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Friday, March 12, 2004

Punch him in the face!

I don't think there's a problem with hockey, fighting is fun to watch, and if the players are willing to do it, then who are we as fans to say that it isn't ok? (Not that I would ever participate in a hockey fight). Sucker punches and hits from behind happen all the time, Bertuzzi was just unlucky in this case because of the way things unfolded. Say for example that one day I hit Dave from behind and one day I hit Mike from behind, the hits could be identical, but if Dave just falls to the ice and gets back up, then I'm gonna go to the penalty box for 5 minutes. But if Mike falls funny and breaks his neck, then I'm gonna get suspended for a year and face criminal charges? I don't think it adds up. I'm not saying that Bertuzzi shouldn't get penalized, because obviously that was a dirty hit, but if he's going to get suspended for a year, then I think everyone else who throws sucker punches, or hits from behind should also be suspended for a year.

And I agree with the hockey players when they say that we don't know what it's like on the ice. Since we've never been in that situation, we can't even begin to imagine what sorts of emotions they are feeling on the ice. A rational person could say "I will never kill", but under certain circumstances, I think anyone can be drivin to kill. Granted that this excuse doesn't justify Bertuzzi's actions, I don't think it's fair to downplay the emotions involved in a game like that. (Even when we were playing a house league soccer, my team almost got into several fights when we were playing Unionville in the finals. Nick got kicked in the face by someone during that game).

I don't know why, but I've really begun to enjoy watching extreme sport accidents on TV. For example, I really like watching big hits and fights in hockey, and I like watching shows like "Real TV" and "You've gotta see this" because they always show some white guy jumping off a building on rollerblades and then landing on their faces. I always laugh when they show the replays and you see their heads bouncing off the sidewalk.

Btw, CNN felt we should know that Jessica Lynch is postponing her wedding from June to August. (In case you guys haven't already read it).

- Ethereal_Monk @ 2:57 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


Then we'll know why it exists!

3 days left!

- Backstab @ 12:44 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Dead Man On Campus: The Novel?

I shit you not. Seven U.S. dollars + ship.

Why does this exist?

- Liston @ 12:20 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


But did you see the clip of that incident? That wasn't even a fight. Just a sucker punch out of nowhere, catching the guy from behind. Sucker punching is NOT part of hockey.

I know fighting is a bit stupid, but when a fight happens, both players square off like boxing. They both know that they're fighting against each other and no one will be held responsible if they got seriously shitfaced in a fight. (just like in boxing)

Worst of all this was all premediated. All the players on the canucks side saying that it wasn't were all lying, there's clearly taped evidence.

I don't really care if he gets charged or not but I think if he really did get charged then I'm just gonna laugh my ass off, his career is done.

But you're right thogh, if fighting isn't allowed, this probably wouldn't have happened.

- Backstab @ 11:15 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |


This is retarded. I don't understand hockey in the NHL. It's a game where violence is not only allowed, but encouraged to levels above and beyond. Is there any other professional sport where if two players want to duke it out, the entire game comes to a halt, and the two bash each others brains out while the officiators stand back for a little bit and watch on? I can understand violence in a professional sport. Some sports are violent in nature. Boxing and football for example. However, in both these sports, when the officals see violence, the game doesn't stop purely for the violence. In boxing, after the bell goes and one keeps punching, does the ref just stand back and let him do his business? Hell no, he breaks that shit up instantaneously. In football, do referees allow sacks after the whistle goes? Hell no.

So now I'm sure a lot of the fans of hitting in the NHL are "shocked" with what happened. That's bullshit. How can they be suprised by this? The game condones excessive violence. Now someone really got hurt and they finally cry foul. People calling the BC cops, encouraging police to investigate a possible assault on the ice. Even police don't know the defining line between sport and crime in the NHL, that they need a public outrage to tell law enforcement "That wasn't a hockey hit, it was a criminal assault".

What the freak man. What the freak.

Speaking of crime... Martha Martha Martha.... I just want her to go to prison for one month. Just one sweet month.

- Liston @ 3:54 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

LOL Reanimate Rocket Richard

that would be cool

Leafs sign undead player maurice richard

Oh yeah, let me also comment on the fact that I don't understand why people are saying this.

"You don't understand how he (Bertuzzi) feels right now, he feels awful. Sometimes the game gets emotional and shit happens."

That's bullshit. Maybe I should murder someone and then I'll blame it all on my emotions?

Fucking kick him out of NHL and send him to jail for a year, what bullshit.

- Backstab @ 9:16 PM

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Before Someone Beats Me to it

Ron Fucking Francis?!?!? What the Fuck ! What's the next rabbit the Leafs are going to pull out of their magical hat? Super Mario? Wayne Gretzky? Do they have time to reanimate Rocket Richard?

Comments anyone?

The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 9:10 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Todd Bertuzzi

What a moron. I hope he gets suspended for the rest of the year.

I have lost respect for him and the Vancouver Canucks. I hope they get swept in the first round of the playoffs this year by Dallas or Nashville.

You bet I'll cheering against the canucks when I'm in Vancouver.

- Backstab @ 9:09 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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