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Friday, May 07, 2004

How Did This Concept Make It In?

I was reading about some video games and came across the new NARC game. If a few of you can remember, NARC was originally a Midway arcade game where two players took the role of drug enforcement officers with machine guns and rockets. They basically shot their way through drug lords, until the end where you fight about 100 guys in wheelchairs, and then a giant mechanical head (might have been an alien, can't remember too well). Anyways, they're releasing NARC again. I thought it'd be a remake of the classic, until I read this...

"Using drugs actually impacts the game in numerous ways. The immediate effect is some type of ability. Speed literally makes you move fast through the game world. There's weed time for a Matrix-style slow-mo, which helps you aim and take out the bad guys in firefights. Take LSD and all the characters on screen get large clown heads, except for the criminals, who get big devil heads. This allows you to hunt them down in crowds. Take crack and you're able to perform crackshots, which take out the enemies with a headshot. Liquid soul gives you 300% health, which allows you to go into a rage mode and kick off bad guys' heads."

What the fuck is this shit. NARC was a no-nonsense game before, and now this crap. What the hell is wrong with people today.

- Liston @ 8:46 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

I'm not dead

I have not been on recently because:

1. I'm still living in the hotel (no internet until hopefully this weekend)
2. I'm not allowed to use any instant messaging at work ...tight security

Anyhow, I'll make another post once I get internet at home soo watch this space.

- Backstab @ 12:01 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Alright, here's the situation. So I move back to Toronto but I leave my mattress in Waterloo because I need to wait for my sister to get her key so I can move it to her new house. So she gets her key, but the weather forecast predicts rain for the whole weekend (and it did rain), so I decide not to move it since it would get wet if we tried. Now, a bunch of Stella's friends (not including Dinu I think), move back into the bricker house and they see the mattresses there. I admit I should have called them to tell them about the mattress and that it's only going to be there temporarily, but I didn't. So what do you think they should do with them? Should they

a) Put it in the little cubby hole where they stored their stuff while they were gone
b) Move it outside onto the porch

Well they elected to do b), move it out onto the porch. Now is it just me, or is that a very fucked up thing to do? Now I know for a fact that if I or anyone else left anything at any of your houses, you wouldn't throw it out. You know why? Because you are all decent people. And even though you don't go to church every week and tell god how much you love him, or how much you want to be a good person, you're still decent people. These people have the gall to consider themselves "Christians". Well, I must say that what they did was very un-Christian like (which reinforces me theory that oh so many christians go to church because it's been a part of their routine since they were young and not because they actually want to live a christian life).

And you want to know why they did it? It's because they thought Stella and I left the house dirty! Now for all of you who know me (well or even a little), you probably know that I'm obsessed with cleanliness and that I clean all the time (And if you don't, just ask Alyssa, Jon, George, Emily, Vince, Charlotte, Jenn, Andy or Stella, they lived with me for 8 months). Fuck, I usually wash my pots and cooking utinsils before I fuckin eat. Just ask Susan, Christine, and Ryan, who washed every fuckin dish, and who wiped down the stove top, counters and coffee table after our get together a few weeks ago? I fuckin did. Ask Dave, Dinu, Alyssa, Randy, Nick, Stella, Jin, and whoever else came to the potluck, who fuckin cleaned everything? I did. Yep, that's right folks, I always clean everything. Now, apparently the house was a mess when they got to it, but you know what? That's because I moved out on the 19'th, and everyone else moved out a week later! Surprise surprise, I wasn't there to clean everything. So you can imagine how much this pisses me off. I clean, yet I get blamed. What the fuck is up with that?

So if someone did that to your stuff, what would you do if you were in my situation? When Stella first told me what happened, I was thinking of taking a bat to their faces, I really really wanted to crack open their fuckin heads (I can see why there are so many murders in the states, especially since everyone owns a gun). But because of my superior EQ, I've calmed down. Anyways, forgive my terrible spelling and grammar, I was pretty fuckin pissed while typing this.

I think the thing that hurt me the most is that up until now, I always thought that CJ was a really decent guy, but this really came as a huge slap in the face.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 12:21 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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