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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Guild Wars Reviews

I'm amazed at how inaccurate a lot of the GW reviews are. Like, a lot of them are completely wrong when describing a lot of the game functions. However, I do have some first impressions.


-No monthly fee
-Constant streamed updates (they updated just as I was farming crazy items)
-Beautiful graphics
-Excellent storyline missions(I like how they incorporate your characters into the videos)
-The world is HUGE (Didn't think the world would be so big for no monthly fee to be honest)


-Economy is sorta messed up (No auction house, people are currently spamming trade channels non stop)
-No persistent world map (not quite sure this is a con yet tho)
-Armor is in sets, and very few when compared to something like Diablo or WoW
-Problems with game functions pertaining to gathering and maintaining a group
-No way to judge difficulty of quests, you have to guess

There are a few other things that I can't really define as a pro or a con, and it comes down to what you think of certain things that have been implemented. For example, you can only take 8 skills (out of a possible 150) into battle. I like this idea, and it sorta mirrors games like Magic where you have to choose what skills you want and how you'll implement those skills. I like how there are multiple versions of one type of character class, for example, you have 4 trees in your standard mage class: fire, water, earth, and wind. But since you can only bring 8 skills into battle, and you also have to take into account a secondary profession, you start getting strange combinations of character. You start having warriors that can heal themselves, warriors with auras, warriors with air magic, mages trained with axes, and stuff like that.

I have to say that this game constantly impresses me, and every time I figure that I've reached end game... that this is how I should play the game and no way other, another element of the game pops up, and it throws my whole system out of whack.

- Liston @ 4:34 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Canadian Parliament Is Stupid

I'm watching our democracy in action, and it's retarded. When politicians talk, other politicians curse and insult them while they do it. The speaker still calls a "those in favour say yea, all opposed say nea", then the speaker says "Well, I think the yeas have it cause they were louder... but lets count it". As well, many of the politicians when they vote are forgotten about, especially the independants. As I watch, they were like "oh, I forgot Mr. Michaels, 1 for yea". How can you forget a seat??? There's got to be a better way to organize our government.

- Liston @ 6:29 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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