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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Free Fall Out Boy Concert

Apparently they're doing a free concert at Yonge-Dundas square this Saturday (May 13th) at noon. Here's some info, but you can find more through a search.
I know Randy's into their music, so he may want to go and check them out. Hopefully they won't have any form of gambling down there, or he may not be responsible for his actions.
Doubt I'll go, just thought I'd let everyone know. I figure the downtown people are the most likely to take part.

- DarkAesthir @ 1:59 PM

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Super Sports Bonanza This Weekend!

Hockey Friday evening (probably 9:30 pm at the no frills), football saturday afternoon (2 pm at St.Robs). Send me a msg or post a comment if you want to come or need more details

- Ethereal @ 6:44 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Whats up with the working world?

Man its weird to be back in the working world coding again. This time its not like oh I'm just an intern let me blend in with the walls. I'm actually taking like an affirmative action trying to push forward big changes and champion' some issues. Its a total different perspective.

Its also weird not worrying about signing up for a raid or something. I've been looking at the new stuff coming out and other then Naraxxmus in the world of WoW nothing really seems too interesting. Also wth is going on with the guild. People jumping ship and shit, things from my perspective (ie looking at raid stats etc) things look good. And you guys have made progress on C'Thun so I don't really get it. Someone enlighten me.

Also, I know a lot of people are still in Waterloo but for those hanging around town if something is happening let me know. Work email: thomas.marsden AT so drop me a line. I'm working @ York Mills and Don Mills for the balance of the month and then I'll just be working sparadically from home. I sent out an evite for a bbq Diana and I want to have at the end of May to bring everyone together if I missed anyone let me know, and/or add them to the invite.

As far as I recall at the moment that is what is happening in my world. Also what is up with companies keeping the A/C running so hard that you feel you have to wear a winter jacket at my own desk just to keep warm.

Whats up with that!!

Also to add, Toronto traffic licks my left nut. That is all. Marsden out.

- Tommyboy @ 5:26 PM

Rotten Tomatoes? |

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mage Talent Preview - My thoughts

I'm overall pleased with these changes. With evocation trainable as a skill and arcane explosion becoming instant without talents. Other notable changes is that shatter affecting ALL spells (not just frost), point reduction on talents in improved scorch and burning soul, and the addition of a new talent called master elementalist (which refunds mana when you crit with a fire/frost spell)

Now I know a lot of other mages who I talked to are geniunely pissed off at the changes. I understand that a lot of people were expecting invisibility, or improved damage talents/survivability on spells. Here's my take: I really don't understand why people think mages don't do enough dps, and I really think you're playing the class completely wrong if you're making these statements. I mean, sure I might be slightly gear spoiled, but still, resists and misses are fixable with gear. Damage can be fixed with gear. I remember I stopped complaining the moment I got a couple items with to hit and a couple items with the spell penetration stat. And really, don't judge the class because they can't beat soul-linked warlocks and BM hunters in duels - they are MEANT to outlast you. And don't give me that crap where you get 2 shotted by a rogue or a hunter... you need more stamina. It's funny because you see so many mages running around with like 3000 HP whining about getting 2 shotted all the time -so many mages don't know how to gear themselves out.

The 1st build that I'll try will be this one, a fire build with ice block and 5/5 shatter. A pretty interesting build which basically has good dps with the quickness of scorch, and good defense from ice block/coldsnap, and fast rank 1 bolts.

The real bonus I see in this build over a more frost oriented elemental build is that it would be a much safer build - since you're going to be using scorch or fireball 100% of the time, your ice spells won't get locked up, which means your ice block will always be available whenever its up.

Then again - I wouldn't be surprised if I go back to 30 fire/21 arcane for POM.

- Backstab @ 1:47 AM

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"Love Like This Before (Remix)"
- Faith Evans

What the questions is, is still a mystery.

It is time to get drunk
and get
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Etheral's Quotes
Of the an undetermined amount of time. 

Do you think the townspeople will ever find Hamster Hueys head?.

Yes. I will personally purchase you Hitlers car.

I will shit well tonight!
-Slave from Just Visiting-



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