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Saturday, November 13, 2004

Cellular Telephones

What the hell are people using their cell phones for these days? I just bought a Nokia 3220 for $50 bucks and it's got so many extra features. I bought it because it has a speakerphone (for driving), 300 hour battery life, and it was only $50 bucks. But I was reading reviews from other people on this phone, and a few of them were saying stuff like, this phone is shit because it only captures 10 seconds of live video. wtf man. It's a goddamn telephone. Does anyone really need a camera in their phone? Now, I'm not turning my nose up to people who use camera phones, hell, my nokia has one too, but damn, if you really wanted a phone with camera like qualities, buy a cheap phone, then buy a damned camera. It's almost, if not a better price to buy separately than to buy a $400 cell phone with a good integrated camera. As well, no one really reviews important aspects of cellular phones, like battery life. They barely talk about quality of microphone or reception anymore. Damnit, what a society we live in.

Join the revolution. FUCK TECHNOLOGY.

- Liston @ 7:30 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Thursday, November 11, 2004

How to create a hit R&B single...

Someone posted this on a forum I visit...

- Backstab @ 11:37 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

WOW Decisions!

First of all, we have to decide if we're going to make Alliance or Horde characters because we all have to go either Alliance or Horde, you can't have both. Things you should know: Alliance members can't add Horde members to their friends list or even message them in the game. Yeah, Blizzard made the division pretty hardcore. I've played a character to level 3 or so on both sides and I'd say they're equally fun, but right now I'm leaning more towards the alliance because NE and Dwarf were pretty fun to play and they're more aesthetically pleasing. The Horde was alright to play (Troll Shaman was fun) but the warrior class blows.

Anyways, when the real game comes out, I'll either go NE Druid or Troll Shaman. Let me know what you guys think and we'll choose a side.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 1:03 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

WOW!?... Not that wow...

I started playing World of Warcraft today, made an NE Druid on Test18. My first impression of the game is that although the graphics are nice, it probably won't be as fun as Asheron's Call. Maybe it'll get better as you guys join because hunting solo is kinda boring, I was killing spiders/owls/wolves and now I'm level 4. You can't do as many things as you can in AC (life magic, creature magic, item magic, weapon of choice, mana conversion, arcane lore, etc etc). It plays a bit like Asheron's Call 2, but I've only been playing for an hour, so hopefully it gets better. Anyways, let me know your name when you join, I'll try to find out how the different species can meet.

- Ethereal_Monk @ 6:46 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

World of Warcraft
So yes as Liston has alluded to, the struggle between fantasy internet characters and real life will wage on again with Blizzards attempt at a MMORPG. Well, I've played a few now, and I have some pretty strong dislikes and likes to these games. I guess I've played Asherons Call, Everquest, FFXI, StarWars Galaxies, City of Heroes, AC2, and now World of Warcraft. I started the open beta yesterday, so far so good. My favourite out of the previous list is definetly FFXI. That game, all be it, incredibly time consuming, was rich and story as well as features. You could get lost in that world for long periods at a time. I stopped because I didn't have a life anymore and had to reclaim it.

So first and foremost, I'm testing out World of Warcraft to see if casual play is possible. Can I play a couple hours a day and not get bored of doing the same stuff all the time (CoH had this problem in my opinion). So as I play through it I'll check all these things out. What I don't think I'll do is buy it too soon in the near future, but that also depends on if we can finish these two looming projects George and I have over our heads. Also I am concerned about exams too, but I'm sure I could stick to a steady diet of WoW and studying. For other people giving WoW the old test drive I'm on server Test 18 as a Tauren Druid, but I'm looking to try a bunch of other races/professions out. If we can all play on Test 18 that would be cool.

Other Notes of Interest

As many do know, I'm joining Backstab out on the west coast for work. I'll be stateside working in Seattle @ I'm really excited to see what working there is like. Also to note, I'm planning on going to vegas for a weekend 18-22 if anyone is interested we can set that up. My door is always open to anyone who wants to visit, even if I don't know where that door is yet.

School this term is going pretty well, classes are ok, not the best but bearable. I just keep repeating 2 more terms, 2 more terms. On a suprising note, the Software Engineering basketball team went 5-1 believe or not, nerds can play some ball.

Cheers for now!!

- Tommyboy @ 4:00 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Restricted Names

I was browsing thru the World of Warcraft site and came across the issue of naming your character. They restrict any names that have...

Internet slang
Real world references


Names like "King Funk", "roxorinurboxors","AbrahamLinKon", "Electric_Jesus", "Vengeful_Jesus", "Porno_Batman", "Maximum_sausage", "sex_Fantastic", and "nnnnnnnnnnn" are just not freakin' allowed. wtf.

Anyways, who's gonna play WOW. Just bought ram on the net, should be here soon. 2x256 modules. oh yeah, gonna fail exams too.

- Liston @ 11:39 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



PP Awards 2002!!!

PP Awards 2001

Backstab Recommends..

City of Heroes (PC)

Backstab's Music Picks

1. Break & Hydro - Breathless
2. SKC & Bratwa - Solitude
3. C4C - Turn The Lights Down

Top 10

Becoming A Chef

Liston's Music of the Minute

"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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