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Terror Alert Level

Thursday, October 21, 2004

That's right bitches!

The Red Sox eliminate the Yanks! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! The highest paid team in the MLB, New York Yankees. Highest paid team in the NBA, New York Knicks. Highest paid team in the NHL, New York Rangers. I'm so glad that New York sucks at everything!!!!

- Ethereal_Monk @ 1:13 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, October 18, 2004

The grandson of Kwai Chang Caine walks out of the past.

But I want to fight."
"Yes. So did your great-grandfather when he was your age."
He teaches his son wisdom at a Shaolin temple. An evil force destroyed that temple. Father and son each believed the other had perished. Fifteen years later they were reunited.
Now Caine faced new challenges.
And his son grew up.
"Look, I'm not my father. I don't do kung fu. I'm a cop. That's who I am. That's what I do."
"I am Caine. I will help you."

Liston, couldn't stop repeating this in the car. Why? Because i told him about Tivo. For those who don't know, Tivo "timeshifts" TV shows, which means you can arrange your TV schedule around you, as opposed to you around the TV show. Awesome tech, but there are many evils of Tivo. The first being the above, KungFu: The Legend Continues (KF:TLC). Yes you could record all 4 seasons of KF:TLC, but why would you?

Tivo is currently not available in Canada. Thank God! Looking at Tivo, it's actually a pretty good service. It's cost of player + monthly or cost of player + one time life time fee. The one time fee is about a year's worth of monthlys so it's not going to kill you. The player on the other hand might. Why? you ask? because TV watching can be painless again. No more commercials and no excuse for missing a show. It is what i feared, Tivo might be good.

Tivo, as i've heard will also record programs that it believes you will like. Unfortunately, it's not perfect. Resulting in the feared, My Tivo Thinks I'm Gay. Caught watching some will and grace? will tivo might start recording Queer Eye or Queer as Folk. Or in the article, compensate with war films, Tivo will think your a Nazi.

I personally welcome our new overlords and i think Tivo will be a good thing.

"I am Caine. I will help you." I mean
The One and Only,

- ?!?!@? @ 4:34 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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