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Terror Alert Level

Saturday, February 14, 2004


Remember that tune where we heard at KFC, the tune that sounds like half Mozart, half Frankenstien-mad doctor on a piano with a clown dancing in the background. YESS!!! I have found the name and artist of that terrible tune! I was watching FOX the other day and I saw the commercial, Garnier Fructis, and stupid enough, it was the background tune!!

The song name is "Diamonds and Guns" by Transplants. Nick you're right, it's one of the guys from Rancid and some rapper. Well at least we got the name of it now, LOL.

I don't think there's a listing of houses of Vancouver at Waterloo... I don't know what to do with housing at this time... it's a bit early to think about it actually!

- Backstab @ 8:29 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Friday, February 13, 2004

Oh Shit

That's so hype. There might be abit of a conflict there. See, my school was just purchased by the Art Institute, so I'm not sure when I'm going to school anymore. I hope to be on the first semester they provide, so hopefully sometime when I was planning, which was May.

Hey GT, does Waterloo have a listing of housing in Vancity? I've been looking at the Vancouver Sun looking for housing, but there's just so much information.

Oh Shit, that'd be so cool. Everybody needs to move to Vancouver. Fuck Toronto man.

- Liston @ 6:15 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

EA Sports - It's In The Game

Well well, looks like I got a good offer this term!

I got an offer for Audio Software Engineer at EA Canada. If all goes well (if they don't cancel the job last minute or something), this will mean that I'll be in Vancouver from May to August. Wait a minute? Yes, I think I will be joining you to Vancouver, Liston.

The position is a pretty cool position. As far as I understand, some of it will be front-end development, and perhaps parts of it might be working in a studio. We'll see though.

Anyhow, we'll see what happens.

- Backstab @ 4:50 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I sort of almost died

Football practice is great! I finally got to hit someone really really really hard (wearing all of the appropriate gear of course) and it was so much fun! I wasn't allowed to participate in the "Hold your ground" drill though (that's where you plant yourself and guys run into you full tilt and you have to try to hold your ground). But I tried running into the guy and I ended up flying backwards (the guy didn't budge), so I think I have to increase my weight by a bit.

Anywho, why do we only have 5 hours to rank our jobs? Is there a new policy?

Where are you planning to open your bar Cliff?

For Crystal Chronicles, can you play 4 players using only the controllers? Or do you have to plug in GBA's to play?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 3:48 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I'm not really dead

Too lazy is the answer.

Opening a bar would be sick. Just wondering when are you gonna get your bartending license.

I have to say that co-op always somehow screws ME up one way or another. I have an interview tomorrow but I'm gonna miss it because of a midterm, I'm hoping to get it rescheduled and I realize I have to go there tomorrow at 8 am.

And why do we have only... 5 hours to decide how we rank our jobs? What if ranking actually matters...

This term has turned out "decent". I like those 1.30pm starts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping in is great. I only have ... something like 17 hours this term, which is really good comparing to something like 30 in 1B. Jazz is pretty cool. It's a class in which I'm actually liking the homework. You see, the homework is to listen to a bunch of jazz tunes, and then they give you a 15% listening quiz which asks you to name the tune from a list of 85 tunes... which is easy as hell for me. Too bad the final exam isn't going to be a big listening test of 300 jazz songs. I seriously wouldn't mind that at all.

I REALLY don't know what's happening next work term, it's all up in the air. Anyway I 'm hoping co-op would do me a favour this term... ah well 2 more days and I'll know what's gonna happen!!

- Backstab @ 11:34 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


There comes a time in everyone's life where you have to be steadfast in your beliefs. I would like everyone to sign this petition. Normally i don't watch this mind rotting TV, but someone told me i must see this clip on American Idol. Now please sign the petition and we can all see what justice is really like in this universe.

In other news, i got Andrewed. What is Andrewed you may ask? It's like Own3d but not as severe but much more specific. Andrewed, or 4ndr3w3d for the 733t inclined, is when a condition is inflicted on a person that causes damage to the knee area. It other circles it is also known been referred to as "Tanya Harding-ed". I managed to mangle my knee up and not know how. I think i might have to see a doctor.

FF:CC is out and i can't wait to play it

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 2:50 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


I can't believe how incredibly lazy I am. Anyways, I finally got around to posting cuz I have all this energy all of a sudden, despite my excessive lack of sleep.

I have all this energy cuz I have finally found some direction for my life. I've been struggling for...I don't know how long, trying to figure out what to do with my life, and I think I found something. I'm gonna go study something business related as a backup and in the meantime get my bartending license and save money so that I can.....OPEN UP MY OWN BAR. Yeah, yeah, that's everybody's dream, but it's so perfect for me. I absolutely love music, love people, love alcohol...really love alcohol. I've always wanted to work in a bar, kinda working in one now, did a little bit with Colossus. It just seems to make sense. Now there's gonna have to be a dance floor cuz you know me... so it's gonna have a lounge feel. Kinda like the Brunny but bigger dance floor, and not as "hole in the groundish". (as a side note, the Brunny had their liquor license suspended). So anyways, I'm gonna get a bit of a business background so I can do some of the grunt work, I'll bartend part time, and DJ part time. It'll be amazing.

Well lack of sleep is kicking in, but I'm so enthused right now that I'm not sure if I'm gonna shut my eyes once I get to bed. I finally have some sort of direction. This is great.

Your friendly neighbourhood entrepeneur,

- Knobody @ 3:04 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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and get
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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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