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Thursday, May 08, 2003

This is retarded!

I still don't have internet access at home yet. I bet you can hear me scream inside as i fall behind in my manga addiction. But i've been filling my time with a little game called Vampire the masqurade. This game is pretty much like diablo 2, but the story is much longer and better. It starts off in 16 century prague and your a tutonic knight, then you get bitten and vampire volia!

You go around smacking around other vampire clans in rightous fashion and bleeding them dry. Then in a unexpected turn, you get taken out and left to sleep for a couple thousand years. You wake up in 1999 west london filled with rage'n'shit and guess what? you decide to smack around some new vampire clans in *gasp* rightous fashion. It's pretty strange to see you carrying a shield and a pistol then go around bitting necks. I know it doesn't really sound like i enjoy it but i really am. It's an old game so i'm sure everyone but nick can run it. P'zoned!

Well i'm comming home again this weekend. Guelph is a strange town. How i long to go home where no one in town knows my name. Yesterday Alyssa was over and we along with my roommates decided to go to a bar, trappers alley no less. Pretty dirty! but not as dirty as the brunny used to be. I swear Alyssa knew everyone in the room. Apparently she even met her arch-nemesis from high school.

Mother's day is comming up! So Mother it up! whatever that supposed to mean...

Yeah! Retarded like the Gamecube!

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 2:08 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

First 2 days of classes

Um... Day 1

Day 1 was funny shit. I only have one class - BIOL 139

Prof: This should be a good review to you all.
Prof: *starts talking about random genetics stuff*
Me turns to puloxor: WTF is a chromosome?
Puloxor: no clue.

seen this is gonna be a fun class

Day 2
Started the day early in the morning at DC. I had to grab a coffee in the morning because I haven't had one for a long time... so as I was lining up I saw Kenneth Ho - guy used to go to my elementary school/high schoool. Anyway it was really weird because he was speaking to me in Cantonese. I somehow managed to said some stuff out in Cantonese which made perfect sense... usually this fails since I haven't been home for a while but that's the advantage of being a fob $

Anyhow, SE 240 aka corrupted CS 240 (sorry can't find a better word for to describe a different version of something ) was an interesting little course. Data Structures and Algorithms is the name of the course. The prof seemed like he was 12 and couldn't proof his own Big O examples.

Then came CS 246 SE (not soft eng but apparently Special Edition because Vince is taking it and I don't wanna be a pigeonholing bastard). Got some huge ass assignments already but it's not due in a long time. The course project especially is fucking insane as it spans the whole term, plus the fact that it's 30% of your final mark.

SE 380 was next up. No clue what that course is about. If you do, drop me an email/AIM/MSN/ICQ, take your pick. :|

The last class was ENG 119 at St Jerome's. I was gonna fall asleep but the coffee in the morning made me stay up. There's gonna be some writing involved in this class I think, not something I would like but there's no exam.... so I guess it's all good.

Anyhow I'm really bored and I don't really feel like doing the work term report ... reading a whole bunch of stuff about compression and mastering. I just realized none of my tunes are properly mastered, even though they sound like they are. My tunes are all digital clipping madness at the moment... shit, and I need to get one of those nice and mastered because it's supposed to be getting released. DOH!

- Backstab @ 12:35 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, May 05, 2003

yay for engineering

work reports also suck, i'll give you that much. apparently my page numbers are in the wrong place but at this point i don't CARE. i'm not reprinting it.

a breakage card is... i don't know. i think it's like sort of an insurance type of thing for if you break a bunch of lab equipment. or just license to USE the lab equipment in the first place.

beck is closed. i'm in eby [building next door] with 2 girls from SYDE. they have like no work yet so. yay chem?

hahahaha. that i couldn't ever see happening in our class. nerds, the chems are not. sure we might be a little on the side of geeky in a good sort of way, but there isn't a single really hardcore keener. softies on the other hand, i can totally imagine. i mean, you guys are like the hybrid nerds, right? a marriage of the two nerdiest faculties in an already pretty nerdy school. what do you expect? LOL. though there are exceptions. you two are pretty cool. on the other hand, the software kids from my grade... not so much

i think those are the boys that suck the most.

- soufpawed @ 9:08 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sciece does suck
Or School does suck. You know what else sucks, Work Reports SUCK.
What the hell is a breakage card? Haya are you living at UW Place/Beck hall again?
Your in engineering, of course you have an assignment due.
The scary thing is that I'm in software engineering, and there are probably people in my class who have all these assignements that are due done alread.
Oh yeah, only some boys suck, some perfer to just get sucked.

- Tommyboy @ 7:32 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

boys suck

yes. that is all.

today was exhausting. i already have an assignment due on friday + a prelab
lab is insane. you un-sciencey people are very lucky. i still have to get a breakage card from needles, a lab coat and safety goggles from chemistry. *and* a lab manual.
this is after a whole day spent running errands [and getting pretty wet in the process. damn rain]

anyways, i'm off to last class of the day.

- soufpawed @ 4:58 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
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