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Terror Alert Level

Monday, December 06, 2004

Shit Day

I woke up at 8:30am. The plans were to write a test at noon, and go to another class at 4pm. So I look out the window at 9am and boom, light snowstorm. I think, okay no problem. I've been leaving 2 hours before every class so I can get adjusted for when winter comes (fall I get there usually 40 minutes early for anything). I hit the bus stop at 10:15am, and wait until 10:45am. One bus comes by, but doesn't stop because it's full. And it is COLD. It gets till 11am and I start to panic because of my test at noon, and that my hands and face are on the verge of frostbite. I run across the street, withdraw money for a cab, and go back to my apartment. Call a cab, get in, and the driver asks me if I have a lot of money and if I like to wait in traffic. He tells me that police are diverting traffic on Yonge street at Clark. A few minutes on Yonge, and the driver switches to Bayview... same amount of traffic. I see a bus, tell him to drop me and I get on a Bayview southbound bus. All this while, I'm trying to call my professor to tell her whats up, and I get through, and she says I can write the test on Wednesday. We stop at Bayview and John because some dude on the radio tells the driver to wait for someone. We idle for about 5 minutes total, all the while people are yelling at the driver. I get to Finch station at 12:30pm, walk towards the turnkey, hesitate, and walk away. I get on the next bus northbound via Yonge, and I notice that two busses southbound (my usual bus southbound) have spilled out on a giant hill (the one near that golf course). Not only that, but police have blocked off Yonge street at 3 different areas, clark, royal orchard, and steeles. Over the radio, EMS was dispatched to one of the busses, but they were gone by the time I saw them going north. So I contemplate that maybe NOT getting to school was a good idea today. I get home, washroom, tea, pig, and I log into WoW, and IT'S DOWN. Check website, maintenance at 1:30pm for an hour, look at my watch, it's 1:30pm.

So time for a cigarette.

- Liston @ 1:34 PM

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1. Break & Hydro - Breathless
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What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
fleur-de-lis tattoos

Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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