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Terror Alert Level

Friday, April 11, 2003

"poor planning on your behalf does not constitute an emergency on mine"

so today my boss took the day off to i don't know. go skiing or something. the door had barely a chance to swing shut when the phone rang with people begging and pleading with me to give them his cell phone number. all of which i politely refused, with only one exception.
jesus christ. give the guy a break. he is the most dedicated engineer i've ever met. he works 6.5 days a week.i think a day off every now and then is deserved, no?

in other news, work reports suck. and there are only 9 days of left of not being a student. wooo!

- soufpawed @ 1:50 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Right out of his boots!

Just got back from watching the news. A U.S. crane just pulled a statue of Saddam Huessin right out of his boots, it was actually quite comical. You should download a clip of it if you can. I say 3-1 Leafs tonight, Go Leafs Go!!

- Ethereal_Monk @ 11:13 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Too funny

Shit I forgot to mention what happened on Monday did I?

Some absolutely hilarious shit happened that's what. That morning when I was about to park my car in the parking lot at work, there was basically no space. So after about a couple trips around the parking lot I finally found a real tight shitty spot which I had to back into. I steered my car into perfect position, and when i was about to back into the spot, my car got stuck in a small ice ditch. Fuck, so I went into 1st gear, tried to move forward. Failed. OK, so my car is stuck and the best part is that it's blocking the ENTIRE parking lot. Wicked. So I thought about calling the my co-workers to help me push me out. Fuck, I don't have their number with me. So what did I do? I stayed in my car for a minute and just waited for people to come, well they're forced to have to help me since I'm blocking the lot. Anyway, the first guy tried to push my car and it failed (pretty hard since it was slightly uphill). Then another guy came and also failed... Now a 3rd guy came in and finally got my car off that stupid ditch.

A good waste of 20-25 minutes.

In other news I got Xanadu/Houston on vinyl... so boh.

- Backstab @ 1:13 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

My job is costing me too much money!

Yes that's right, today i just spent 85 dollars on work. i spent 30 dollars on cab ride down to a provincal police headquarters, then i spent 25 on fingerprinting and finally another 30 on a cab ride back up. 85 dollars for work! holy moly! My job requires some strange things. The woman/forensic technician was the epitomy of the 80's femenism. Short spikey hair, and spat out orders in a drill sargent fashion.
"turn to the wall please"
"you're other hand sir"
"hurry up sir, there are other people waiting sir"
I thought andriods were not supposed to be invented for another 80 years, i guess i was wrong.

Phish! 20 is so passe, 21 is where it's at. Get with the times.

3 more weeks of school hell, then i will turn it all over to you 8 streamers. Muha ha ha. I'm so tired from studying, i just want to finish now. The only thing keeping me sane is going bouldering in the PAC. The burning in my hands is a giant relief compared to studying. Plus any girl that can out climb you is one hot tamale. I've said it before, and i'll say it again, Caliente!

After exams i don't want to be sober any more. Liston, that's your queue, but seriously i think i will even be willing to try that nescal stuff, you know undistilled tequila. On a completely separate note, Crono Canada? what the hell was i on when i came up with that shit?


The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 12:18 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

my god. i'm 20 too.

you know. everytime someone asks me how old i am, i always have to stop and think.
which makes it look fishy. and when i tell them... they never ever believe me.
because you know, i do look like i'm 15 (=

but. my id is real. and you can swipe it if you want.

12 [or 15. it depends] more days of work.
we get good friday off, right? i don't know... this whole non-catholic environment is new to me. LOL

- soufpawed @ 8:50 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

How old are you?

Wow, the other co-ops asked me how old I was yesterday and I said "19". And then I thought about it, did the math, and figured out I was actually 20!? When the heck did that happen? Geez, I didn't realize I was so old, I'm not a teenager anymore, where does the time go!? I still remember when I was a young boy growing up in China. We had no electricity and no running water, people use to ride their cats to work...

- Ethereal_Monk @ 2:58 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, April 07, 2003

10 MORE Days of WORK???

Whoa whats going on here. I have 20 more days of work. Something seems fishy??


- Tommyboy @ 3:41 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Having a case of the Mondays?

I sure am, work is so boring today. Thank goodness we get this Friday off for our end of term co-op event day. This term we're going to playdium and then catching a movie afterwards, all expenses paid! Should be fun. Ah, 10 more days of work and then it's all over!

- Ethereal_Monk @ 3:34 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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