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Friday, October 24, 2003

UFO Aftermath

Well well, I've come to the conclusion that EB is pure crap. I pre-ordered UFO Aftermath which was suppose to be released on October the 17'th, but when I go to pick up my game, EB announces that the release date has been pushed back to January the 16'th. How ridiculous is that? Anyways, I was walking through Compucenter the other day, and what do I see? A copy of UFO Aftermath! So I buy it (I'm going to use the money I put down for Aftermath towards FFX2 instead) and boy, I must say that it's the best $50 I've ever spent.

The game is great, definately a change from all of the other games I've been playing over the past 10 years or so (with the exception of X-Com 1 which is still the best game ever). So, what makes UFO Aftermath so unique? Well it combines so many different genre's into one. It's turn based, yet real time. It's strategic, yet an RPG. There's a tactical game, as well as the need to manage multiple bases, simply amazing. The graphics are great, play control is great, the music is great, the sound effects and voices are great, the cut scenes are great, There is practically nothing wrong with this game!

Any RPG fan will love this game, anyone who likes Diablo will love this game, anyone who likes Simcity will like thie game, and of course anyone who liked X-COM will love this game. I give it a 8/10. (The only game I've ever given 10/10 is X-Com: UFO Defense). If you're only going to buy one game this year, make this the game. If you're going to buy two games this year, then make this one of them. If you're going to buy three games this year, definately make this one of them. (Can you see the trend?)

For example, I was in one of the tactical battles yesterday, and there are these huge aliens that are quite resiliant against my rifles. It was a city street battle, so I snuck one of my explosives experts into an alleyway and drew the aliens down a street with my scout (just like in saving private ryan!). Luckily the alien didn't see the guy in the alley and as it walked by, my guy lobbed a grenade at it's feet and BOOM.
On the strategic screen, I got to raid Area 51 which they said "now appears to have existed and may house some valuable information". One thing I haven't been able to figure out how to do yet is research. I really should read the instruction book, I think I have to somehow convert my military installations into research bases. Oh well, I can't wait to go home and play, how exciting!!

- Ethereal_Monk @ 9:19 AM

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Thursday, October 23, 2003

VGM 2004 anyone???

Hey guys, I justed signed up for the VGM basketball game on I started our own group under the name polarisprime and everyone is welcome to join in the fun! you get the choice of picking players but you only get 100 points each week. there is no password so tell everyone and join us on VGM on polarisprime. I was thinking that we should start an NHL VGM game too, tell me what you think.

Later days

- The Student @ 11:42 AM

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Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

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