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Thursday, May 13, 2004

Current Happenings

Van Helsing may not be totally great, but it made a lot of money. George I think you made it a download for me, but I'm considering going to see Troy tomorrow. That looks like a really good one, and my type of genre, war epics. When it comes to City of Heroes, if everyone plays, I may be forced to play =). But I'll need a review from J after a week of playing it to see how he still likes it.

In terms of American myths, like everyone is over weight, etc. I haven't noticed it to be too bad, I think its worse on more of the interior cities. Most people out here seem to be active with the water or etc. I have a friend coming over on the weekend who works with IBM in Raleigh to have some good times so it should be a cool weekend, and then I can give an appropriate review of the nightlife down here.


- Tommyboy @ 9:46 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I saw Van Helsing...

I didn't expect much out of it so I wasn't really disappointed. It's definitely not worth it to see it in the theaters. The movie had no plot, tons of pointless fighting and lots of part where I had no idea what was going on...? The CG was pretty nice and thats about it. It's such a silly movie.

Still deciding whether or not I should get City of Heroes.

Finally got a chance to play Gauntlet Legends... unfortunately I only played it for like 20 minutes, but it was fun as dying didnt matter at all. The only problem was my finger was hurting from the mindless button pushing.

- Backstab @ 11:32 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

City of Heroes 2

Hey Tom, not sure if it gets repetitive yet, I've only had it for 2 days, but I'm still lovin it. I got invited to join a team today and we were fighting against some zombies in an underground cave, it was pretty cool. Anywho, you should try it out, I think you'll like it. I spent another 5 hours or so today making characters, there's so much stuff to customize!

- Ethereal_Monk @ 10:59 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Living in the USA
Well it definetly is different. I do miss Canada, but I certainly don't miss the weather. For those of you who don't know I'm still with Leitch, but I'm at the Virginia office in Virginia Beach. Right now its a great place to be. I have all kinds of details of what has been going on here if your curious.

Also I do miss everybody, but I'm starting to meet all kinds of cool people at work and around where I'm living now. Jason, as far as City of Heroes goes, its very different from what I'm used to but I'd give it a try. I think it would be a step down from FFXI. Does it get repititive? Its kind of cool how everyone is spread out this term, and an online game would be a good way to keep in touch, aside from G being in the wrong time zone. World of Warcraft looks like it will be a while (ie Beginning of August) but I think I will definetly play that one. My FF character is still alive, but I no longer own my account...but it was a crappy character anyways.

In terms of Amazon crappyness, I never had a problem, but the crappyness can definetly be attributed to half of the russians in our class working there, or at least I think it may. Cliff, whats the update on the labour issues, have you moved on? Too bad though, I did like my waffles.

Anyways glad to be reinstated on the poster list, I think the staff page may need updating at tad.

All for now,

- Tommyboy @ 4:44 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? | Lies

Okay, so during the last week of April, I put in an order for Sweetback's new CD "Stage 2", and Chappelle Show: Season One. The estimated time for ship is about three weeks, mostly due to the facts that on super saving shipping method, there's some extra wait time, and that the CD takes "2 to 3 days to ship". I'm fine with 3 weeks, so I place the order.
Today, I recieved this message.

We wanted to let you know there's a delay with one or
items in the order you placed on April 27 2004 18:30 PDT

Sweetback (Artist) "Stage 2 [IMPORT]" [Audio CD]
Item delayed 4-6 weeks.


So I then go to this link to see if they'd updated the availability, and they haven't. Amazon KNOWS this product is unavailable to them, yet they don't update the availability. Thus, lies.

Was this much of a suprise considering all the shit people talk about Amazon? Not really. But I figured I'd have to try it out to form a real opinion of their service. And in my opinion, I'll never try to buy anything from them again. If I want Stage 2, I'll buy it from Artist Direct when it comes in stock.

- Liston @ 4:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, May 10, 2004

City of Heroes

I got it, it's great. I spent the whole day creating characters though because I didn't like the way they looked after I made them, there are lots and lots of things you can customize, very cool. Game play is great, plays just like AC, graphics are 1000x better than AC, audio is pretty cool, quests are cool, it looks like it will be a really fun team game.

Btw, if you guys play, join the "Triumph" server.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 10:48 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Sunday, May 09, 2004

EA Keys

Hey G, can you get me an NBA Live 2004 and NHL 2004 cd key? I'll play city of heroes as long as a few of you guys play as well. I've been looking for a good game to play. I got Ravenshield, it's so damn hard.

Btw, for the hockey tournament this saturday, we still need to make a team. The requirements are 6-8 players, I think we have around 5 or 6 teams right now. I'm thinking me, Stew, Andrew, the Cheevers, Dave, and we need 2 more or so, any ideas?

- Ethereal_Monk @ 11:06 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Finally got internet

So I'm gonna post a bit.

In short, Vancouver is a really clean city. The public transportation is much much much better than Toronto's, there's no doubt about that.

Work has been pretty cool so far. But never mind work, some of their facilites are pretty neat.

Namely, the library.

Basically I can borrow any game, DVD, magazine/books for free. It's hype because I think I'm gonna start borrowing games like crazy, maybe one game per week, and try to play as many different games as possible. They also have an absolutely SICK collection there. I saw some old games, like Baldur's Gate 1, as well as new games, like Far Cry.

The arcade is also pretty cool and I spend some time there, it's got most of the classic games like Marvel vs Capcom, Daytona etc. There's also Gauntlet Legends there. It's great because everything there is free... I'm thinking, maybe one day, I'll sit there and finish Gauntlet Legends in one sitting.

City of Heroes look really good and it's got pretty good's pretty tempting, I dunno, anyone?

Oh and one of the guys I chill with at work knows Sandy. Small world huh?

- Backstab @ 3:25 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

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City of Heroes (PC)

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What the questions is, is still a mystery.

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and get
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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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