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Terror Alert Level

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hockey sucks

Screw the NHLPA. What greedy little fuckers. I support the owners and I believe a salary cap is needed. Take the pay cut bitches. If I ever earn over a million a year, I'd live like a fuckin pimp. So stop complaining.

Then again who gives a fuck about hockey when there's WoW, and when this weekend is the Super Bowl weekend...

Will post again when Selekta is level 60.

- Backstab @ 3:33 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, January 31, 2005

Today I went to work a waterpark

What was that?
Does my title not make sense?
Give it a moment...

So I head to work today, do the typical stuff, when suddenly one of the women in the office comes by and says "Guys, I think we should leave the building. There's water coming down the stairs..."
What do you think of doing first?
a) Grabbing your stuff and getting the hell outta there
b) Shutting down the power to the servers so they don't short out (worst-case)
c) Checking out if your co-worker is crazy

For most of us today, the order was c-b-a.
"Lies!" you say? Not lies.
Apparently, some guy was going to the washroom in the floor above us, and when he flushed the urinal, (or toilet, but i believe urinal) the main pipe from the top just burst, and so began an early lunch.
I didn't see him personally, but I heard the poor guy was soaked.

Anyways, after the announcement, we shut down all our systems and head outside via elevator, or the second set of stairs (which wasn't imitating a mini-waterfall) and wait at the front for news on the gushing urinal.
Then a fire truck appears. It, and its occupants, didn't do much. They just stuck around as backup. My co-worker who took these pictures also took one with the truck behind us, but I don't have it right now. I'll add it when I get it.
While outside, I had a conversation with a guy from Desire to Learn, a company G used to co-op at. They were on the floor below us, and they have their stairwell door propped open. They probably won't anymore. The guy told us that a majority of their floor was wet, but he didn't know the status of their systems, which they had shut down as well.

Anyways, we eventually got the OK to go back upstairs, and all we were left with was a couple square meters of wet carpet, and a fear of going to the washroom.

PS. This is the first time I will applaud camera phones, without which these photos would not have been possible.

- DarkAesthir @ 10:04 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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