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Saturday, December 10, 2005

EVE Character Stats Info

For those creating characters on EVE Online, I didn't realize how important it is to choose the correct stats when you do your character generation. The following is a quick explaination of the stats.

Perception & Willpower - Relates to starship command/weapon systems/ship upgrades

Memory & Intelligence - Relates to learning(v. important, increases all stats), mining ($$ making)

Charisma - Least important in my opinion, minimum amount of points here. Relates to corporation mgmt/npc interaction/economy

If I had to reroll a character, I'd dump a majority into intel/memory, then percept/will, and minimal into charisma.

Schools(skills) aren't as important, as you can buy "books" to learn your skills. They are basically freebie skills in char-gen.

- Liston @ 12:17 AM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Free 14-Day Eve Online Passes

... have been sent out. G, I didn't send you one cause I know you're still playing WoW. If anyone else wants passes, there's no limit. One per e-mail I suppose.

- Liston @ 9:56 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, December 05, 2005

*Title omitted for fear of scaring people away from this post*

Okay, I was kind of hesitant to watch it at first, since I probably have the best knowledge of Japanese society's perpensity to do insane things and have it televised.
That, and the fact that this guy's name is Hard Gay.
I don't know what to think, but if you do after watching it, please don't tell me.
Let me bask in the action of scraping my eyes out with my laughter-organs, whatever they are.

- DarkAesthir @ 9:43 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Screwed Up

Is it just me or has the world been more messed up than usual recently.

- The U.S Government has told the public that they do not torture captives. Yet new accusations have arisen that CIA light planes have been seen landing in Nunavut and New Brunswick. The charge is that they are bringing captives to Canada and torturing them here. Yay. Canada = Torture capital of North America.

- Los Angeles Times have reported that the U.S. military has been funding freelance reporters in Iraq to give pro-U.S. articles to Iraqi newspapers. The U.S. military has confirmed this.

- Beware of the "Filipino" looking rapist lerking around Pape and Danforth. It's been reported that he's assaulting women with a large knife. Note to self, don't walk around the Danforth for the next month or two.

- I hope you're not eating bean sprouts. You know how I'm always saying that I don't eat them because of the relatively high chance of food poisoning? As of now, a lot (if not all) bean sprouts in Toronto have been recalled due to salmonella contamination. If you're gonna eat bean sprouts, make sure you trust the company/people who handle them. As far as I'm concerned, sprouts should be considered sanitation-wise as fish.

In other news, I have been really bored lately, so I decided to online purchase Planetside and Eve Online. Each was selling for $20 US. Played Planetside for one freaking day, and never played it again. It was crap to the max. Eve Online on the other hand is extremely good, if you like things like spaceships and privateering. It's basically Privateer 2: The Darkening, expand all the trade commodities, ship upgrades, ship types, and let the player community run the entire economy. Then remove the first person shooter aspect, and put in the Starfleet Command 3 ship control interface. I think I'm gonna play this for the next 4 months over Tabula Rasa for various reasons.

Oh yeah, I've been listening to Eve-Radio, which is kinda cool to listen to while you play. The do a lot of lotteries in-game, and play a wide range of music. I was suprised how professional this online radio station (run by volunteers) is.

- Liston @ 3:16 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |



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What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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