laptop for work. Anyways, I'll probably just make today a half day. Hey nick, those cheap lawyers wont pay you if you won't show up? I get paid for all my sick days and such, but then again I do a lot of extra work.

Loving the peace, sorry they had to close the school on you today Mike, but remember no one got the review session so your whole class is screwed so you can just ride the bell.

- Tommyboy @ 11:27 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

And then god said

"Mike needs to go to his C&O review session, thus let there be SNOW!"
and then i got screwed. I needed that review session.

If i should fail, then i shall blame it on the rain...blame it on the rain

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 10:47 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Stuck at work, fuck, I'm the only one that went to work today, this sucks ass. Even my supervisor didn't come in, shit.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 9:53 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Just spent 20 minutes cleaning the car of snow and ice. I hop in and start to drive off for work. I make it about 2 houses down the street in a minute, and the road is perfectly clear of cars! Why, you ask, is it that I was travelling at a pace slower than if I chose to walk? Because the thick layer of ice pellets on the road doesn't even compact fully when I drive a car over them.....

p.s. yeah I'm stuck too

I was supposed to go in today at 7am to do server maintenance and upgrading code. Called in and told the guy there I couldn't make it.

sorry I had to copy and paste Dark Ice's post but blogger deleted my post ;(

- Backstab @ 9:10 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

... do I want the snow plows to come?

Just spent 15 minutes cleaning the car of snow and ice.
I hop in and start to drive off for work. I make it about 5 houses down the street in a minute, and the road is perfectly clear of cars!
Why, you ask, is it that I was travelling at a pace slower than if I chose to walk? Because the thick layer of ice pellets on the road doesn't even compact fully when I drive a car over them. A CAR! That's come crazy ice...
Talked to some neighbours, and they couldn't get down the street either.

So, called in to work, said I can't make it down the street, but said I'll make it in later if they plow my street.
That brings us back to the underlying question of this post -- should I not go in to work, or should I go in (when/if they plow my street) on a day when most people aren't going to make it in, making it a lazy day where I can slack off and just sit there to earn money?

You see my dilemma...

- DarkAesthir @ 8:46 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, April 03, 2003


Taliban are fighting a holy war on what basis?
Not for their holy land. It's because one influential person who had attacked the US first (supposedly) raised a call to all of Islam. Some follow that call, others don't. But who's to say that he's following the will of Allah?
Yeah, Jihad translates to "Holy War"
Try doing some research on what the word really means though.
Here's a start for you.

The US has already sided with Israel, but they don't go in with weapons blazing.
This is the reason why on most US news stations refer to Israeli actions as thus, while Palestinians are often regarded as thus.
The Israeli and Palestinians are both right, and both wrong. That's why even if a side is taken in diplomatic relations, a side cannot be taken in any military relations.

When Iraq invaded Iran, it was to expand their territory, and to flex their military muscle.
When America invaded Iraq, it was because a nation that was under UN weapons resolutions was felt to have been under breach.
A propagandist doesn't need to show that their side is right, simply that their enemies are wrong and inherently evil, creating the nationalistic mentality to the public.
Were the Germans right in World War II? Killing Jews in concentration camps? The typical soldier didn't question it. The public didn't question it, they loved Hitler.

How much yield do you think a typical bomb has?
I say nothing about them not being smart, simply that not all of them are smart missiles. But even dumb missiles/bombs aren't "falling all over the place," they are dropped where they are meant to accomplish their task. Yes, there are the chances that some of them may go astray, but have hospitals been bombarded repeatedly? Why do you ask if the bombs are falling in those places?
To me, that's like a lawyer asking a question, knowing he will be sustained. But he continues to do so in order to place that thought in the jury's mind, though it has no bearing or place in the issue.
The bombs are falling on military installations, bunkers, places where anti aircraft guns and artillery are setup - and that may include marketplaces, residential areas, mosques, and hospitals.
When people from around the world travelled to Iraq in order to stand in silent protest at hospitals and other places innocents may be in danger, the military took them and moved them to military installations, so the Americans wouldn't be able to attack them without attacking innocents. Those people said "fuck this" and left Iraq. Good for them. Why? Because Iraq purposely places innocent people in place where military equipment exists, and vice versa.
At the end of the first Gulf war, Iraq placed a number of civilians in a bunker that was thought to contain Saddam Hussein and his generals. The Americans attacked it, and were blamed for killing many civilians.

The UN has been defied over and over. Iraq has defied it, and because the US feels that the UN is unwilling to rectify it, they took action. Yes, the UN did not have a majority decision to attack Iraq at all. But the amount of votes they were receiving was increasing. However, regardless of if they ever reached a majority vote to attack Iraq, the veto holders would intervene -- specifically France who said it will use its veto if ever a UN resolution is passed allowing any military action against Iraq.
Iraq may not have as many bombs as the Americans have used thus far, but they were in possession of chemical weapons, and are thought to still be in possession of them. Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons are a much greater threat than a bomb or missile. Perhaps not to a single person, but to a million people across a country, which would cause more devastation?
Yes. America dropped bombs on Afghanistan. After Afghanistan sent hijacked planes full of innocent people into public and private buildings. Buildings containing more innocent people. Was America bombing city streets full of innocent people? No, they were attempting to kill and flush out those who were connected to the terrorist attacks upon their nation.

Even if Iraq lost a lot of their MIGs to Iran, the majority of their air fleet consists of MiGs, Sukhois, and French Mirage fighters. Their best being MiG-29 Fulcrums. (source)

I'm not justifying the American use of nuclear weapons. they shouldn't have used them, especially at the end of the war when they were obviously beaten. They used it then because they wanted to test it. Almost everyone knows it. But are you going to hold the current America responsible for actions of 1944 America? Now, everyone knows what a nuclear weapon does, and what mustard gas, botulin, and VX nerve gas can do. Have any other nuclear weapons been used on humans aside from Fat Man and Little Boy? Not that anybody knows of. The only instance of American usage of nuclear weapons was justified by the Americans as being a wartime action, and unofficially as a test of an experimental weapon. It is not justified.
And so, any usage of such weapons by Iraq are not justified.
The death of any person can't be justified. If you murder a serial killer in order to prevent him/her from killing more people, are you justified? There is no answer.
Yes, America is going to war for economical reasons, because they ertainly aren't going in for popularity. But France is so vehemently opposed to the war for economic reasons as well -- from my point of view.
I will reiterate again, that the Israelis and the Palestineans are both wrong. I don't know too much about Mr. Ariel Sharon, but if the Americans were to march against him, then they might as well do it to Palestine too.

Just for kicks, here's the scope on Iraq's weapons declarations.

- DarkAesthir @ 5:37 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Mmmm, Calimari

"A rare and dangerous squid with eyes the size of dinner plates and scores of razor-sharp hooks to snag its prey has been caught by fishermen off Antarctica, New Zealand scientists said on Thursday." Would you eat it?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 2:22 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I'm not even stooping to that level.

- Tommyboy @ 10:17 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Duh, I'm Tom Marsden

No, I like putting words in your mouth, duh, I'm Tom Marsden, I enjoy shaving my legs!

Anyways, I think they should have closed all the roads, that way I woldn't have to go to work.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 10:11 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Buses Cancelled

What the hell is that? On a day like today I admit to conditions being bad but bad enough to cancel the buses. I have no need to sit down with Jason and debate because my opinion won't change.
And I'm pretty sure I said Sadaam should be thrown out of power ( ie. bring down the regime), I never said killed, so don't put words in my mouth.

Thats enough for me.

- Tommyboy @ 9:30 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

LoL, I was waiting for that rule

Alright, I'm not going to talk about the war anymore. It's happening regardless of what people say, so it's really not important. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and as Cliff said, no one is ever going to change sides. (Btw, me against Tom with Nick as an arbitrator isn't really fair because Nick is on Tom's side). Anyways, not too sure why SARS is so deadly, I read something about it attacking your immune system. Some patients have overcome it though, so your immune system can win, that's pretty much all I know about it. I also realized I spelt arsenal wrong yesterday, ah well.

Logitech Z560 speakers are the way to go. What happened to global warming? Should we be getting ice storms this late in the year?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 9:22 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

New rule in effect

Ok, 5 war posts in a week per person. Any more than that = banned. (starting now, the week starts today)

Archives will be back up in a bit.

- Backstab @ 7:47 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tired Going To Bed Now

Before I do that, I missed some posts, where's the archive????
I would really love to sit down and watch Jason and Tom go at it, with Nick as the arbitrator. Seriously, can it be arranged????
I'd play too, but frankly I don't get teh computer time, and I am really sick of talking about it cuz it's really an opinionated subject, and you can't change a person's opinion unless you can PROVE them wrong, and even then, some people are stubborn.
Why is SARS so deadly??? Somebody I was talking to likened it to AIDS where it affects your immune system. Don't know how accurate that is.
Jihad Joe The Real American Hero (with the kung fu grip)
Oh god I'm so tired...


- Knobody @ 4:21 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

If you're tired of this shit, then don't read...

You don't mess with a fucking holy war? Do you know what a Jihad is? That literally means "Holy War", the Taliban are fighting a "holy war", and the US is messing with them. So you're saying that since the Isreali and Palestinian war is a "holy war" that the world should just stand by and let them kill each other?

I know what an Invasion is. It's when the Americans go where they don't fuckin belong.

lol, Iraqi propagandist, that's pretty funny. I don't remember saying that the Iraqi's were right, I just said the Americans were wrong.

Are my facts contorted or are your facts contorted? I actually don't get my facts from Iraqi's, I talk to lots of middle easterns that work in the bank, I think they have a slightly better grip of the situation than you do.

Yeah, the Americans dropped 10000 bombs. If they aren't "smart" and there falling all over the place, then where exactly are they falling? Hospitals? Residential areas? Mosques? That's a good question.

The UN is there for a reason. Defy it, and it no longer needs to exist. So should we dissolve the UN? It's like our judicial system, it's not always perfect, but without it, we'd have anarchy. So have the US found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? I never heard about that, but I'll take your word for it.

Alright, at least we agree that the Americans control the largest amount of weapons in the world. What we don't agree on is their usage. They just dropped thousands of bombs on Iraq, does Iraq even have that many bombs? They also dropped a ton of bombs on Afganistan... I think the Americans are pretty adept at using their massive arsenol.

Iraq also received a lot of weapons from other counties as well, most of which were aquired from their battle with Iran. A battle that the Americans started. How did they learn to create poison gases and biological weapons? From the US. Actually, Iraq lost a lot of their MIGS to Iran during some fiasco, can't remember what anymore.

You're justifying the American usage of nuclear weapons by saying that a lot of other countries had a hand in creating it? Well isn't that the same for Iraq? They had a lot of help building up their aresonl of weapons as well. So if they use them, is it justified?

I do ask Tom how much he knows about Saddam Hussein because he is saying that Saddam should be put to death. I don't know shit about Saddam which is why I can't pass judgement on him.

People have died as a result of war. Should these people have died? Was their sacrifice worth it? Who are we to say "sure you died, but it's ok because you died for a good cause"? You make a good point in that America's actions will come back to haunt them, but that will fail to do justice for those who have died in this war. Most of the world leaders are opposed to this war. They aren't all stupid, there have to be reaons, and I doubt the majority of them are economical reasons. I also doubt the fact that the Americans are waging this war out of the goodness of their own hearts. There are so many tragedies in our world today. If you are correct and the Americans are really doing this to change the world for the better, we will soon see them march against the other dictators, including Mr. Sharon... or do you not think that what the Isreali's are doing to the Palestinians is wrong?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 12:00 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

If there's any subject I would love to hear less about...

Isreal and Palestine in a war over areas they both consider holy.
You don't mess with a fucking holy war. You know why? Because by doing so, you're saying "this religion is right, that one is wrong", and the world goes to hell.

Iraq INVADES Kuwait.
Know what an invasion is? It's when you go where you don't fucking belong!

Jason, bring up all the points you want, I'll shoot any number of them down, cuz you know what? I'm really tired of all this shit. This is part of why I didn't want to end up joining the debacle that currently is "War discussions in PP"
But I can't just blatantly sit by and read what looks like a transcript between an Iraqi propagandist and a... well I don't know what position Tom would be in, cuz his position doesn't fit into any simple stereotype I can name.

Yes, I do agree with many of the points that Tom brings up. They're many of the same that I brought up earlier on PP, or in my own personal conversations. And yes Jason, a majority of the points you bring up are factually correct, (I'd say "all", but there are some that I can't confirm and I don't care enough to research all this shit,) but from my point of view, those facts are as contorted as an acrobat at the Cirque du Soleil -- hence my reference to an Iraqi propagandist, because their job is to take American facts and turn them around.

The Americans dropped 10000 bombs.
Let me ask, is EVERY SINGLE BOMB they drop going to be a "smart bomb"? Thanks, that's what I thought.

Yeah, the US attacked even when the UN, as a "whole"(and I use the term loosely) said "no".
Of the five veto holders in the UN, essentially all 5 must agree, otherwise any one of them can use their veto and override any action agreed upon by the UN, even in a majority situation. When Russia first got their veto power, they used it left, right and center. Why? Because they could. They now had power and they wanted to flex it after having been "the bad guy" around the world. They defied the UN, as all of the veto holders have done. Some of them did it for their own personal gain, or simply because they wanted to screw over someone they didn't like at the time.
I support the fact that the US went in and did something. When the rest of the world screamed "wait" or "peace", they did something when UN resolutions weren't met. Those Al-Samoud 2 missiles that were found, they obviously exceeded the maximum distance allowed for a weapon in Iraq's possession. And it wasn't an isolated incident, there were repeated missile firings that broke UN resolutions. That's not something that just happens by accidentally putting too much propellant in the missile, at least not all the time, especially when you know you're placed under UN restrictions.
After then US started invading Iraq, they admitted to having made anthrax and botulin, both weapons of mass terror. They admitted to making roughly 8000 litres of anthrax, and 19000 litres of botulin. Those aren't small figures. But the US estiamates they could have made up to three times those amounts. Not to mention the fact that materials that could be used in the creation of mustard, Serin, and VX nerve gases were negected in their weapons declarations.

Yes, the Americans control the largest amount of weapons in the world. But you know what? They're the richest and most influential country in the world too. And all those weapons they have, they hardly use them, which in some way is personnifed by the coalition helicopters that fell from the sky -- without encountering any enemy fire.

Even if all those chemical and biological weapons were acquired from the US during the war with Iran, after being ousted from Kuwait, UN resolutions deemed that they weren't allowed to own most of those weapons -- hence their negligence in declaring any VX gas materials. But Iraq received plenty of weapons from other places. A majority of their aircraft are Russian MIGs. A majority of weapons around the world are manufactured by one of the super-powers because that's how they fund the further production and development of their weapons programs. That's how the world works.

Yes, the Americans were the only ones to use a nuclear weapon on enemies. But that technology wouldn't have existed if it weren't for the scientists in the joint Manhattan Project, including Canadians, Biritsh, and French.

Jason, you ask Tom what he knows about Saddam Hussein. I ask you, what do YOU know? Any information you could find is just as subject to question as anything Tom might have ever learned.
Yes, people have died, but that is war. Wherever war has existed, innocents have died. But there are many innocents who have lived through this, in the last Gulf war. And many of them have been vocal about their support for the US because they have family that lives in the war zone, and because they have lived it themselves.
Many people in Iraq praise the Americans, while others attempt to kill as many as they can. There were those who stood down and surrendered -- some because they don't believe they can win; some because they want to live; others because they don't believe in fighting for Saddam Hussein, because he is (in their eyes) a tyrant.

Whatever it is the Americans do in this war, and in concern to the UN, it will come back to them. Their economy will reflect the world's support. The next election will reflect the country's support.
It's easy for people around the world to cause havoc and interrupt traffic and daily life in the name of peace, but when someone says that they have to go to war in order to affect change that the rest of the world ignores, that takes alot of balls, and I appalud him for taking such a stance in the face of such worldwide opposition.

- DarkAesthir @ 9:43 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Yes, Iraq did attack Kuwait

And Isreal is also attacking Palestine. Yet we don't see the Americans marching off to the Gaza strip and demanding that all the jews leave. The Americans choose their battles wisely. They only fight when they have something to gain, and I'm pretty sure it's not that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you help someone that there after.

The UN is garbage now, they told the US not to attack, and the US said fuck you UN, so I dont really see the UN doing anything useful ever again. If the US backs up the UN in the future, they'll be the joke of the world. One day they defy the UN, the next day they support it. Think of the Americans as a bunch of corrupt cops. They don't follow the laws themselves, yet they expect everyone else to.

So far, the Americans have dropped over 10000 bombs on Baghdad. Now do you remember them saying that their weapons nowadays are "smart" and therefore extremely precise? If so, where are they dropping these 10000 bombs? Are there 10000 government buildings in Iraq? Are they bombing the same building thousands of times? That aspect of the war sort of baffles me.

Yeah, don't let news of SARS or West Nile control your life, just be aware when you go out and you should be fine. It's also psycological, whenever I cough, I think "oh shit", but it's probably nothing.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 2:42 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I dont like that last title because that goes against what I said before.

Its no me vs Jason. Its one opinion vs anothers. They just happen to severly differ. There are many minor details to something as complex as war. And with the minor details someone should always look at the large picture. In the end you are either for the war or against it, I don't like people who sit on the fence. Because this is a global world today, and Country's have to be concerned about everything.

- Tommyboy @ 1:09 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I'm not calling you a liar...

but, didn't back in the Gulf war Iraq invade Kuwait? The US defended Kuwait and fought Iraq back to their borders and didn't invade. This is what started it all. I admit it is kind of ironic how it all works out. How Osama was trained by the CIA. And if I did live in Iraq I would be a totally different person. I could see myself being brought up totally different and maybe even be one of those Iraqi soldiers. But if this war is for oil, which I think it partially does, the Americans are not going to steal it to profit off of it, but will give it to the Iraqi people and will take away Sadaam's control of the flow. Kuwait still controls and profits off their own oil.

Bottom line if the Iraq people are upset with Sadaam (which I believe the silent majority are) and by silent I mean all the people who are threatened at gunpoint to move or to do something.

The whole disarm order came 12years ago did it not?? And from the UN? Just because the UN is to scared to cause any problems. And mostly France. France doesn't support it because they trade A LOT with Iraq. And there is proof they didn't disarm. So if I the global nation ruler asked Sadaam to stop making weapons, because he was a bad boy and invaded Kuwait, and he didn't, what do you do ask him again nicely for 12 years.

Jason, I like hearing you opinions because sometimes it opens my eyes up to other issues. I think the American's are trying to avoid as many deaths as possible, but it is a war and people will die. But like I said before. If these deaths save the lives of many more, and allow someone(mostly Iraqi's) not to live in fear.

SARS and West Nile are other issues, but I feel if you live in fear of them you can't live your life. The media in general is ruining this world. And creating a de-sensitized people because of over exposure. Its shaping our children and changing them.

I've sort of lost track in what I was trying to say, but my points remain.

- Tommyboy @ 1:06 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Shouldn't your ass be burning?

(According to your post anyways)
Is it true that more people have died from West Nile than from SARS? I think there have been around 70 deaths attributed to SARS now, not sure about west nile though. I guess the lesson this summer is to avoid mosquitos and chinese people.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 11:26 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

The world might burn...

but i wouldn't know because i live in a bubble, a water proof, SARS proof, warproof bubble. Well maybe not water proof more like water resistant. I have a question, on the topic of SARS. More people die of West nile than SARS per year, why aren't people so freaked out about getting bug bites? At least i don't have to put up with smallpox or malaria, yet.

Yeah i'm studying for exam, like most university students are. I'm so dead. I'm about to be spun around, ass raped, and then spun around some more just for good measure. So far this term has been terrible. I'm still exhausted from the whole lagging midterm kafuffal. I really need a break from school soon. I like to look at it in an another light, in 3 weeks i will be done. One last push and i will be going to work.

Work for me begins April 28 which is not much time to relax. I'm moving in to my place in guleph on april 26th or 27th. Oh by the way, i've got a place in guleph now. W00t for me. No living in the streets for mike! This place is awesome because i'm a spit's distance from work. The reason is because work is close to U of Guelph (or U of Goo, as Alyssa calls it) so there are lots of rez there. Work has already got me running around. I've got to find a police station or a RCMP detatchment so that i can do a finger print for a security check. Working for the government requires an aweful lot of security.

I can't wait until i can go home! 3 weeks time i will be back to my SARS infected home! I just can't wait to visit the quarenteened Pac mall, or eat some decent but highly infectous chinese food. Yes! My life might exist once again! Boo-Yah! say it with me, BOO- YAH!

Well back to grinding the old study wheel,

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 10:34 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

It is Ridiculous

How can you support the war? First of all, examine the grounds for the war. Why are the Americans waging war on the Iraqi's?
1. To disarm Iraq?
2. To get Saddam out of power?

The Americans control the largest amount of weapons on the face of the planet. They go around telling everyone else to "disarm, disarm" what about them? Are they doing anything to disarm? Do you know where the Iraqi's got their chemical and biological weapons from? They got from the America. The Americans sold them those weapons to use against Iran back in the Iran vs. Iraq war. They were given to them by the AMERICANS. Don't you find it Ironic that the US is now waging war on them for these very same weapons??? And what if they don't ever find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, will the Americans just say "hmmm, we were wrong, sorry for killing all your people". Pop quiz hot shot, who is the only country to ever use a nuke against their enemies?

To get Saddam out of power. Do you know how Saddam Hussein came into power? THE AMERICANS PUT HIM THERE. What do you know about Saddam Housin Tom? Do you know what the media tells you about him? Do you know him intimately? What do you know? If you know what the media tells you, does the media always tell the truth? Are they foolproof? Are you justifying the deaths of all those innocent Iraqi's based on the potential lies of the media? How many people have died so far, how many more will die? Have you forgotten that Iraqi's are also people? They have families, they have emotions, they like to play sports, they like to eat lobsters, they are just like you and me my friend, and they are all dying from US bombs and bullets. How devastated would you be if a bomb fell on your house and your family was killed? Think about it, that's what thousands of Iraqi's go through each day. And you're saying that's ok? As long as it's for a "better" cause? I'd like to see your views on this war if your family was living in Iraq.

You're right and I should voice my opinions in a more sensitive manner. I don't agree with the Americans and I know that not all Americans are war mongers. I just fail to see how anyone could support this war. If Iraq started this war by launching missles at the states, then you would hear no argument from me and I would fully support our neighbours to the south.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 9:39 AM

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I'm Always Listening

Just call me god. I have a new passion for saying stupid stuff that is religiously polittically incorrect... I think that's heretical but my vocabulary's gone to shit. So yeah, I AM GOD. anyways, yeah new rap is really getting bad. I'm kinda listening to more and more Canadian stuff, and is hasn't gone to the shitter, like most of the American stuff, but it's not like the classics I grew up with. Speaking of which I had a conversation with Ingham about how rap music hasn't been around long enough to have classics, I disagreed, hmmm, maybe I'll ask Liston...then again he'll probably just throw in something about the Amish. Anyways, I digress, saying that the genre in general has gone to shit, isn't telling the whole story, it isn't the case anymore where certain artists always produce gold, they make one good track from time to time (yes I am saying they still make good tracks), then they leech off that popularity, and since hip hop music is becoming pop music, they produce a really nice pile of shit to follow that up with and have stupid white teenie boppers buy it. I say white loosely here cuz the four readers we have that don't know me might not get that i make racist JOKES. In any case, they don't make anything good again until you almost forget they exist, which is the point when they drop something new that's actually decent. so to listen to good hip hop music, you can't just look for a good artist, they are extremely rare, and you will never hear them on the radio because once they get there the cycle starts. In any case, I've been trying to listen to anything I hear of. Mostly check out BET's 106andpark voting page, cuz they list just about every new video that they play, OHHLA, cuz they actual manage to list songs with the best lyrical content, and 935flow's Starting from Scratch playlist, cuz he plays whatever he wants as long as its good. I haven't heard of about half the sings he plays...usually. Anyways, this is turning into a really long rant so im just gonna stop rambling now, I will note however, that the songs we look back on are the few memorable ones, and they probably were made over a 10 year time span, so don't say that today's music sucks judging by the set you hear over the course of a day, it just doesn't make a good comparison.

So umm think about that and remember, I AM GOD,

- Knobody @ 4:24 AM

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Tuesday, April 01, 2003

This is Ridiculous

Jason.... like honestly. If I was a reporter and you were a general and you were fighting a war, you know the enemy is going to have counter intelligence, but if he doesn't know something, would you like a reporter broadcasting info, NO, thats why the reporters made a deal with the military. Heraldo, broke that deal, and he was fired. I admit it was borderline, but integrity is a part.
The other issue comes down to propaganda. I hear all about how the americans have much more military power than the Iraqi's, but if I had an Iraqi on American TV, telling me this as well, my belief in this is 100% more credible. Its not any secret the Americans are facing more intense resistance, but an American legitimizing this claim adds to the Iraqi confidence and propaganda.

And I never said the Iraqi's are idiots I just think, that the country needs to be liberated. Sadaam is oppressing parts of the country, and a portion of the Country are happy they are there, bottom line, it could be worth it. Everyone killed in this war is a tradgedy, but if this war gives the americans control of pretty devastating weapons that could kill many, are the few that die are they worth it? Thats the age old question, is the sacrifice of few worth the lives of many.

Jason, I just think you have to voice your opinions in a more sensitive manner especially with the severity of the issue. I believe the Americans are right in the way they are handling the situation as a whole, and I could very well be in the Canadian military today, and I would go over proudly to protect our Country.

But lighten up, there is so many good things that happen in this world, stop concentrating on bashing our neighbours to the south, because without them, our country would be hurting.

- Tommyboy @ 10:16 PM

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Tommyboy the Ass Muncher

There's nothing wrong with going on Iraqi television and telling them the truth. The US underestimated the Iraqi resistance fighters, you know it, I know it, the Iraqi's know it, he was just saying it on TV. There's nothing wrong with that, Dieppe was a disaster, you think the Nazi's needed us to tell them that? Heraldo drew a map in the sand of where the troops are, do you really believe that the Iraqi generals don't know where the American troops are? Did you know that the Iraqi's jammed the American radars and sattelite guiding systems so that none of their cruise missles, GPS systems and such worked? They are smarter than you think my man.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 8:36 PM

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Why does when it snows in April after having got rid of the snow 3 million people forget how to drive. Its just my commute which usually takes 20mins-30mins took 2hours. I just don't understand drivers in this city. It is either that they forgot how to drive or didn't know how in the first place.

Also, Etheral, I know you and I disagree with the issue. But lets look at a different perpespective. That reporter basically went on Iraqi TV and said America's war plan was wrong and they had to rethink their plan because they recieved more resistance. Is this not the same as some British guy going on Nazi radio and saying how Dieppe was a big failure because the Germans were too popular. And Heraldo broke one of the agreements made by reporters allowing to cover the action. They are NOT allowed to give any status on locations and Heraldo drew a map in the sand where the troops were.

And as for the Mail Bag and the managements complaints. I am what I am. =) But I seriously ain't doing any choda-licking to get ahead around here.

Once again hockey playoffs are around the corner, and Leaf flag is flying proudly on the car. Keep the faith, and Go Leafs Go.

- Tommyboy @ 10:14 AM

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Ask Liston's Mailbag

Hi everyone, it's time to open up the mailbag.

If you've ever really noticed, there's a link called Ask Liston on the sidebar. It's been awhile since I've accessed that account, so I guess I'm gonna respond to a few of the questions people have...

Q: what do i need to drop a 488 into a xcr 440 chasis? -Brandon
A: What the fuck are you talking about Amish?

Q: Hey Liston? Why is Tommyboy such an ass muncher? Can you tell him to lick my choda? -The management
A: Maybe we can ask Tommyboy to field this one in his next post. As for my answer... well, I'm gonna have to blame the Amish again.

Sendin' out an SOS to the world,

- Liston @ 1:07 AM

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Monday, March 31, 2003

America, land of the free!

But say anything that's remotely "Anti-American" and lose your job! Isn't it great? Yay America!

I also heard that Heraldo Riviera was fired for reporting the status of US troops around Baghdad.

Ha ha ha, soon people in the US will be sent to jail for saying anti-american things, and protesters will be publically executed! Maybe after that, they'll change their name to the Rebublic States of America.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 2:54 PM

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Sunday, March 30, 2003

I got a cough and I lost my voice

100% positive that I don't have SARS though =)

But people were sorta freaked out yesterday when I was in a restaurant in Richmond Hill coughing. I understand that.

I haven't really talked about the war. But in general I think I'm gonna stay neutral about this and just let everything unfold the way it will, because quite honestly I'm a bit confused, it seems like the outcome of the war can potentially be good and bad at the same time. So I guess whatever happens you'll have to deal with it.

If in case you didn't get the "CUNT" joke. You gotta click on the turn on your speakers. Some people were really confused about that... I should've specified that you gotta turn on your sound.

I've been taking a small break from drum and bass recently (at least in the car, and frankly i'm not feeling a lot of stuff lately). I just realized some of the stuff by Nine Inch Nails is actually decent but if there are bands that have that sorta style but with darker soundscape and more tech-ish it might potentially be good. RHCP is also decent in some ways but their stuff is too "rock"-ish for my taste. Also I'd like to say that old skool rap - mid 90s rap is alright, but this new stuff is pure shite. Knobody if you're reading this I hope you agree with me, because this new shit sounds like clown music and its sole purpose is to sell out the general public.

So in other words, pop music still sucks.

New rock = uninspired and boring.
Rap/hip-hop = clown beats.
Dance stuff = grade 2 piano melodies with lame drum programming.
(of course there are exceptions =) )

- Backstab @ 1:43 PM

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What the questions is, is still a mystery.

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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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