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Saturday, November 22, 2003

Re:Rainbow Six

But we've finished Rogue Spear before G, we should try something new. Ghost Recon is so hard, it'll probably take us a few hours to finish it, it would be so much fun! But I'd play Rogue spear as well. Yeah, Rogue Spear would be cool, or Raven Shield if we can get it.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 1:07 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Rainbow Six

I guess Rainbow Six would be a good idea. I do prefer Rogue Spear over Ghost Recon, but whatever, I'll play if it's either one.

I've been playing Unreal Tournament at work everyday recently with other developers... I'm trying to get them to play other games, one of them actually is really up for hardcore Diablo 2 exp. It's pretty cool, once the time hits around 6:30 everyone stops working and starts playing UT. Damn, this reminds me, I should get back to gaming. :|

- Backstab @ 12:14 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, November 21, 2003


Jon Mui says : "I agree with Ghost Recon."

So I guess it's gonna be a Rainbow 6 game?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 10:43 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

It has been a long time

Yeah i know it's been a long time, but i've been very busy. In fact, i'm so fucking tired of school, i'm writing instead of working on a much needed oral presentation. I can already hear the echoes of Randy's voice giving Randy's advice. "HEY! I've got a great idea! Why don't you just drop out!"

I'm all for a Rainbow Six-a-thon. It's probably the only modern day event where Rainbow doesn't have a homosexual connotation. The question is when do we bust out the flash bangs and frags? I also say we should finish the missions and not the terriosts hunts. Multiplayer missions with hostages are always funny.

Revolutions was alright, it was exactly i expected. Too many people expect too damn much from a movie. I enjoyed the movie more than many other movies i've seen. 3 out 5, because it wasn't a mind blowing ending, but it didn't suck ass either. Personally, i've never really thought the original matrix was all that good. It was a cut above, but it certainly wasn't the experience that everyone else made it out to be.

Do I have an opinion on crime in Toronto? I most certainly do, but it’s not what you think it is, and I started to write something only to come to the conclusion that it’s far too long for anyone to read or care to read. So I’ll treat this as a, on request explanation. If you want to know what I think, shoot me an email or ask me in person. Hopefully I’ll have the time to answer you. I can tell you this much, Jason's view on humanity is too one sided for me.

Side note: I toured the cancer research facility in the Princess Margaret Hospital. A mind blowing experience for any bio student. I get over stimulated just thinking about it. The intelligence and depth of the people there are amazing. The facility had everything you could imagine and not imagine. If I were accepted to do graduate work there, I think my mind would melt upon learning this news, and I would accept the moment I could be coherent enough to sign the papers. FYI: When I was there they showed me a picture of a gold atom they took with an electron microscope. Not a group of gold atoms, not 2 or 3 gold atoms, ONE BLOODY ATOM. Did I learn the secrets of life after this? Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, but I did see one gold atom blown up to the size just slightly larger than a ping pong ball.

We shouldn’t have left you
Without a dope beat step to step to…
Freaky freaky

The One and Only,
(Cliff, where are you at?/I must get Prince of Persia! <-totally unrelated things)

- ?!?!@? @ 9:50 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

FFX2 Comes out today!

I dunno, but I'd prefer not to play Diablo, NWN, Baldur's Gate, or any of those types of games. Let's play some kind of team shooter or something, that would be fun. Like finish Ghost Recon, or the new Rainbow Six.

Welcome back to the boonies Randy.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 9:31 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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